
Anyone put together the Lifestyle Custom Kitchen?

It was on clearance at our local Target so my sister and I got it for A for Christmas. But I haven't put it together long did it take you?



Re: Anyone put together the Lifestyle Custom Kitchen?

  • DH put ours together - he thinks maybe 90 mins total?
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  • Ok. That's not too bad. I loathe assembling things.

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  • we bought it last year for DD, it took me a little over one hour to put it together.  It is not hard to do, just time consuming since I did not have a power screw driver.  It is a cute kitchen and DD still loves it!!
  • It took me 30 minutes.. but I must tell you that I am a MASTER at putting things together.. and I have a great drill!

    Miles and Emilia loved their kitchen and I hope your DD will too!

  • We put the Partytime kitchen together and that took almost 2 hours, but it was more involved.  Our biggest complaint was that there were places where you had to screw things in, but no pre-drilled holes, so we had to kind of pound the screw in with a hammer to get it started, and then screw it in.  An electric screwdriver would have made it 1000 times easier! :)
  • Thanks everyone! I have an elec. screwdriver so I'll bust it out as soon as I remember where I put it. Lol.

    P-- you need to head on over to AL and put those mad assembling skills to use. ;-)


  • Took DH about 30 mins.  Just have a drill on hand.
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