Georgia Babies

Small placenta

Has anyone been told during pregnancy that they have a small placenta? It usually leads to a smaller baby or worse. Google isn't much help. Yesterday I went to my perinatologist appointment. I was 27 w 4 days and baby is measuring right on at 2# 4oz, fluid levels are good, and all her anatomy is good expect he said I have a "visually small placenta". He isn't concerned at this point bc everything is measuring correctly but I need to be monitored. I go back in 5 weeks. I'm not too worried about it but obviously it's staying on my mind and just wondering if anyone else has experienced with this.
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Re: Small placenta

  • No experience but keep us posted!






  • Mrs. TheobaldMrs. Theobald member
    edited August 2013
    Thanks!! I spoke to the nurse at my insurance and she said the same thing. They will just monitor the baby's growth and I have to do kick counts. I'll keep y'all posted!! I find it funny that no one else has had this issue (I posted on a few boards) but it maybe because I'm going to a perinatologist and get more frequent u/s that they caught it.
    Ps. I can't wait to find out what you're having!
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