I am running my first half in less than 3 weeks. I have been training since May using Hal Higdon's novice training plan. For this plan, the longest long run is 10 miles. I have done two 10 milers in the past and the most I have trained for those is 8, so training 10 for a half seemed to make sense. Now I am looking at other training plans and see that some of them go all the way up to the full 13. My irrational and anxious mind is playing tricks on me and now I am feeling like 10 is not going to be enough. Can someone set my mind at ease? My training has been going very well and I am running two days a week at 5 miles and one long run. TIA!
Re: If you have done a half marathon...??
Yep - just looking to finish. It would be nice to come in around 2:30 but my ultimate goal is to cross the finish line.
I will warn you, I don't know if it's related, but my first two half marathons I really hit a wall at mile 11. But at that point it's easy to tell yourself just 2 miles to go!