Secondary IF

Anyone take a ovarian reserve challenge??

What did the RE present as your conception options if your eggs were not good quality? Is IVF an options? Would love to hear your experiences. Thanks.

Re: Anyone take a ovarian reserve challenge??

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    Sorry, I dont have any experience with this...but if you post this on Success after IF you may get some good responses. I know there are woman on there who have had success.

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    Do you mean doing the Clomid challenge test or having an antral follicle count done or something else entirely? 

    I did the clomid challenge test and had it come back normal but later when I had my fsh tested again without having taken clomid it was borderline high.  My RE considers antral follicle count to be a better indicator however of egg reserve and quality than using just FSH alone.  I had a lower antral follicle count and from that my doc thought I would probably not respond as well to the stim drugs and he gave us a 30% chance of IVF working.  The thing about any of these tests is that it doesn't really test for egg quality, just quantity.  I had seven eggs retrieved for my IVF and I'm pregnant so I had at least one good one left!  I think IVF is always an option, it's just a matter of what odds you are willing to take.  At some point if your FSH is super high or they can't retrieve enough eggs a RE will recommend donor eggs.

    You can find more information about FSH levels and antral follicle counts at

    Kelly, Mom to Christopher Shannon 9.27.06, Catherine Quinn 2.24.09, Trey Barton lost on 12.28.09, Therese Barton lost on 6.10.10, Joseph Sullivan 7.23.11, and our latest, Victoria Maren 11.15.12

    Secondary infertility success with IVF, then two losses, one at 14 weeks and one at 10 weeks, then success with IUI and then just pure, crazy luck.  Expecting our fifth in May as the result of a FET.

    This Cluttered Life

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    Thank you.. you answered my question!!
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