September 2013 Moms

Facebook survival trick (cross posted on August)

Good evening ladies

I can't remember if I ever actually formally introduced myself on this board; I've been lurking most of my pregnancy between here and August, as I am a FTM due 9/1. I apologize if this seems to be an "out of the blue" post.

I recently made the rookie mistake of commenting on what turned out to be a very heated comment war on Facebook. When I went to "unfollow post," there was no option, and the back-and-forth comment alerts started to sound like an alarm going off. I don't know about you ladies, but I'm not really up for borrowed drama these days; and I definitely had no horses in this race. I think my glowing academic contribution to the discussion was something like "Thanks for sharing,-" hardly worth a front row seat to a FB battle to the death. (I did, however, borrow a page from the August board play book and posted a gif of Ron Burgundy saying 'That escalated quickly!")

If you find yourself in this position, go to the topmost comment and hover over the top right hand corner. Click the magic x that appears, and lo and behold, the "unfollow post" option will miraculously rejoin its compatriots "like", "Share," etc. The insane dinging and bells top; the insanity goes away, and you can go back to just clicking "like" on pictures of kittens until the baby is born or spending more time on Pinterest because that is where the fun stuff is.

All the best, ladies - wishing you a healthy journey to mommyhood!
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