July 2016 Moms

Newborn/Postpartum Thread


Re: Newborn/Postpartum Thread

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    @BecauseBabyIamAPug yes it might be ducts getting clogged... (past initial engorgement since it's only right breast?) As was already said keep pumping (on a low setting?) and hand expressing/compressing even if little is coming out at some point it will ease up but you don't always feel the relief right away... I'm sorry I know it s so painful! Oh and also nursing as much as possible of course... some people recommend the football hold in particular for un clogging ducts especially if that allows baby's chin to be under the most painful area. 

    I wouldn't hesitate to go consult if it lasts to a avoid any abscess from forming, and of course to get antibiotics if you get any flu like symptoms (doesn't sound like it so far).

     And so glad to read that you and your LO are well after what sounds like a really tough birth... I hope you can stay in bed and have others take care of you for a bit while you take care of the LO!

    @TiffRox81 we've also found that she wants 4-5oz at this point (she's 5 weeks) so like @brandiK we re doing a combo of everything (pumping at night - I'm still doing it but what an ordeal!!)
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    I had a bizarre and painful night last night, still not sure what the heck was happening. I nursed right before we went to bed and as I started walking to my room, my back started just throbbing. After about 5 minutes it has escalated to the point where it was honestly worse than the worst back labor I had in the hospital and I was sobbing. It lasted over an hour and then moved to my abdomen, which again was as bad or worse than the labor pains I had after my water broke. We tried to call the on call doctor but the nurse said we'd have to wait for a call back in half an hour. The doctor never called back. The pain finally subsided on its own and I got a little sleep, but when I woke up to feed LO a little while later, I started to feel weird flu-like pain which quickly turned into full out uncontrollable shaking and I couldn't get warm, even with like 20 blankets on. That lasted at least an hour too, though I barely had a fever...it was like 99.5. We tried calling the doctor again and never got ahold of her or heard back from her. My DH wanted me to go to the ER but I felt so horrible I didn't even want to move, let alone sit in the ER for hours. Then to top it all off, my left boob started to hurt unbearably. I was worried maybe I was getting mastisis, but I just don't know. I slept with an ice pack on it the rest of the night and tried to nurse on that side as much as possible in case it was just super engorged, but it still hurts a lot. Thankfully the worst symptoms let up, but now I'm sore all over and feel like I've  been hit by a truck...and since I never could get ahold of the doctor I have no idea what on earth all that was. All I know is something went horribly wrong and it was terrible. Also, question: what do you do for over-producing boobs? I've been nursing every two to three hours for at least 15 min on each side, sometimes more depending on baby, and I still have a lot left and my boobs leak terribly if they get too full. I though the LC said not to pump or my boobs would get the message to keep producing more milk, but I also don't want to get engorged more than I have. This is hard.
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    @winnie1122 go to urgent care now...that sounds like mastitis. You need antibiotics. And don't stop feeding and/or pumping even if it's painful. You could develop an abscess if you don't keep feeding.
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    TiffRox81 said:
    For those of you that have been pumping to do some bottle feeding, how many ozs is your baby taking per feeding? Everything I read online said 2.5-3oz is normal for their size/age but we're finding that doesn't seem to cut it. She can definitely take the three and then usually wants a bit more!!! When I nurse, she practically insists on staying there until she can fall back asleep, too! 
    I pump and feed at night because she is terrible at latching only at night for some reason.  She'll be 4 weeks on Tuesday, and she generally takes about 4 oz. at night.
    Me: 32 DH: 32
    Married: 05/31/2008
    DS: 11/06/2012 at 38w 1d
    M/C: 06/11/2015
    DD: 06/14/2016 at 37w 3d
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    @winnie1122 what @rnyland1 said.. sounds like it could be mastitis. Fx you feel better soon!
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    @winnie1122 Definitely go to urgent care! That doesn't sound like anything to mess with.

