We spend so much time planning and preparing for L&D. I know that I spent hours thinking about what could happen, what I would do, and what I may need. The music post got me thinking of LOs birth. Most of my labor was a blur but there are several things that stuck out in my mind and surprised me.
-When they placed LO on my chest I remember being surprised at how she smelled. The sweet smell of amniotic fluid is burned into my memory.
-I was surprised at how labor started out of the blue. I was laying on the couch napping and then all of a sudden a pop and contractions started.
-I was surprised at how vocal I was, like the yelling, screaming, moaning vocal as I am normally a quiet, reserved person.
Anyone else want to comment on what surprised you about L&D or pregnancy in general?
Re: What surprised you?
I was suprised/startled/freaked out by how frequently they upped the pitocin when I was being induced. I had thought of induction as a one-time event and wasn't prepared for the actual experience.
I was suprised by how slippery DS was when they put him on my abdomen following birth. I could barely hold on to him.
I was suprised by how negative the postpartum nurses were about breastfeeding and by some of the weird information I got to "help" me. Sorry, nurse, LO does not need sugar water to "whet his appetite."
I was suprised by how absolutely giddy it made me when someone complimented DS, even on things neither of us had any control over. (E.g., Them: "What beautiful little fingers he has!" Me, in my head: "Why thank you. I grew him myself.")
I was (unpleasantly) surprised I felt the contractions almost exclusively in my rectum.
I was also a moaner. Did not expect that.
DS, May 2011
Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old
I was surprised that the pain actually did take my breathe away.
I was surprised by how difficult transition was. I knew it was going to be bad but it was a whole other level of pain I had never experienced.
I was amazed at the complete euphoria I felt when DD was placed on my chest and I realized she was here safe and sound and that was done with labor and had gone completely natural. It was the craziest high I had ever experienced.
-I was surprised at how bad the stitches hurt. They were painful even with lidocaine.
-I was surprised that my body would start pushing when I was only 8.5 cm. I never knew something like that could happen.
-I was surprised that I never felt LO drop. I always thought I would feel something change/different to know laboring was coming.
The pain of stitches and how LONG it took to get those done with.
That labour really did start out of the blue, and that I did know this time that it was labour pretty much from contraction #1.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
-I was surprised at how terrified I was to have my first postpartum bowl movement.
-I was surprised to have the shakes after I delivered LO, I never knew that could happen and was normal.
-I was surprised at how much pushing hurt, I thought it would be easier. LO had a nuchal hand and pushing was a nightmare.
I was surprised by how much blood there was. I was up and around through my whole L&D, and I wasn't expecting the blood trickling down my legs the whole time.
I was surprised at how well my DH did throughout labor. I didn't have high hopes, but he blew me away.
Great post!
IVF # 1 ~ Antagonist ~ ER 1/27/11~ ET 1/30/11 ~ + HPT 7dp3dt
DD born med-free on 10/24/11
I have another one...
I was surprised by how weak I was for the first few days. I could barely shower without help. It was like I had been run over by a tractor trailer.
I was surprised by how hungry I was in early labor. I ate a foot long turkey sub about 5 hrs before I delivered DD and it was GOOD.
IVF # 1 ~ Antagonist ~ ER 1/27/11~ ET 1/30/11 ~ + HPT 7dp3dt
DD born med-free on 10/24/11
I was surprised that I didn't feel normal in between contractions. My labor started with cramping, and once the contractions started, I always had a baseline of painful cramping. I never had relief from the pain, even in early labor.
I am surprised I didn't ask for an epidural during transition (DH was instructed not to give it to me, but I'm surprised I didn't even mention it).
I was surprised that pushing didn't really hurt and was easier for me than labor.
I hate to admit it, but I was surprised that I wasn't immediately in love with DS. It took me an hour or so for it to hit me that I was a mom now and to be infatuated with him. I made it through labor without drugs and afterwards, I kind of just wanted to be alone and relax. We did the whole Golden Hour/Skin to Skin, but I felt in shock.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
FTM: I was surprised:
that I didn't punch the nurse who wanted a copy of my insurance card right.this.second despite having pre-registered with the hospital.
at how fast labor went. It felt too fast. Only 1 person even knew we were in the hospital. Mostly we woke people up with the, "it's a boy!" phone call. I had a hard time processing everything emotionally.
that it wasn't as painful as I thought it would be, and that pushing felt downright good.
I was surprised she came out butt first. (TIC, sort of.... I was surprised to find out she was breech when I was in labor. When she actually came out, I knew to expect her butt first).
I was surprised how often I had to pee! seems like after every contraction
surprised how easily the body came out after she turned which felt really weird btw
and surprised how quickly I forgot the pain
Engaged 10/2/1202
BFP (a lil quicker than expected) 12/7/2012
Married to my best friend 12/24/2012
Beautiful baby girl arrived 8/15/2013
BFP #2 3/13/2016
Hello you warrior women, I am just today lurking over here as im not a huge computer person and oh my goodness am I glad I did. OP YOU ROCK with this post! As a momma who is having her 3rd come october and it going to be a VBAC after 2 sections not to mention a home birth naturally, this post was what I needed to read. Labor sucks, its hard ( I have labored just never delivered) but you all prove natural is the way to go and is worth it! I totally needed to read this! Thank you!!
Make a pregnancy ticker
- Like a PP said, I was surprised that I bled so much the entire time I was in labor. Very messy!
- I was surprised how great my squeamish DH was through the whole thing. Even watched the placenta come out!
- I was surprised and amazed the moment DD came out of me, flailing and wailing and eyes wide open. That beautiful baby had been inside me the whole time!
- I was surprised I didn't have that overwhelming urge to push. Not at all. I was just like, "it feels like she's coming out of me" and it was time to push!
