I seriously have one funny kid. When we ask for a kiss, he comes at you with his mouth open wide, then rubs his tongue on our faces. I'm sure he does it more b/c it gets a rise out of me going "noooooo, don't lick mommy, ewwwwwww," and then he giggles out of control.
Happy 4th birthday!

Matthew James 1/11/07
Re: So...does your kid lick you?
Isabelle does it but only sometimes. She will insist on giving us doggy kisses & then licks our cheeks instead of a regular kiss. It's quite funny though.
yeah I remember B doing that around that age too, maybe a little younger. So cute!
No but she licks DH. That's their thing. One will say to the other, "I have a secret for you" and lean in to tell the secret, but lick their cheek instead.
Not me, though. I can't stand it, so she knows not to do it to me.