    It's only two weeks (tomorrow) PP, but I'm already worried about when I'll fit into my clothes again. I'm scared that they won't fit when I need to go back to work in September! I live relatively remotely from "civilization" (Target, Marshalls, etc.) so it's not easy for me to just go to a store and buy new things. I stupidly tried on some pre-pregnancy pants this morning - ones that used to be really loose - and I could barely get them up over my hips. A lot of my maternity pants are full-panel, which won't help me! I'm trying to relax and hope that I'll lose some more weight in another month or two. :(

    Also, I don't have any shorts I can wear right now, and it's driving me crazy! The mid-panel ones I bought don't even fit me (I never tried them on when I bought them, which was dumb).
    July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    Thanks @WVUPetunia and @Serpica! I guess I won't worry too much about her appetite. She's just a growing girl, LOL! Hopefully my breasts can keep up and we stop needing formula but I'm not sure at this rate. 

    @winnie1122 Nothing about that sounds right. I had a similar experience with fever and flu
    like symptoms and I started taking Tylenol round the clock and eventually that worked. I don't think I'd mess around with your pains tho. Try seeing the doctor!! My friends that have had mastitis said its nothing to mess with!! You want to be sure and get the meds. 
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    @joleri23 it's only been two weeks! Give yourself some time, I'm sure it will come off. 

    @winnie1122 what these ladies said- definitely go see a doctor, that sounds like mastitis. 

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    @BecauseBabyIamAPug I read your birth story!!! So traumatic! But glad to hear you're on the mend. Not sure if you're able to do the showering thing yet for your breast but maybe the hot compress would help just as well?
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    @winnie1122 I hope you made it in to urgent care and got some antibiotics. 

    @brandiK I saw you mentioned that the pump helped you know how much LO was getting. I wanted to say that the pump isn't necessarily indicative of your supply. If you truly want to know what LO is getting during the feed, the best option is to do a weighted feeding-- see how much LO weighs before eating and how much directly after. Babies tend to be much more efficient than the pump and some women never respond well to them. 
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

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    @winnie1122 I'm glad you got checked out. Keep an eye on the back pain as that likely means the uti has travelled to the kidney. If anything doesn't feel right or gets worse, go back in because you may need stronger or IV antibiotics. 
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
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    Wow @MollyH1987 that was not cool of your mom!
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
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    @winnie1122 Oh jeez OUCH. Hope you heal fast!!
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    @winnie1122 oh no! Wishing you a speedy recovery!!! Feel better!
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    July16 JULY siggy challenge

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    @Heathereaddy I'm so happy to hear that helped you! I would do that when I only had colostrum every time I would feed her. Once your milk comes in it will get easier! Breastfeeding is a lot harder and stressful then I thought, so I completely understand mommy tears. 

    Harper is non stop eating, whenever she is awake, her mouth is open whipping her head back and forth. She's eating every 45 minutes at some points in the day, and then sometimes every 2 hours. Thank god we've gotten into the groove with breastfeeding but I keep making H tell me I'm more then just a boob lol
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    @jwittwer - I just mean that when I pump and bottle feed, I know that she is getting enough vs. breastfeeding and not knowing how much she is getting. But very true that babies are more efficient. I am sure she gets more out of them than the pump could!
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    @onesassybishh Omg you just described my day!! This baby is a non stop eater!! And I laughed when you said the head shake because she does the same thing!!!! LOL I guess it's good having babies that don't miss a meal. That's what I keep telling myself at least. :smile:
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    rakel88rakel88 member
    edited July 2016
    @onesassybishh I asked my husband to reassure me the same when Ari ate for an hour+ this morning... 
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    Those of you that have had their umbilical cord fall off, when did t happen? Layla will be two weeks tomorrow, hers is still on right now. I'd love for it to come off so she can have a real bath!! 
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    8 days postpartum and I am in a lot of pain. The right lip of my vagina stings really bad. It gets much worse after sitting down for awhile. I cried getting out of bed today. I tried to look at it but I can't tell if it's infected or not. The right side is bigger and part of it kinda sticks out. After I spray with dermoplast and put tucks in I feel a lot better. Anybody else in the same boat?? I think I might call tomorrow. My postpartum appointment isn't for 2 more weeks. 
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    shaylalr said:
    8 days postpartum and I am in a lot of pain. The right lip of my vagina stings really bad. It gets much worse after sitting down for awhile. I cried getting out of bed today. I tried to look at it but I can't tell if it's infected or not. The right side is bigger and part of it kinda sticks out. After I spray with dermoplast and put tucks in I feel a lot better. Anybody else in the same boat?? I think I might call tomorrow. My postpartum appointment isn't for 2 more weeks. 