- I was surprised how much easier the pushing was than the rest of labor.
- Like a PP said, I was surprised that the pain wasn't the hardest part it was the exhaustion. Then again, I was in labor for 42 hours!
- I was surprised that, try as I might, I couldn't eat a thing once I was in active labor. I could even swallow solids. Thankfully I was able to get down lots of water and Gatorade.
- I was surprised that as soon as I saw my daughter I knew I'd do it all over in a heartbeat, even right then!
Married 10-20-12 | First Baby Due 1-22-14 | Team PINK | Me (29) Hubby (33)
January 2014 | December Siggy Challenge | Favorite Christmas Movie: "It Nearly Wasn't Christmas"
I was surprised at how quiet I became as labor progressed.
I was surprised that I got terrible shakes- it's so common but I'd never heard of it in all my research.
I was surprised that an epidural was never pushed on me by the hospital nursing staff. I was prepared to fight for an unmediated birth and they never brought up drugs at all.
First Birth:
- I was surprised at how long it took (23 hours).
- I was surprised that labor started by a bloody show rather than my water breaking.
- I was surprised by how long PP bleeding/lochia lasted.
-I was surprised by how much the stitches hurt afterwards.
-I was also surprised that I didn't feel that overwhelming love right after birth that everyone talks about. I didn't feel it until after we got home from the hospital and I had a chance to emotionally process everything.
- I was surprised a how small DS was, and how scared I was to change his clothes. I thought I might break him.
- I was surprised at how good DH was with DS right away. He was so calm & just awesome.
Second birth:
- I was surprised about how completely different my labor was than with my first.
-I was surprised a how awesome my body was & how I was able to handle back labor!
- I was surprised at how emotional it was holding LO for the first time. I did feel that overwhelming love this time even though I didn't with my first.
- I was surprised at how much I loved that first breastfeeding experience.
- I was surprised that I was able to get up and walk around just a few hours after birth. Also we left the hospital after around 24 hours & I walked up to school to pick-up DS1. I felt amazing!
I was surprised by:
-How short the whole thing was (only 10 hours from start to finish)
-That I had back labor in addition to normal labor which made it more horrible beyond words
-That I felt like throwing up so much that they had to give me Zofran(spelling?) when I was neer that bad during the pregnancy
-That I was able to get up and walk around within half an hour
-How badly I did with labor (everyone says I did great but I don't really believe them)
-And I wasn't surprised by this but I know my mom and my doula were, how great DH did. He had no interest in helping me prep so everyone except me assumed he would be pretty much useless but when I was hurting he was there for me to hold onto and was the one whispering in my ear how beautiful and amazing I was. I couldn't have done it without him
I was surprised at how there was no pain between each contraction
I was surprised that I didn't care who was in the room when I gave birth
I was surprised at how I didn't complain about the pain or mess once during labor or delivery, but when they asked me to cut the cord (DH missed the birth since I didn't think I was in labor and sent him to work) I said "eww no" and made my mom do it because it freaked me out
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1st - I was surprised at how out of it I was . My birthing instructor had mentioned you could be in a daze through labor and everything looks fuzzy but going through it was strange .
I was surprised that even though I was in transition I could still fall asleep in between contractions.
I was surprised that after our daughter was born I never got the high everyone always talks about.
Everything about pp was a surprise . My placenta never detached so 20 minutes after the birth I had to hand over my daughter and have my midwife manually remove the placenta . ( labor was nothing to this . I went natural so I had no pain meds to help with it either )
I was surprised I had to be transferred to the hospital and agian surprised it took two hours for anyone to see me by which time I had hemorrhaged to the point my hair was was covered in blood.
I was surprised I needed a blod transfusion .
I was surprised that because of the swelling it felt like there was a Mellon between my legs for days and that I couldn't stand up or take a shower for a week.
I was surprised that my milk never came in and my daughter never latched .
2nd- I was surprised that labor was so quick , only four hours start to finish.
I was surprised that I didn't feel pain at all while pushing .
I was surprised that pp contractions hurt worse with the more kids you have . It took me off guard .
I was surprised how fast I was up and moving around . 2 hours after her birth I was taking a shower and three days pp I was at the park for a play date .
3rd - I was surprised that I went into labor early ( 36 weeks 4 days) my first two were late .
I was surprised it took so long 29 hours . My first was 10 1/2 and my second was 4.
I was surprised I could feel him descending through the birth canal.
4 th- I was surprised I progressed so quickly . Went from contractions at ten minutes apart for 2 1/2 hours to BAM 3 minutes apart.
I was surprised that after calling my midwife to let her know she informed me there was already someone at the birth center and I was looking at a home birth. I was so upset. All three of my other kids were water births born at the birth center . My house wasn't cleaned and my kids were home , I didn't have a tub and this wasn't what I wanted , not to mention my midwife most likely wouldn't have been there .
I was surprised that 20 minutes after hanging up with my midwife my contractions got closer and more intense and she wasnt answering her phone so against everything I have ever wanted and everything I believed was best for me and my baby I had to make the best choice I had and head to the hospital . I wasn't willing to risk an unassisted home birth.
I was pleasantly surprised when I got there I was 8 cm and that 30 minutes later I was fully dialated .
I was surprised at how open they were to my plans for a natural birth and that they let me labor they way I wanted and not on the standerd on your back position .
I was surprised they were so nice and caring at the hospital ( there not known for being that great)
I was surprised that the pp uterine contractions were not as intense as I thought they were going to be which leads me to my next surprise . I was surprised that a week after my daughters birth I had to head back into the ER where I learned my uterus was not clamping down and I needed a D&C and a blood transfusion .
All in all there's been many surprises some I haven't even mentioned . Just expect to be surprised every time !