I'm serious late on getting Christmas present for DS and DH. I think I will get the above items for them, what's the best brand? where can I find them soon? Starbucks? Thanks~
You can all sort of nice stainless steel cups at any nice sporting goods store or outdoor outfitters. Sigg and Kleen Kanteen are the two brands that come to mind. I also bought dd a stainless steel sippy at Target last week. It's called the Foogoo and made by Thermos. And yeah, you should also be able to find something at Starbucks.?
Thermos makes the Fogo ones. They come in a sippy and a thermos type version. I've gotten them at Target and Walmart. DD has a few of them and they're awesome.
Re: Need help to find Stainless steel sippy and coffee cups
Target sells Foo goo (sp?) or something like that.
Thermos makes the Fogo ones. They come in a sippy and a thermos type version. I've gotten them at Target and Walmart. DD has a few of them and they're awesome.