I sang a very merry unbirthday to myself. I was happy to have been able to be with my babies for the last 7 weeks, but yes, it did stir up some sad feelings that they would be much healthier and chubbier had they stayed put till their due date.
I'm happy to not be pregnant anymore because I was REALLY sick when I was, but I'm sad she didn't stay the whole time and that I didn't get to experience the very last part of my pregnancy.
My EDD has not come yet. It was suppose to be Jan. 17th, but after I gave birth DD at 26 wks. I did have a little depression about her being born so early and not being able to enjoy the last part of my pregnancy. I started to feel sad about the things I missed like not having a baby shower, maternity pictures, and how big I would have gotten. I didn't even have a glucose test. I know when my actual due date comes these feelings will come again. I think it's normal to feel this way.
Most definitely! I felt jipped and I felt the babies got jipped. I had a pity party for myself about all that could have been. But then I think at how well they are doing and I try not to let it bother me...but I will probably feel that way every year on their EDD.
DS was still in the NICU on his EDD, so I made unbirthday cupcakes for the nurses... I wasn't sad, more incredulous of all that had happened to us and him when he should have been in utero the whole time!
YES, I get sad all the time just thinking about it. But I think a lot has to do with the fact that Cody is still in the NICU and not home with me. So I miss him sooo much.
Re: Anyone feel sad when