TTC After a Loss

AW: I love you girls

I know that there's been drama on other boards lately and I know it's been said ad nauseum but I just wanted to tell you ladies how much I appreciate you.  Thank you for not being snarky EVER and for welcoming and accepting everyone who needs this board.  I couldn't have gotten through my loss without you all.  Ok, brown-nosing over.
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Re: AW: I love you girls

  • I don't even look at the other ones any more. They make me sick to my stomach. It's no fun that we have to be here at all, but I couldn't ask for a more fantastic group either. Well said Mrs Patterson!
    BFP #1: 7-26-08, natural m/c 6w4d; BFP #2: 12-6-08, natural m/c 6w5d
    BFP #3: 2-26-09; DD born 10/30/09; 7lb3oz, 20.5in!
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    BFP= #4: 9-8-13, hcg @ 14dpo: 507, 17dpo: 1731, doubling: 39 hours
    Found a strong hb @ 5w6d; Measuring 4 days ahead, hb of 168 @ 8w4d!
    So excited for Baby Sister! EDD: 5/24/14
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • I second everything you just said! I left the pregnancy loss board because there was TOO much drama, and I love it here! As much as I'd like to move over to SAL, I want to stay here too! Let's all move over there together, like one big collective group!


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  • DItto! I completely agree - this is the best board with the best girls. xoxo
  • I totally agree with you.  This is the best board, by far.
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    Jack Emmett born on 2/2/10 after 17 cycles and a miscarriage
    Calvin Wyatt born on 1/10/12. Our surprise baby!

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  • I agree! <3 it here :)
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  • It can't be said enough!!!!!!  It's certainly not a place I ever wanted to be (as I'm sure we all agree) but I am so glad to have found all of you in the midst of everything.  This board always makes me feel better!!!!  <3 you guys!!!!
  • Well, after we all get our BFPs we can just stay here and encourage! No need to move to the other boards!!!
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