Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Pinscer grasp - When did your DC?

Just wondering when most of your DCs mastered the pinscer grasp. DS is ok with it but most of the time puts food in the palms of his hands then kind of makes a funnel with his hand and tries to drop it in his mouth. He's got massive sized hands so I wonder if that makes it a little harder for him.

Re: Pinscer grasp - When did your DC?

  • She's been doing it for a couple of weeks now.
  • She would do it occassionally starting around 7-8 months.  She is just now starting to use it more frequently.  The pincher grasp impedes her ability to stuff large amounts of food in her mouth Wink
    BabyFetus Ticker Blessed with a girl and boy, number 3 due 5/5/12!
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  • my 8 month old CAN do it, and sometimes will, but he still finds it easier to normally he'll lead in with his pointer finger and then end with the rake when eating cherrios
  • In the last few days, she has gotten it down...
    Rylee - 3.28.08
    Malakai - 8.3.09
    Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD
  • a little early, around 7 mos.  she's advanced to grabbing a handful and using her fingers to feed cheerios to herself one by one.  I think it has less to do with being a "prodigy" and more to do with being "prissy." LOL  Most of the older kids in her class are still working on it, so your DS is right on track.
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