What are you ladies doing for crib bedding. They have all these cute crib sheet sets but you are not suppose to have anything in the crib other than a sheet for SIDS prevention. Are the cute bed sets a waste of money?
I just bought 2 cute sheets and a plain cribskirt this time around, but once my baby got old enough to roll around in the crib, I actually wished I had a bumper because his arms and legs honestly kept getting stuck in the rails. I ended up borrowing my mom's since she never uses it anyways, but I do kinda wish it matched. The quilt would have been useless though.
I never used them and did think them a waste-just me. If you do want to dress up the crib I would recommend checking out Wonder Bumpers and maybe add a skirt. Also Skip Hop has crib sheets that have prints on the side.
We're just doing plain sheets and I'm planning on making a crib skirt. Nothing too fancy. We had a bumper for DD and it was really pointless and we ended up taking it out anyhow (good thing it was on clearance at Target for $10 lol). Although like the PP mentioned Skip Hop has bumperless crib sheets or whatever that have prints on the sides. You can also choose to go with printed sheets or a breathable bumper.
Re: Crib Bedding
Emily 8.8.08
Madeline 1.2.11
William 8.5.12