
NMR: DD lost her tooth this morning

DD fell last October and her front tooth turned light grey about a month later. In December we took her to the dentist where they did an xray and it showed no significant damage that could harm her permanent tooth. Over the months the greyness lightened up and we went back in June for a cleaning where the dentist said the tooth still looked good and to just keep an eye on it for an abscess.

Well, I noticed the last few days that it was turning a bit more grey and was just a bit loose. Daycare called about an hour ago to say that she was trying to pull two blocks apart with her front teeth and the one tooth came out. I finally stopped crying. We see the pediatric dentist today at 1:30. I'm trying to tell myself that it isn't really that big of deal. Her permanent teeth will come in in a few years. I'm just really sad for her. :(

Re: NMR: DD lost her tooth this morning

  • My son knocked his front tooth out at 18 months. I was so upset! Our dentist was able to fit him with a partial (fake baby tooth). It is attached to a wire and bonded to the other teeth. He is not aware of it and no one else even knows it is fake! Once his bottom teeth fall out they remove the partial so the permanent teeth can grow in. Since it was an accident, our medical insurance covered the expense. Hope this helps! Crossing my fingers for your appointment!
  • @sing4mysavior - at first she was upset because of the blood and such. But our provider made a big deal about it and made her feel special. She is looking forward to a visit from the tooth fairy.

    @mountainchaser - the partial was an option and something we are planning on doing. She first needs to go back and have a little surgery to remove a little bit of the tooth that was left behind. I feel much better knowing we have something we can do to help with the gap for the next 4 years when the permanent comes in. Even though we'll be paying out of pocket for it.

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