March 2015 Moms


I'm so upset that the hospital I delivered at didn't circumcise my baby right !!!! I wish I can sue them because aren't they trained to do it right ? My son has to get circumcised again and he's 4months and I know it will hurt him like hell he also likes to grab his peepee when he's in the tub ugh it's so frustrating I don't want him to have to go thru this but I know it will mess his image up when he gets older and it can cause bacteria if he dosent get it again

Re: Circumcision

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    What was the problem with his first circumcision that he has to have it again? Have they given a reason?
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    He looks uncircumcised like there's still a lot of skin covering his penius I have to pull the skin back to clean the tip
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    His still looks like this
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    Some very basic reading for you, I'm sure you've already researched but it may be helpful for somebody who hasn't... ;;)
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    Its my husbands and I decision... I rather get him done now before he gets older and wants it.. I would never date someone that's not circumcised before I got married I personally think it's dirty and disgusting..I don't want my son to be turned down because of that
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    My son's was starting to "reattach" at his 2 month appt so we had to pull it down and put Vaseline on it for about 2 weeks and still momentarily do it. I doubt it was the hospital doing the procedure wrong, but rather his body healing different. Sorry that he has to do it again ... It was one of the hardest parts those first 2 weeks!
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    I know it will be hard and he is older now too so I would hate to see him hurting when he's aware/ teething
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    Lololol It comes up in conversations with me lol I don't play that that's dirty so why waste our time trying to get to know each other like each other then I find out that [-X
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    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion..not being rude that's how I feel about it
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    I'm supportive on other topics
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    @honkytonk_kid can we be best friends? :x :))
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    I agree with PP. I doubt the hospital did it wrong. I had a girl but if I had a boy he would have been circumcised. However, if something happened and they would require me to put my 4 month old under for something not medically necessary I would be really overprotective about it. Babies are resilient but, why risk it? My nephew had a procedure done for a growth in his neck at 4 months and the anesthesia was awful. His recovery from it was easier than his recovery from anesthesia. He didn't eat for days and was lethargic for weeks. Just really think about that part. If you still want it done wait until he is older so he can handle the anesthetic better... Just a thought.
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    My son could not get it done as soon as he was born due to a medical condition. His dr said we can do it once he is a year old but we are going to wait until he is older since we are not wanting to see our baby go through that.
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    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion..not being rude that's how I feel about it

    You are correct! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but there is such a thing as being tactful. Here are some words you can use next time, instead of "dirty" and "disgusting":
    unclean, unhygienic, unkempt, unsanitary, unsightly, distasteful, objectionable, unappealing, and unpleasant.

    As PP's have mentioned, it is an outdated practice and has more to do with cosmetics than medical reasons. I understand that it's important to you and your husband that your son be circumcised, therefore you should ask your pediatrician what they recommend - as it is probably better to do it sooner rather than later. Good luck to the little guy and hope his recovery is quick and complication free.
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    aframe77aframe77 member
    edited July 2015
    I'm curious how many moms and dads were present at their babies circumcision? I didn't care either way about circumcision. I understand both sides of the topic. (Personally I had an ex-boyfriend who was uncercumcised and I didn't find it to be unappealing or unhygienic) but my husband wanted our son to be circumcised so I agreed. However I insisted we both be present for the procedure to see the consequences of our choice. It was difficult to watch my child be completely helpless (they strap down their legs and arms) and experience that kind of pain, long before he is able to comprehend it. I don't know that I would change my decision, but seeing it (and hearing it) with your own eyes certainly makes you think twice about the reasons for having one.
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    I had my baby circumcised the day after his birth. I didn't go and watch because I was recuperating, but my husband went with. But we did it for religious reasons (husband is Jewish), I agreed because I didn't think there was any reason not to.

    If you want to have your baby circumcised, do so. But be aware that it will be extremely painful for him at this age. It's really unfortunate it didn't heal properly and that he has to go through it again.
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    I highly doubt that being uncircumcised will mess up his "image" and it's really too bad that you are willing to put your baby through such a procedure and pain to save his "image" because you think otherwise your baby will be dirty and disgusting. If you do a little research and ask around, you'll find that circumcision is no longer the trend it once was especially since the risks are the same to do or not do. You can easily teach your son to clean himself just as you would to clean behind his ears or his little behind. We were on the fence about circumcising our little guy and made the decision to do it, which I now regret. There really is no need.

    As a mother, my concern is the logic behind your decision. I truly think if you ask your female friends, family or co-workers, you'll find most of them wouldn't mind if their partners were circumcised or not and would certainly not find one who is not, dirty and disgusting.

    While I agree that I doubt it wold hurt his image if he was uncircumcised (not a big deal as long as he has good hygiene), I don't think it's up to any of us here to question her logic as to why she's doing it. He's her son. She's not putting him in harm's way unless she tries doing it herself. It almost sounds like you're questioning her parenting. We don't have to agree, but shouldn't judge her.

    That being said, not very kind calling uncircumcised men "dirty" and "disgusting" after a few have mentioned their husbands were uncircumcised. You get a lot more support here by being tactful, be careful that your opinions, when put forth, aren't hurtful.
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    @goldmang Never thought of suggesting a Mohel, great idea!
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    Mummy0315Mummy0315 member
    edited July 2015
    I hope you haven't done anything yet! We went through the same thing about a month ago. My son is circumcised and he has what I thought was too much extra skin left and sometimes the skin would move forward and would look like the photo you posted. I was worried that his circumcision was not done properly as well. However, our pediatrician assured us that it in fact was done properly and it is a good thing that he had a little extra skin and it will actually benefit him as he approaches adulthood and matures. The pediatrian also told me to put Vaseline around the tip of the penis after he gets out of the bath so that the extra skin does not attach or grow around the top, this is known as a penile adhesion(which looks similar to the photo you posted).
    After all that we've been through with the circumcision, I often question my decision and some what wish I would have just left it alone, the whole process was heart wrenching and I don't think I've ever felt so much guilt. I would wait on doing anything if I was you! If he wants to get the procedure done again when he's an adult then that's his choice but if there aren't any health complications now then really what's the point?!
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