
DS is constipated...Anyone try Mira-Lax?

DS has had bowel issues since day 1 it seems like.  He's 2 now and he struggles to go all the time.  Almost cries!  It makes me so sad and I feel helpless.  I've avoided cheese (as much as I can) for him and he's limited on fruit (he just refuses it).  I called the pedi and she said try MiraLax.  We tried Fletchers and Benefiber, and they just don't work.  Has MiraLax worked for anyone else's DC?  TIA!

Re: DS is constipated...Anyone try Mira-Lax?

  • I've never tried Miralax, but DD has always had problems too. I just get a bottle of the baby organic pear juice (I think it's from Gerber). She goes pretty quickly after drinking it. I chose this way because DH is all about natural. Now I have to do it with DS and it works for him too.


  • We had to use Miralax for about a month when Eric was potty-training because he got into a bad cycle of withholding his bowel movements and getting super constipated. ?We used a half a capful daily and a full capful if things got really bad for him. ?It works GREAT and doesn't make them gassy or have stomach pains like other laxatives can do.
    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
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  • We've had to use it on's great.  Here is the dosing sheet that I got from the pedi for it:

    Suggested Pediatric Dosing
    Pour 17 grams of Miralax powder (bottle top is marked for 17 grams) into 8 oz. of liquid.  Stir until completely dissolved.  Give in A.M. according to the following dosing chart.  Save remaining solution in refrigerator for the next day.
    Dosing Reference Chart

    Child?s Weight    Ounces of Mixed Solution Per Day
     15 lbs.     3 oz.
     20 lbs.     4 oz.
     25 lbs.     5 oz.
     30 lbs.     6 oz.
     35 lbs.     7 oz.
     40 lbs.     8 oz. (regular adult dose)

    Parents should increase or decrease volume administered in small increments in order to obtain desired results.

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