June 2014 Moms

Baby Names

augustusgooseaugustusgoose member
edited December 2014 in June 2014 Moms
How do you really feel about your LOs name?

Baby Names 204 votes

Love it
81% 167 votes
Still growing into it
14% 30 votes
Still pondering other options with no intention to change it
1% 3 votes
What the hell was I thinking
0% 0 votes
That's what NNs are for
0% 2 votes
0% 2 votes

Re: Baby Names

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    I love LOs name, sometimes I think other names 'look' better on him. Sometimes I see names and try it out on him, don't know why, his name will always be his name. LOs name is Dominic btw.
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    I love her name, always have.. sometimes I second guess myself on how we chose to spell it, especially if I see it another way. But then my friends tell me I am crazy and that the spelling fits her perfectly and any other way would make the name look wrong for her lol. Okaaay.
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    My son is a Jr. and although he looks very little like his Daddy he does act like him often.  The nickname we use (AJ) suits him.  The only reason why I've questioned his name is because of the hassle of him being on his Dads insurance and the confusion at the pharmacy...I don't get it, I mean it is pretty common for a child to be named after their father!


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    I love Stella's name, but it feels like a bit more of a grown up name that she'll grow into more as she gets older.

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    Spelling Luka with a K still throws me off a little bit, but I think it looks much better with our Finnish last name than Luca, so I talk myself down from it.

    I do love the way it all sounds though, and he's a total Luka.

    As a side note, our other option was a Jr. He resembles DH so much that I'm glad we didn't go that route. It would have been too much.


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    Zachariah was the only boy name we could agree on, and that name came up somewhere in the 8th month of pregnancy. At first I thought it was a pretty good name but hated that he would be called Zach. Now I can't imagine anything else (Including the nickname). 

     I tolerate his middle name because it was important to DH to pick it. It's DH's dad's middle name who passed away.
    BFP: July 2013 M/C August 5, 2013
    BFP: October 22, 2013 EDD: June 21, 2014
    Baby boy arrived June 23, 2014

    BFP: February 2016 EDD: October 17, 2016
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    I like DD's name and I do think it suits her but there's always that little bit of doubt in the back of my mind wondering if there is a better name out there.  And DH still makes comments about the spelling we chose (Juliet vs. Juliette).
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    I'm obsessed with my babe's name. Mack is her nickname which I also love. 
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    @krystaj - WTF?


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    Love the name Persephone, that was one of our low ranking options that was quickly eliminated by hubby. If we were going to have a girl, her name would have be 80% Gwendolyn and 20% Josephine, NN Gwen or Josie. Also came across the name Jolen that I liked. I never really worked on boy names, I was 100% convinced that he was going to be a girl. I breifly mentioned Dominic to DH and kept obsessing girl names. DH gotten super attached to Dominic as the boy name, so when we went in for the AS ultra and found out it was a boy, his name was set. I like Dominic, he looks like a Dominic, plus I like calling him Baby Dom, like the way it rolls out.
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    I still love our name. Her middle name is after my hubby's sister that passed away and it suits her, love that we were able to honour her that way. We were between two girl names before she was born, one I liked and one my hubby liked. After I pushed her out and was physically exhausted I said I for sure get to pick her name after that and that's how I won that one.
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    I love DS's name - Conor (middle name I'm meh about but it was a family name that DH really wanted).  The only thing that's annoying is that DS's name gets misspelled a lot.  People have actually told us us we spelled it funny.  Um, no we didn't spell it funny we went with the traditional Irish spelling of one "n" and an "o".  I don't care how other people spell the name but don't tell us we spelled it wrong.  Geesh. Sorry for the rant.
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    I like E's name a lot but feel kind of weird when people say "oh where'd you get that name from" and I say "well it's a company that makes baseball bats and other sports equipment" and then I get a funny look. I should just say its a family name! (Oh, and I'm sure it's easy to figure out from that, but his name is Easton)
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    I love her name but it's still a bit weird to me... same thing that it feels weird that I have a daughter! I don't love her middle name, but I can deal with it.
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    I LOVE J's name. I don't love how popular it is. Oh well
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    I love Paisley's name. At first I wasn't to keen on it but now I love it.
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    I think Maggie totally suits my girl, but I hate that we went with Margaret on her birth certificate. I know it's better to have a formal name and then just go with a nn. But I just don't see her as anything other than Maggie!
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    We were down to two amd I won the name game after 24 hours of pitocin labor lol. I still question it sometimes though

    Engaged: 7/19/09 Married: 9/19/10
    BFP: 10/14/13 EDD: 6/16/14 DD Arrived: 6/21/14
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    June '14 Siggy Challenge: Warm Places


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    I love the name Caroline but I am still adjusting to the fact that I have a daughter named Caroline. I think she is still growing into her name. Sometime I call her one of the runner up names just to test them out for fun but have zero intention of changing her name nor any regrets.
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    ELC252011ELC252011 member
    edited December 2014
    I love my LO name. I wasn't crazy about her nn but it has grown on me. I feel like her name fits her. I couldn't imagine a different name for her.
    Edit: typo
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    I love DD's name. It fits her so well. Her name is Lucille (Lucy) and she is wild and crazy, but sweet and caring. The only thing I don't like is that everyone assumes we named her after Lucille Ball since I like her so much. We did not. We just loved the name.

