Health & Exercise

If you have done a half marathon...??

I am running my first half in less than 3 weeks.  I have been training since May using Hal Higdon's novice training plan.  For this plan, the longest long run is 10 miles.  I have done two 10 milers in the past and the most I have trained for those is 8, so training 10 for a half seemed to make sense.  Now I am looking at other training plans and see that some of them go all the way up to the full 13.  My irrational and anxious mind is playing tricks on me and now I am feeling like 10 is not going to be enough.  Can someone set my mind at ease?  My training has been going very well and I am running two days a week at 5 miles and one long run.  TIA!

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Re: If you have done a half marathon...??

  • I have no advice for you...but my first half is in less than 3 weeks too, so just curious what one you were doing!  (And, for the record, my longest run so far is just over 10 and will be adding a mile a week the next two weeks, but given the past few weeks I am pretty confident I can do it.)
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  • I am doing the Wilson Bridge Half in DC.

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  • JoeLies said:

    I think 10 miles is just fine, especially if your goal is just to finish.  I usually run at least one 14 or 15 miler BUT I'm usually going in with a time goal or wanting to PR.  I think I topped out at 11 for my first one.  The adrenaline was plenty to get me through those last couple miles.

    Agree with this if the goal is to complete the distance vs. Racing it for a certain time. If you followed a training plan for beginners or novice and feeling good at 10 miles then the half is very achievable.

  • Yep - just looking to finish.  It would be nice to come in around 2:30 but my ultimate goal is to cross the finish line.

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  • I've never run more than 10 miles before a half.  You'll be fine!  I've used the Hal Higdon plan too and really liked it.

    I will warn you, I don't know if it's related, but my first two half marathons I really hit a wall at mile 11.  But at that point it's easy to tell yourself just 2 miles to go!
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  • I have run several half marathons and my longest runs have all been between 10 and 11 miles. It sounds like you will be well prepared. Good luck!!
  • If you can do 10, you can do a half.  I usually go from 13-15 before mine, but I have a time goal.  Good luck!
  • You will get through it and of course finish. I've ran over 10 halfs and I've always found myself more confident and prepared when I ran 12 during peak training. Nevertheless your goal is to finish and you will - having done a 10. Good luck!
  • I've been running for 15 years with my first half about 10 years ago.  I only did 10 leading up to my first.  Its enough.  Not to say those last three won't feel tough on race day, but its supposed to be tough!  I would not do more than that and risk being tired/overtrained.  

    I've also done several marathons and have never done more than a 20-mile training run before a marathon.  You're supposed to be fresh and ready on race day.  Doing too much training before hand will backfire (not saying you should not train -- you should; just that you don't need to run more than 10 miles as a LR)
  • I usually run 12 miles before my half and I'm going for a time goal.
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  • Heck I race for PRs and I still only do 10-11 miles as my long runs before halfs.

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  • Training to 10 miles is fine, adrenaline and excitement will carry you for the final 3.1. Good luck! :)
  • I ran my first half on my longest run being 10 miles. I agree that adrenaline will send you coasting through those last 3.1 miles. Stay positive! Stay hydrated! Enjoy!
  • I've run about 15 half marathons and one full one. You will totally be fine with a 10 mile training run as your longest distance. The long runs are really only there to get your body used to going that long. An extra 3 miles isn't going to matter. When I trained for the marathon, the longest training run we did was 18-20 miles. That's 6 miles short of the full race and I was totally fine. If you were going to beat a personal record or something I'd say totally run 15 milers, etc. but just to finish 10 is fine! Good luck! They're addicting :)
  • I ran three times a week, with one long run a week (10, 12 and 13 miles), 3 weeks leading up to the race. I did train to the full 13 miles before the race, and I am glad I did, because the race was enjoyable and as a bonus I beat my time by 30 minutes when I wasn't even trying to. I did the Rock n' Roll half marathon.

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  • 10 miles is totally fine! Don't worry. I used the same training plan for my first half and I finished. You will be fine!!!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker

  • I agree that ten is enough. I ran one a year ago and did two tens. It just doesn't make sense to me to run to 13. It's like something special saved for race day.
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  • How did you end up doing with your half?
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  • I finished in about two and a half hours.  It was very hilly so I was pleased with that time.  Thanks for all of the sage advice :)

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