So I tried getting DS1 to potty train this summer. We tried for a solid week. Without fail by naptime after the 3rd day he would be in tears, bringing me a diaper saying he doesn't want to wear underwear anymore.
He never went on the potty, even with trying a timer, upped his fluid intake.
And..the timer thing I tried that at the end. When the timer went off...he would run away. If tried to get him on the potty, he would exclaim 'NO! The timer didn't go off"
Now...he seems more ready again. But he always just tells us, that he will go potty 'Tomorrow'
Anyone think of anything clever to get him to try and p/t again? Or will I have to wait until he is 3 yrs old? (UGH..tired of changing a 37lb kids dirty diapers!)
Re: Jumping on the PT bankwagon?
I am sure you have tried.. but what about stickers, chocolate milk, suckers, peppermints, whatever he likes and tell him that he gets one if he just goes?? When my son seemed afraid to potty and would not let it out, he had held it forever and I gave him a ton to drink. I kept him near the bathroom and he let a little out on the floor. I looked at him and said, see that pee there, do that right here in the potty. We sat there for 10 min or so and I just kept saying that. He finally let it out and he was praised for it.
I have a 3 yr old that no longer shows interest in the going on the toilet. He tells me he has to pee ... and poop.... but won't sit on the pot.
I have no