March 2015 Moms

March 20 Due Date anyone?

Hi everyone
My due date is March 20 so I was just wondering if anyone has the same DD just for the fun of knowing the patterns of pre labour or L&D or any other experiences or expectations :x

Re: March 20 Due Date anyone?

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    I'm March 19 :) I've been experiencing contractions off and on since yesterday--went to L&D yesterday bc baby wasn't moving but he was being stubborn and after an hour of monitoring (and a yummy red Popsicle) he finally started moving where I could feel him. Midwife and dr could tell he was moving based on his heart rate. I'm excited to meet my little man soon!
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    We are expecting our first LO on March 20! Not sure about you but I have been having very strong BH lately as well as very intense pelvic pressure (today I've only been able to cope laying down, it kills sitting up right). We're ready for him to make his appearance now lol :)
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    ju123ju123 member
    Hey nice! I also heard that they move less due to the lack of space they have now, I have felt quite a decrease in movements too...

    How are your contractions feeling now?
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    ju123ju123 member
    Hey @AshleyAllen87
    I feel the same way! Lots of pressure but it hurts more during the night so no sleep for me for the past 3 nights, brutal!
    I'm ready for the arrival as well :)
    My BH are all over the place lol
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    Ya sleep is a thing of the past at this point lol I guess it's just prep for when he's actually's frustrating bc my BH obviously get better when I move around, but my hips hurt so much when I sit up or walk around that I feel it's a lose lose situation lol

    I feel guilty saying I'm more then "done" and wish he would come sooner then later, but I really am just so tired/sore/uncomfortable that im not finding it to be fun being prego anymore :(
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    I'm also due March 20 with our first LO and am experiencing pretty much the same thing. Lots of pressure. BH all day. Went to the dr Friday and found out that I'm 1cm dilated, but no other changes this weekend so just waiting as patiently as I can! Anyone else dealing with a ton of swelling in hands and feet?
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    ju123ju123 member
    I'm often swollen but it diminishes and comes back, I'm thinking that I'm just not even more swollen because I live in Canada and it's really freezing here but I can be wrong...

    My doctor hasn't checked my cervix yet I'm not sure why but I'm kinda glad as I hate being touched down there lol particularly now it's so tender and sore...
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    @ju123 I know they usually don't move as much but I had gotten concerned because it had been almost a whole day since I had felt him move which is why I was alarmed. Contractions are still off and on, I guess my body is just prepping me for what's ahead :)
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    Where abouts in Canada do you live? My hubby and I live in Ontario, in a small town about an hours north of Oakville.

    I haven't had any swelling so far thank goodness. My OB hasn't checked to see if I'm dialated yet. Unless there is a medical reason, he won't check until I'm past 38 weeks.

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    Due March 19th with #2. Tons of pressure, hands and feels are swollen on and off most of the day. I've had a few Braxton hicks. He's still moving around like crazy which puts a lot of pressure on my body and ribs! Ouch!! I was induced with #1 but my water broke on its own so at least I know what it feel like. Waiting impatiently...
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    ju123ju123 member
    Hey we are so close I live in Ottawa!
    It's being brutal this winter and being pregnant I have been hibernating lol
    Maybe here in Canada they don't check us before 38 w but I'm glad :)

    As I stated I'm not looking forward to hahah
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    ju123ju123 member
    How many weeks were you when you were in induced?
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    ju123ju123 member
    I'm a STM but my first was a scheduled c section so it's like being my first time too waiting to go into labour :)

    Very anxious
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    @ju123 I was 38w2d and induced due to pre-e. Luckily all is good this time around so I'm hoping that I wont have to be induced although it was kinda nice knowing when and the time etc.
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    ju123ju123 member
    Oh I completely understand! The waiting game kills us lol

