
work complaint npr

can I vent to you objective folks?  I'm a pediatric PT with a heavy caseload.  I'm traveling all over, doing evals, and supervising.  Two out of the four of us quit this month.  The other PT is at another location, so we're trying to hold things together.  We offered someone a job, but they turned it down today.  There are no other applicants in sight that are qualified.  I'm pregnant, and while that isn't an excuse, I'm definately not as able to overload things as I usually am.  One person can only do so much right?  :(  I'm one that tends to try to do everything.  arrrggghh!! 

Re: work complaint npr

  • Wow that sucks.  Why did they decline?  At least you and the other person do a good job of working together.  I'm sure it's really hard (not to mention being pg), but think of the wonderful service you provide.  I'm sure your families really appreciate you and your work.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
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