November 2011 Moms

Favorite Time of Day

It's been a long road, but my daughter's bed time is now my favorite time of the day.  We have a solid routine, and she now goes down without a fuss and completely awake.  There is the occasional interruption, of course, but for the most part, she's really good.  We have fun at bath time, we sing songs, we count her toys and draw pictures with bath crayons.  She loves to read Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type, and Llama Llama Red Pajama with Daddy every night.  She "brushes" her teeth.  Recently we've added saying her prayers.  Every night I ask her to say "amen," and she says, "don't leave out Lightning! Amen!"  Can you tell what her favorite movie is?!?!  And then we sing the lullaby and she rests her head on my shoulder.  Last night, as I was singing to her, my mind wandered to those wee hours in the morning when she was just weeks old falling back asleep after a feeding, and then, I couldn't help but thinking how fast that seemed to change, and worried about how soon it would be before she wouldn't want me to sing her to sleep anymore.  No matter what else happens during the day, all of it is erased and the world is perfect as long as I have my time with her every night.  

What is your favorite time of day with your baby?
December Siggy Challenge:

A Charlie Brown Christmas



Re: Favorite Time of Day

  • ditto with bath and bed!!! I also love weekend mornings when i can go get him out of bed and he is still a bit sleepy and sitting on my lap (like aright now)
  • Now, I have to admit, DD is generally a very good sleeper so I think that's why I can "enjoy" this time.  This doesn't happen all the time (though we have been going though a sleeping rough patch the past couple weeks), but I'll be the weirdo who loves (90% of the time) those nights when DD has trouble sleeping.  Because I can tell she is sleepy and she's either having a hard time falling asleep or maybe had a bad dream and something woke her up.  But we rock in the chair and she melts into my shoulder and instead of stressing about how much both of us should be asleep, I remind myself that she won't be this small forever and our nighttime snuggles like this will end soon.  Awwwwww...
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