    Good thing no pre e this time though ;)
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    They only check me for dilation because I've been having contractions since 29 weeks. I know what everyone means by worrying about what labor will really feel like! I've been having contractions for so long that I have no idea if I'll know the difference!
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    I'm due 3/19 with dd #3
    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    For some reason it cut off the rest of what I wrote...I've been having lots of BH and what feels like menstrual cramps off and on for the last few days. I'm hoping this is my body kicking things into gear. My last baby was 9 days late so I'm trying to not get my hopes up...
    Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    March 22nd here! First baby was three days late, midwife keeps telling me this one may come early but I'm not holding my breath. :)
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    My due date is March 20th :) and I've been getting frequent BH and a few actual contractions. Midwife says our little man is head down and ready to go it's just a matter of when he will decide to make his appearance:)
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    Also due on the 19th. I've been having several contractions a day for a couple weeks now. Baby is extremely low (has been for weeks) and my cervix has thinned a good bit. My OB said she wasn't sure how dialated I was because my cervix was high and she could barely reach it. She hinted that she didn't think I would make it to my due date. DS came 2 days after his due date. I hope she comes soon as I am completely miserable!
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    I'm due on the 15th, I'm just getting a little bit of period-like cramping. Not much to write home about. I'm so ready too
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    I'm also due on March 20th. I haven't had any signs of labor. I haven't even had many BH contractions. I'm starting to feel like he's going to come later than my due date by far. Either that or I'm just extremely lucky to not be having any problems like everyone else.
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    StowerBabyStowerBaby member
    edited March 2015
    I'm due the 20th too! I feel like baby is lower and some period type pain last night but no real signs yet. I have terrible lower back pain when I roll or get out of bed I think from pelvis loosening.
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    I'm due March 20th with my 1st! Definitely feeling the BH contractions. Yest. And today I noticed more pain/pressure in my back and pelvis. He has been less active the past few days but since I'm feeling him move I haven't gotten too worried yet. It's driving me crazy though bc he keeps hitting nerves down there and sends shooting pain/tingling through the lady parts haha. Had a cervical exam last appt. But doctor never mentioned dilation or anything. Another appt. Tuesday so we shall see if any changes.
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    DD 25th. Started swelling in hands and feet about a week ago. The Dr. Said it was normal but I find it very incomfortable now to hold things like a pen or my phone. My fingers tingle. My legs and feet are starting to swell too. Doc says all normal but still the last month isnt as fun and enjoyable as the other month of prrgnancy. Ready for the arrival.
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    Im due march 22nd. I get BH everyday almost. My cervix opened at 28 weeks so was on bedrest up until now. Last monday i was between two and three cm. I go in to the dr today. I was pretty active this week so we will see if that changed anything. Doctor already thinks he will be here sooner that my DD. As long as he is healthy im perfectly fine with that. Im a FTM and the suspense of it all is driving me insane. I cant wait.
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    ju123ju123 member
    Nice everyone!
    I have been very lazy lately no nesting instinct has kicked yet, maybe because of the lack of sleep :(

    I look at the stuff I have to organise and I feel like I'm not ready at all lol

    Anyone there nesting yet???? #-o
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    ju123 said:

    Nice everyone!
    I have been very lazy lately no nesting instinct has kicked yet, maybe because of the lack of sleep :(

    I look at the stuff I have to organise and I feel like I'm not ready at all lol

    Anyone there nesting yet???? #-o

    I'm finished nesting! Sorry to rub it in, but I'm so thankful that I got all of this down already. Now hubby is nesting... It's funny to see him rush around prepping the house for baby.
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    For SuzyQ and all the M15 losses

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    ju123ju123 member
    @noodlienoodles & @YoungDuo

    Oh so jealous, when is this going to happen for me lol
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    ju123 said:

    @noodlienoodles & @YoungDuo

    Oh so jealous, when is this going to happen for me lol
    Well, I think I'm finished because I'm just so anxious/nervous and baby is like the only thing I think about!
    Pregnancy Ticker
    For SuzyQ and all the M15 losses

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    Im due on 14th been getting hell of alot of pain to strong to be BH but there not that regular so cant be real,but ive also had really bad bowel movements (runs) for past four days anything i eat within 5mins im running to toilet sorry for tmi just hope its my time soon as cant cope with pain like this :(
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    I'm a FTM due on the 25th and there's not much I can complain about. I've felt intermittent contractions, but definitely not enough to worry or call the doctor; I haven't had much of any swelling; RLS was a bitch for a week but is no longer an issue; but hell, this pelvic pain is a pain in my ass! I can't walk more than a few steps and have been on modified bed rest since before Thanksgiving.
    Me: 27. Him: 31.
    TTC #1: Jun 2014. BFP #1: Jul 18, 2014. DD born Mar 2015.
    TTC #2: Aug 2015. BFP: #2: Nov 9, 2015. EDD: Jul, 21 2015.
    Vow Renewal: July 1, 2017.
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    My baby boy is due March 20th!!! Lots of Braxton Hicks fun lately, and swelling galore. On my second week of maternity leave, and I have everything set up and ready to go for little one (just waiting for the crib to arrive!) so I have plenty of time to rest now!
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    I am due March 20 with my first baby. I have had some BH but they arent too intense yet. I just experience a lot of pain at night when I turn over in bed. It makes it hard to sleep. At my 37 week Dr. apt I wasnt dilated yet and the doc said she was still up there a ways. If I am already feeling this much pressure and pain, I'm a little nervous what it's going to be like when she drops more!

    I'll start off my weekend in full nesting mode and want to get all of these projects done and rooms cleaned and then that last about 45 min before my back starts hurting or I get too tired haha. During the week, I'm too tired after work to do much. So it's been a slow process, but I'm getting there.
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    adelems said:

    I'm a hyper planner. So got all that nesting stuff done haha. Now I'm just trying to keep the house clean (like someone else mentioned) and trying to stay upbeat .. Been struggling with feeling down :(

    Ugh - I'm sorry you're feeling down! Just keep in mind that this state is only temporary.
    Pregnancy Ticker
    For SuzyQ and all the M15 losses

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