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    Wyatt was the name I was vying for with DS1 and don't get it (DS1 is Dylan) so I'm glad we went with it for our 2nd. It definitely fits him. its kinda lame that some celebrity used it for their daughter though...
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    I love his name (Lucas Christopher).

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    We used Jenna Paige and I like it. She's named after a dear friend. I don't looooove it yet but I think I will. With DS I was so confident that his name was right and I am just waiting to feel that confidence with DD.

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

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    @KrystaJ‌ - i definitely think I will start saying it's a family name - tho my name is too but no one believes me and thinks that I'm named after a character from the Brady bunch

    @snuff9861‌ Thanks. It was actually the only name we could come up with, so we are kind of screwed name wise if we have another.
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    @lecholls‌ I love Easton. It was my #1 boy name. DH said kids would call him "yeast infection". Ugh, really?!

    Thanks! That's actually pretty hilarious. When I was pregnant MH and I would try to think of all the cruel nicknames kids could call him based on his name and we never thought of that one. We obviously aren't very original!
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    @megk82 I really like the name Ike and it grew on me for a girl. That's a good NN.
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    I'm still not in love with it. I don't like his first and middle name together. I think that throws me off a lot. I like calling people by their first and middle names and I just don't like the flow of C's name. When I think of the names I'd like to use for possible siblings, I like it more. I just wish I was in love with his name.
     TTC#1 Since April 2011 
    BFP#1 5.23.12 C/P 4w4d 
    BFP #2 10.1.13
    EDD June 10, 2014
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    @amtellez28 I keep catching myself calling LO by the dog's name - then I feel really bad!


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    mullenem said:

    mullenem said:

    @amtellez28 My SIL told me that her and BIL were catching themselves calling their new baby Sadie all the time (their baby's name is Wilhelmina) just because the babies are only 2.5 months apart and they were so used to my baby girl being around.  Also, they were team green and I think not really expecting a girl so that took getting used to as well!  It happens!

    Hey! That's MY name!!

    Love it!  She gets called Willa sometimes but we use Wilhelmina a lot too.  I think it's pretty and doesn't get used near enough (which I guess is a good thing for my SIL and niece).

    It's not actually my name and now I can't remember why it was used for me. Pregnancy brain, yo.
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    100% in love with his name.  It fits him perfectly.  Kinda peeved that I just heard its poised to be one of the most popular names for 2015-16 though.  We picked it due to its association with my family (my family lives where I grew up in the Hudson valley, and Hudson was our old family name from our Irish side).  I didn't want him to be one of 20 Hudsons in his class :/



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    mullenem said:

    mullenem said:

    @amtellez28 My SIL told me that her and BIL were catching themselves calling their new baby Sadie all the time (their baby's name is Wilhelmina) just because the babies are only 2.5 months apart and they were so used to my baby girl being around.  Also, they were team green and I think not really expecting a girl so that took getting used to as well!  It happens!

    Hey! That's MY name!!

    Love it!  She gets called Willa sometimes but we use Wilhelmina a lot too.  I think it's pretty and doesn't get used near enough (which I guess is a good thing for my SIL and niece).
    It's not actually my name and now I can't remember why it was used for me. Pregnancy brain, yo.

    It was @flerlgirl‌ The why I can't remember.
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    @megk82 and @mtgrizgirl‌ we named DD Josephine but for us it IS an old lady name - my father's mother and my husband's mother's mother were both named it. We call her Josie and I even suggested naming her just Josie, still as an homage to the ancestors, but my husband insisted she get the full name. I've gotten a lot of positive reactions to Josie and of course older generations love that it's Josephine and tell us how it's a great name they you never hear anymore. I think of it as being very grandma-ish bc it was my grandma, so can't see myself ever calling DD by her full name. But I'm very happy with it and since I grew up with a pretty unique name and didn't encounter many others with it I hope she can say the same.
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    @mtgrizgirl‌ you're welcome! Her cousin can't quite say Josie yet so calls her JoJo and that nickname has caught on for that side of the fam. I find DH and I call her Jo a lot around the house. When people ask her name I say Josie and DH says either Josie or Josephine prob 50/50.
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    I love her first name, it fits her perfect and we hear a lot of compliments about it. Her middle name I like it more as a first name, it's a beautiful name but I don't think it goes well with her first. We thought about changing it and even went to the City Hall to fill up the form to do the change but her passport was in process so the person there suggested we waited until after our trip. Now that we are back home I'm having second thoughts about changing it, ugh.
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    Married 05/15/13 FTM with EDD 06/24/14
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