...and you don't point it out? I was at whole foods and I bought a prepacked thing of spareribs--it was 6.5 pounds and it was $34. I figured I could get at least 3 meals out of it and freeze it. I then noticed the price difference with the other packages. the others were 3-4 pounds and were around $29-33. I knew the one I picked up had to be mis-marked but didn't realize how til I got home. The other packs had said $8.40/pound and when I got home I noticed mine said $5.40/pound. Most stores have a policy anyway of giving you an item for the price marked regardless if it is right or wrong. So, was it wrong to not point out the discrepancy before I left the store?
Re: Is it stealing when a price is marked incorrectly...
Eh, not a huge deal IMO, and I likely would have let it go, too.
I've sometimes seen different price per pound on the same item in grocery stores and thought it might be b/c the item was left from a sale that ran the day before then ended, etc. (and they didn't bother to change the price upward b/c the product was "older" than the new stock) - I never look that closely, honestly. It's also possible they had different prices for different poundages (i.e., buy more, pay a lower per pound rate).
I did once find what seemed to be a 'too good to be true' price on one package of meat and actually asked the butcher if something was wrong with it - he said no, but it had been a special order that wasn't picked up, hence the lower price.