We went to our first appointment with a new RE to discuss egg donors. We packed everything into one visit, talked with the doctor, met with the psychologist, talked finances & then looked at the donor profiles, which was awesome. It helped that we already had every diagnostic test known to man! There were only 6 donors to choose from because they had alot of people using donor eggs. We chose a girl who is 21, she has a 19 month old son & has donated once before (very successfully). The nurse said she was one who really followed everything to a "T" & was great at showing up for appointments. She's of Irish, German & Polish descent (DH is Irish & I'm Polish), has red hair & brown eyes & is in her second year of nursing school. She really answered the questions so completely & with intelligence, compared to the other donors. Because she donated so recently, her labs & stuff may not have to be repeated which can save us like 3 grand. The nurse is going to call her tomorrow to see if she's ready to do another cycle. I hope she'll be up for it. It feels good that we may have a baby out of this while helping her to complete her schooling so she can take better care of her baby. Potentially a win win situation!
"Cherish your furbabies today because there might not be a tomorrow"

Heaven has another angel. RIP Bubba 2/15/09 - 9 Months Old

Godspeed Apache "Boo Boo" 2/2/09 - 2 1/2 Years Old

Rest in peace my sweet Angel. 11/05/08 - 2 Years Old
Re: We picked our donor!!
"Cherish your furbabies today because there might not be a tomorrow"
Heaven has another angel. RIP Bubba 2/15/09 - 9 Months Old
Godspeed Apache "Boo Boo" 2/2/09 - 2 1/2 Years Old
Rest in peace my sweet Angel. 11/05/08 - 2 Years Old
That's very exciting. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO