Butt and fart? Those really don't bother me. No, they're not pretty words, but they don't bother me.
I hate the word crap. I'm guilty of using it, but I hate the word. I would prefer him not say that or shut-up, but realistically I'm sure they will pass through his lips one day or another. I won't say either around him, but I'm sure he's going to hear them.
Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams
I am not PROUD, but my kid already says fart and butt.
I say shut up all of the time, so I am sure that one will be inevitable...I will not encourage dirty talk- but in our home, it will probably be ok- my fam had very specific rules about "bathroom" language..and none of us were publicly profane, but at home we're a colorful bunch. I think you should let loose around the house!
I adore all of the facets of the english language-including the silly and the vulgar.
She already says butt. I'm not sure what a good euphamism for fart is, so I guess she can use that one if she feels the need. The other two I'd prefer she not use and will tell her those are not nice words, but I won't be as strict as with other words I find more offensive.
I need to add: I don't think that shut up is ok as far as telling someone to be quiet...I just habitually say it more in terms of " no way," or "really?"
I am really bad about saying Crap, but I don't want DS to pick it up. So lately, I have been saying Cracker instead. It was an easy transition, and it sounds better to me. LOL.
We do say butt, but we never say shut up and I don't like fart, but it is what it is.
I don't think the first two are that bad. I call her butt a butt, just because I can't get used to saying anything else. I don't usually say fart because I like toots better. Hearing dh say daddy tooted is funny. I say shut up all of the time in a-OMG she did that shut up! kind of way but never in a shut up kind of way so I don't know if she will pick that up. And I say sh!t way more than crap so here's to hoping she doesn't pick that one up! I'm trying to stop!
Re: do/will you let your dc say these words
fart? yes why not its what you do
butt? yup because thats what it is
crap? when they are older but not now
shut up? I tell Halee its not a nice wordShe already says the first two.
The other two I'll not allow.
Edited to add - I am iffy about crap. I guess I don't think of it as being a bad word.
Butt and fart? Those really don't bother me. No, they're not pretty words, but they don't bother me.
I hate the word crap. I'm guilty of using it, but I hate the word. I would prefer him not say that or shut-up, but realistically I'm sure they will pass through his lips one day or another. I won't say either around him, but I'm sure he's going to hear them.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I am not PROUD, but my kid already says fart and butt.
I say shut up all of the time, so I am sure that one will be inevitable...I will not encourage dirty talk- but in our home, it will probably be ok- my fam had very specific rules about "bathroom" language..and none of us were publicly profane, but at home we're a colorful bunch. I think you should let loose around the house!
I adore all of the facets of the english language-including the silly and the vulgar.
my kids will not be allowed to swear.
I need to add: I don't think that shut up is ok as far as telling someone to be quiet...I just habitually say it more in terms of " no way," or "really?"
I won't let these kids be sass machines.
DD already says fart and butt.
shut up and crap, no.
I am really bad about saying Crap, but I don't want DS to pick it up. So lately, I have been saying Cracker instead. It was an easy transition, and it sounds better to me. LOL.
We do say butt, but we never say shut up and I don't like fart, but it is what it is.