
Tips for handling a todder with new babies on the way?

There is a huge part of me that is sad that I'll have to divide my attention between my 14 month old (he'll be 17 months when they get here) and the twins when they arrive.  I have such a great relationship with my son and he adores his mommy--I am so worried that we'll both have a hard time adjusting to this change because I know infant twins are going to be very, very challenging.  Does anyone have any tips on how to make him feel special during this time? 

Re: Tips for handling a todder with new babies on the way?

  • I wish I had more tips, but I just wanted to say that I really worry about this also. My DD is 19mos. and the twins will be here any day!  I am a SAHM, so she and I are very close, and she has had all of my attention for so long! I not only worry about giving my toddler DD enough special alone time, but also having enough time to give each twin individually.  I hope you get some tips here!  I guess it's good that we are thinking about it anyway!
  • O, I know exactly how you feel.  The week leading up to my induction, I was constantly crying, thinking about how my 2 year old DD's whole world was about to completely change and she had no idea.  I was so sad that this just her and mommy time was coming to an end (I'm a SAHM).

    Anyway, my twins are 2 months old now. Probably the biggest thing that we have tried to do is be very consistent with her. She loves the comfort of a routine and with so much change going on by bringing in not one, but two new babies to the house, the routines have been godsends.  We still do meals, naps, bath time at the same time.  And whenever I can, when both babies are napping at the same time, or are with relatives or visitors, I spend some alone time with her and we do something she likes (read a book, play dress-up, do puzzles, etc.).  I also arranged for babysitters one day for the babies and took her out to lunch and to the toy store for one present since she had been such a good girl.  The other thing we do is to include her as much as possible in caring for the babies. She can get a diaper or a blanket for me. When people visit and make a big deal about the babies, I always make sure to say "o and their big sister, Charlotte, helps me take care of the babies". She loves being the "big" sister.

    She has handled it fairly well, but she has had more temper tantrums.  We try to reassure her through all of this. Anyway, it is tough and I wish you luck.  Its so worth it when I see the three of them together on the playmat smiling!

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