March 2015 Moms

Feeling like baby is behind....

Lately I feel like my 33 week old daughter isn't advancing as quickly as everyone else's. She's very alert and vocal, and she rolls around a lot and plays with some toys but that's about it. She hasn't shown any signs of crawling, or pulling herself to a sitting position, etc. She can sit unassisted for several seconds but I have to position her. I guess technically she's meeting all her "milestones", but lately I've felt like she hasn't done anything drastically new and I keep seeing/hearing about other babies her age doing so much more. I just visited my best friend who has a 25 week old that is as advanced as her, if not more. I guess I just feel worried and I know "all babies are different" but it still bothers me even if I try not to think about it. I just love her so much and want her to keep up with all the other babies. Am I just being a crazy new mom?!?!

Re: Feeling like baby is behind....

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    No it's normal. Sometimes I think my daughter is behind and is never going to do anything new or will never do it at all! She's 7 months and hasn't crawled yet or pulled up. She won't even hold her own bottle but I just try to remember she will do this stuff when she is ready to do it not when I want her to.
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    It's easy to compare babies (and really really hard not to!) but you are right, one day she will decide she's ready!
    If you get really worried you can talk with her doctor? If doc is worried, may have her evaluated by Help Me Grow (or whatever your state's 0-3 program is called?)- we did that with my first born, he had speech delay (r/t born with hearing loss) and Help Me Grow was fabulous! Best thing that could've happened to us! He decided to start talking one day and hasn't ever stopped! ;)
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    I agree with PP. DS isn't crawling yet or pulling himself up  either. He is starting to get his legs under him while on his tummy but hasn't figured out to also lift himself with his arms into crawl position. But he is rolling everywhere. Whenever I get discouraged I just focus on his strengths, he's super vocal and is putting together consonants and vowels into little stings of  babble and he is super social and loves to laugh  and play. I think, just like adults, some babies have stronger areas than others and develop at different rates for different aspects of development. 
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    Thanks everyone...I guess I just need to relax and try to stop worrying!
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    I feel the same way sometimes and then I google stuff and remind myself that every baby developes at a different rate. I finally got my guy to roll over (he wanted the dogs squeaky toy) but won't do it unless I really encourage him. He's not attempting to crawl or anything either. Honestly, I'm enjoying him not moving because I know once he starts its going to be insane!!!
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    I feel you! My cousin had a baby a few weeks after us, and I see videos of him saying "Mama" and "Dada" and pulling up and attempting to walk. I'm like WTF?!? My LO did come 3 weeks early, and his kid arrived at 41 weeks, so that makes a big difference. I figure, as long as the pediatrician isn't worried and LO is hitting most milestones, we are fine.

    On the other hand, if baby seems far behind (like 3+ months) I would suggest bringing up your concerns to the pediatrician. Our firstborn was late with almost all developmental milestones, as she came premature at 33 weeks. She has a speech delay and ended up qualifying for early intervention services. Early intervention only lasts till they age out at 3 years old, so the earlier you get into the program, the better.
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    At first, I thought DD was very advanced for her age! She was rolling unassisted at 5 months and it seemed to take ages for her to learn to crawl. Part of this was because she loves her walker, so she would be in that constantly until I sat her on the floor one day and attempted to crawl. I'm fed up of hearing the words 'dada' and 'nana', she doesn't shut up but she has always been very vocal. She just has her 3&4th tooth cutting through now but there's only smal signs of her pulling herself up. They will do it all in their own time, if you are that concerned then visit your doctor but you'll probably find that one day daughter will just up and move! If she's anything like mine, she hates being stationary for so long as she's very active. Encourage it all as much as you can
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    Half the time I'm convinced people make things up, my baby is doing exactly the same thing as yours. When I was teaching preschool I used to laugh in my head at all the parents completely obsessed with why their kids aren't as social, or as sensory as another kid. Now I understand now that I'm a mommy. You just want your baby to be healthy and when you see other kids doing something it's easy to panic and think "Why is my baby not doing that". I just try to tell myself that just because my baby doesn't do x doesn't mean he doesn't do y better. Keep hanging in there, there are more mommies with "normal" babies than you think.
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    33 weeks? Please don't tell me you're going to be the mom who says her son is 49 months old too. Btw if the pediatrician isn't worried then you shouldn't be. 
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    33 weeks? Please don't tell me you're going to be the mom who says her son is 49 months old too. Btw if the pediatrician isn't worried then you shouldn't be. 

    It's perfectly fine to still use weeks in regards to baby's age. Still a big difference in development from beginning to the end of the month.

    But seriously, I know someone who labels her kids age 54 months. Now THAT is crazy balls.
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    Katiefilm1Katiefilm1 member
    edited November 2015
    @cattledogmama I used "33 weeks" because I was comparing my daughter to a younger baby in my post and I wanted to make their age difference clear. Typically I refer to my baby's age by whatever month she's closest to....FYI!!!!
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