    *Stuck in a box*

    Have you been sitting on it for long periods of time? I got stuck in this hell for about 3 days. Ended up asking my own mother what was up and she said it was swelling and pressure on it. She suggested a new sitting position or even buying that inflatable donut you can sit on. I also took ibuprofen to help. 
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    @darkcat I am glad that I am not the only one! It really only hurts after getting up from a nap/sleeping or from sitting around. I will try sitting on the boppy and trying different ways to sit. Thank you! 
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    @TiffRox81 My DD was 11 days. I think it's typically by two weeks. Maybe call the ped tomorrow just to ask? I imagine it will still come off eventually though.
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    My guys umbilical cord fell off around 2.5 weeks! 

    I sat sat on my Brest feeding pillow for a while it really helped keep the pressure off my bum. Have your tried a sitz bath with Epsom salts? I just put a old towl on the base of my bath and sat in there for as long as I could with a full cup of Epsom salts I swear it really helped 
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    @TiffRox81 ours fell off right at one week but they told us it could be any time between 7-21 days. I was glad to see that thing go! 

    @shaylalr I took the inflatable donut from the hospital and that helped a lot. The swelling is the worst part! I also put an ice pack between my legs sometimes for relief. I hope it feels better soon!
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    @tiffrox81 Elise's umbilical cord fell off at 4 days. Way earlier than I anticipated!

    @stellaluna14 I used the ice pack in the hospital but I haven't since. I will have to do that again! 

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    @TiffRox81 Henry's umbilical cord fell off at 2 weeks. 
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    E was 10 days when his cord came off. Yuck. 
    Guys driving in the car with him is hell. He screams bloody murder even when we know he's been changed, fed, temp is good, he is comfy in the seat... I don't know what to do?! Even me sitting back with him doesn't stop him from screaming. Anyone experience this or have ideas?
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    Ok. Anxiously awaiting it to go....she'll be two weeks tomorrow so hopefully it's soon. We've only tried one sponge bath and didn't get it wet. It should be on its way out I guess. 

    Dang @theshannondee if it's any consolation I've had friends tell me they've had similar experiences. I'm not sure if any advice but know you aren't alone. Does he cry the second you stick him in the car seat or is it once it's transferred to the car?
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    Has anyone thought about birth control? I'm stuck between the depo shot and the hormonal IUD. I'm a bit scared of the IUD because I got it before giving birth and the pain was horrible. It's supposed to be less painful after childbirth but I'm skeptical. Anyone have experience with this?
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    @theshannondee DD was like that everywhere for the first few months, especially the car. In the car, white noise really helped. Eventually we bought an app, but before that just finding a staticky FM radio station would quiet her down and she would often fall asleep then.
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    @DarkCat I did depo for a long time pre-baby, but really didn't like the side effects. But I had pretty much the same problem with all hormonal birth control methods, so YMMV. It killed my sex drive and gave me frequent tension headaches. 

    We are one and done, so I had a tubal the day after delivering and DH is getting a vasectomy later this year. It will be so nice not to worry about it! 
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    @DarkCat at my 6 week appointment I started taking the Mini pill which is progestin only so it is safe for breastfeeding. I choose the pill because that's all I've ever taken for birth control in the past and it has worked well in the past.  When/if I stop pumping I will switch to a combination birth control pill.  
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    @erin7264 and @abpl2014 I had no issues with depo because the low sex drive and with the mini pill I actually had a period which meant I was ovulating. I'm overweight and I heard that can make the mini pill less effective. The IUD didn't seem to effect my drive but DH could feel the string during intercourse and I had a weird symptom of feeling a sharp twinge on one side during sex. Lol I've been on a lot of different methods and have yet to find something what works for me perfectly.
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    @TiffRox81 he is usually okay for the first couple minutes but then loses his shit. I think it's the car seat more than the actual driving in the car...
    @whataboutscience good to know.... It's definitely frustrating and heartbreaking. We have a little mobile white noise machine so we will try that next time we go out. Thanks for the tip!
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    @shaylalr Epsom salt baths and Tucks seemed to do it for me! The tub has been my PP best friend....this stupid UTI makes everything hurt right now.
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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