
What age for first word?

DS is 14 months and has no words. He says da for everything. He doesn't repeat any sounds besides da. I know that every kid is different, but I see a lot of, "Oh they either walk or talk," and DS doesn't walk either. I am not really worried, I am just wondering what is average. Thanks!

Re: What age for first word?

  • N is a month older and says Mama, uh-oh (just started) and bye bye (just started being consistant with this). ?He says something that sounds like dada and done but IDK. ? He's said mama for quite a few months now. ?

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  • dd was 11 months when she stated using words like dada and mama and ball ( ba)... ?Does he seem to understand words when you talk to him? ?Like if you say, go get me your ball, will he? ?Pedis look for receptive language skills as well not just actual words. ?DD had a huge word explosion at 18 months which is very common as well. ?
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  • At 14m, ds hadn't even said any consonant sounds, only vowels. ?He wasn't walking either. ?Everything came together for him around 15-16m, & just w/in the last month, his vocabulary has really taken off.
  • We had just moved when he turned one. ?It was that week we got a dog and he started saying "dah" ?(dog), and then a couple weeks later it was "ba" (dog). ?Other than that it was August/September that we hit a huge word explosion.
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  • DS is 16 months and only says mama and dada but they are just sounds not words.  My pedi wasn't concerned at his last appointment but said he would like for him to have a couple words by 18 months.  He just started walking a lot in the past week or so.
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