
RP from Toddlers: Any advice?

Just curious if anyone else has dealt with this....

DD is almost 14 months old.  We have finally cut out the nightime bottles cold turkey. Our problem is that now we have cut out the bottles, she will not drink milk.  She will drink water and juice from her sippy but not milk.  It used to be in the past few weeks she would drink a few sips here and there and then guzzle it with her bedtime bottle and when she woke up in the middle of the night (I know, we were still night time feeders...slap my hand).  Now, she won't take it. 

My in-laws were visting this weekend and took her home with them yesterday until we can drive down tomorrow and my MIL said tonight that she refused all milk.  She even tried switching the beverage and not letting her see it and she still refused. 

 I am going to call the pedi in the morning to get some advice.  I am just really worried about her not getting enough nutrition.  I don't know if I should go back to a bottle at night, put her back on her Nestle Good Start formula for 9-24 month olds, etc and see if she will take that from a sippy.

I am probably overreacting a bit b/c on Saturday she was put on an antibiotic (she has had it before) by her allergist/asthma specialist and this AM MIL called telling me she had a rash on her torso and back, behind her ears and in her scalp.  I called the allergist and she had us take her off of it but I am worried since I have horrible allergies to meds and have gotten some pretty serious hives requiring the ER. 

So long story short, I am already worried about her and am now starting to freak about her lack of milk intake. 

 Anyone else go through this.  Advice???

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Re: RP from Toddlers: Any advice?

  • When we switched to milk, my DD refused to drink it out of a sippy as well.  We bought the straw cups by Nuby and she went back to guzzling her milk down.  For the longest time she drank milk out of a straw cup and her water out of a sippy.

     She's had a lot going on so I wouldn't be super concerned just yet.  Give her a few days.  She might come around.

  • How many calories is she getting in a day?  I would look at that 1st, then worry about the milk.  I don't get the going back to formula at all, unless she is under weight.  My DD was on formula until 2, but that was because she was and is underweight and needed to have high calorie formula instead of milk.  I don't know why you would put a regular child on it.  If your really worried, just go back to a bottle for that feeding for a while.
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  • is just so weird b/c she will take water and juice from a straw but won't take the milk.  I bought the Nuby straw cups and she wouldn't drink anything out of those.  I am probably just overreacting but she isn't a big eater to begin with so not drinking milk on top of it is just freaking me out.
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  • was the formula warm and the milk is cold?  Maybe it's a temp thing?
  • We used to warm the milk at bedtime only and tried warming it for her sippy during the day but she still doesn't want it. 
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