March 2013 Moms


So people ask me all the time "how's he sleeping" and truthfully I tell them that he's very hard to get to sleep...

Then I get this response "oh, time to start giving him tylenol!" Um, he's not sick! Even in my sleep deprived mind I wouldn't consider giving him medicine just to knock him out. I've gotten this response numerous times lately. Really?!!?
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Re: -__-

  • What is wrong with people???

    I would start giving them a tongue-in-cheek response of "Like a baby" when they ask how he's sleeping. :)

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  • Am I missing something? Since when does Tylenol make babies (or anyone) sleepy? Never heard of that.
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  • Maybe they assume he's teething? I just gave DS some since he wouldn't stop crying, and I can feel that first one coming in. And yet he's still wide awake right now. But he's not screaming anymore....
  • Ive heard people say to give Benadryl to get baby to sleep but never Tylenol.

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  • I figure like pp says they're probably assuming teething, but I've never heard of this, however I also usually just tell people "he's doing good" or sometimes "getting better"
  • So people ask me all the time "how's he sleeping" and truthfully I tell them that he's very hard to get to sleep...

    Then I get this response "oh, time to start giving him tylenol!" Um, he's not sick! Even in my sleep deprived mind I wouldn't consider giving him medicine just to knock him out. I've gotten this response numerous times lately. Really?!!?

    Ah yes, definitely meant benadryl. And they actually mean for sleeping not teething. Crazy.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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