we are TTC. went off pill on 7/21. I am wondering if your early pregnancy symptoms were about the same or different than baby #1 or with each different baby? My earliest symptoms with DD were sore nipples, dizzy, hungry all time mostly craving salty foods, cramps and weight loss initially. wondering if I will get same signs/symptoms..
Re: pregnancy symptoms with baby #2
I had no symptoms this time before/when I got my BFP. With DS I felt like was going to get my period (crampy).
My first symptom for both pregnancies were frequent urination starting at about wk 5.
I don't remember my early symptoms with Ellie, so obviously they were mild LOL
With this one (and my 2 losses) my boobs hurt sooooo bad!
BFP#1 10/24/11 EDD 07/01/11 DD1 6/29/11
BFP#2 07/26/12 EDD 03/21/13 M/C(mmc6wk)09/04/12 @~11w
BFP#3 02/08/13 EDD 10/22/13 M/C(mmc6wk)03/11/13 @~8w
BFP#4 06/05/13 EDD 02/19/14 DD2 02/05/14
Jess & Adam, married 2009, precious Audrey born in 2011. BFP 1/6/13, 6-wk MMC discovered at 9 wks 2/11/13. D&C 2/18/13, second D&C 4/23/13 for retained placenta.
BFP 8/24/13!! EDD 5/1/14, delivered healthy and sweet Zoey Leanne on 5/5/14 by repeat c-section.
Angel DS: no boob pain, very slight MS starting around 11w. No spotting.
DD: no boob pain, moderate MS from 12w-20w. Had bleeding due to SCH.
DS: boob pain. No spotting. Moderate m/s from 7w-12w
BFP #3 via cancelled IUI ~ C (2lb 3oz; HELLP) 5/16/11
BFP #4 via the natural (free!) way ~ E (8lb 11oz) 9/13/12