Cloth Diapering

Do you think I need to strip?

I recently went back to work (3 weeks ago) and my MIL and DH are watching LO.  I recently found an old tube of A&D Ointment (that we had when LO had a bad rash right out of the hospital that we used when he was in sposies) on the changing table.  I hid it away and put up our Earth Mama Angel Baby stuff.  The next day she FOUND the A&D and it was back.  So I asked DH and he said that she has used the A&D a few times and VASELINE a few times.  Apparently when he "trained" her on our CDs he didn't mention that we don't use cream unless he has a rash and then we only use our EMAB stuff.  We haven't had any noticeable repelling, yet, but what would you do?  Should I go ahead and strip just to be safe or just wait it out?
imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

BFP#1 5/18/12. MMC @ 8 weeks. Measuring 6w5d. MC naturally 6/29/12. Forever loved.

2013-07-17 at 07.15.09

Re: Do you think I need to strip?

  • awesome.  Thanks.  I feel so possessive of my diapers some times and it just drives me mad to have people mess with my fluff. 
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP#1 5/18/12. MMC @ 8 weeks. Measuring 6w5d. MC naturally 6/29/12. Forever loved.

    2013-07-17 at 07.15.09
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