
Well, that's interesting

My DH got a new job, starting on 8/12. They're offering him $5 more an hour with lots of room to grow. He gave his notice and we've put down a deposit on a new DCP so we could make it work.

Well flash forward today and he got a call from his boss's boss and they asked what they need to do to keep him. DH of course said "match the pay and I'll stay"

so now we're waiting for a call back...we're both on pins an needles.


Re: Well, that's interesting

  • This is not that unusual, for companies to suddenly realize how valuable an employee is when they have another offer.

    Part of why I keep applying for jobs is with the hope if I get even a decent offer my current company will beat it.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • That's great! The best answer is "BEAT the offer, and I'll consider staying"- LOL.
    I think he's just so excited to be appreciated he didn't even think to ask for more. I have a feeling that they'll say that it's too high, but he really would rather stay where he is. 

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  • FX it all works out for the best--GL!

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

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