October 2013 Moms

VBAC frustrations/vent....long!

Just have to vent! I had DS in May of 2011 via c/s, due to him being "big" and transverse. He was 9lb12oz born at 39weeks. If I had been more educated at the time I would of tried things to change his positioning but just went along with the c/s recommended by Dr.

I am now just about 29 weeks with #2. I fully intend and want SO BAD to attempt a VBAC. I am getting such mixed signals from my Drs group. This baby is already measuring big, 83% (but I know U/S can be off) I am in much better shape this time, running at least 4 times a week, eating well, passed my 1hr glucose with flying colors (which I failed and almost failed 3hr with DS). 

I am frustrated in the mixed signals when I have been very clear on my wishes. I am so worried they are going to push for the repeat c/s, and the answer varies depending on which physician I see. I am frustrated I have made such an effort to be healthy both before and during this pregnancy yet this baby is measuring so big. I made an appt. to consult with a different midwife group next week to give myself the best chance moving forward! I thank this board for letting me lurk, and for all the advice and educational links, testimonials and support that can be found here! I know I am making the right choice and just hope I can get a supportive provider who backs my research, wishes and decisions! 

I know this was long, thanks for letting me vent!
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Re: VBAC frustrations/vent....long!

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    you do what you need to do. I made the very difficult decision last week to go for RCS instead of a VBAC because of the mixed signals from my OB practice and my DH finally telling me that he's scared for me to do a VBAC. Hope the new midwife practice makes you feel at ease with your decision.
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    As long as there is nothing wrong with you or the baby, then I don't see why you can't vbac. You can refuse a C-section, even an induction if there is no medical need for it. I'm on baby #4, my first was a vaginal delivery, second was an induction because they thought she was "big", it ended in a "failure to progress" and a C-section-she was 7lb. 11oz. My third was a planned vbac with induction it also ended in a C-section because she had a short umbilical cord and wouldn't drop into the birth canal. I have really pushed my doctor into letting me try again, but without an induction and he is very hesitant to do so. He already has my C-section on the books, but I've talked him into letting me do a trial of labor if I do end up going on my own before the C-section date.

    There is a great blog site called Birth Without Fear. They give great stores on vbacs, natural births, C-sections, home births, etc. They are there to empower women to have the birth they want.

    DD#1~Emma Dawn 12/19/00 7lb 10 oz 21"
    DD#2~Daphney Mae 04/17/03 7lb 13oz 21"
    DD#3~Grace Deonea 05/20/10 8lb 2oz 21"
        DS#1~Brody Maxwell born 10/16/13 8lb 10oz 21"

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    HFrizzle said:

    There is a great blog site called Birth Without Fear. They give great stores on vbacs, natural births, C-sections, home births, etc. They are there to empower women to have the birth they want.

    THIS! BWF is an amazing site. It's supportive of all kind of birth and very informative.
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    I totally meant to post this on the VBAC board sorry guys!

    Thanks for the responses and your experiences though ladies! I have been reading through bwf too! At the end of the day healthy baby and mom is my #1 priority!
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    I had an emergency c-section with my son in 08. I talked to my OB and told her how I really would rather not have a c-section again. She said we'll do an ultrasound at 35 weeks to see what size the baby is compared to what he was. BUT she also said my best bet would be to go into labor on my own and not be induced to avoid c-section. So I guess it's kind of up in the air, I'm still going back and forth of what exactly I want too. 
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