
Talk me out of it!

We're stuck at the house again in the snowstorm, & the boys are going stir crazy. I can't really blame them - it's hard to be trapped all day.

I just cleaned poop up from all over Sam's room, and he crayoned all over his entire room, bed, walls, etc when he was supposed to be napping. Yes, DH put him down & didn't notice that the balloons he had were weighted with crayon boxes (the balloons from the shoe department at Nordstrom). . .

I have a giant tin of Almond Roca that I got at Costco as a back up present to have on hand. But my gift giving is wrapped up & I don't need. I can return it. But I secretly want to rip it open & start eating Almond Roca. Bad idea, right? It's the only sweet in my entire house! Please remind me why I don't want a giant open tin of candy in my house. . .

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