March 2015 Moms

Breast feeding without a cover at back to school night -oh my!

Just had to share my experience tonight. A students mother (who by the way has a kindie boy with a very androgynous name and haircut- and I mistook him for a girl) came in to my classroom tonight carrying her baby with her breast completely out (nipple and all) and basically walked around the school to all the teachers for over an hour like that (baby had fallen asleep while breastfeeding and she kept him there on the boob to keep him asleep ). I can be a pretty crunchy girl, but dude!!! That was some crazy shit. So I'm just wondering if you guys agree that back to school night is probably an inappropriate place to parade your breasts. Thoughts?

Re: Breast feeding without a cover at back to school night -oh my!

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    Hilarious. I was going to post the same question just now.

    Took a friend to Disneyland and she brought her baby. When it was time to feed her, she just whipped out her large breast and fed her. It was a super crowded day. People were totally staring. Mostly because her boob was twice the size of the baby's head.

    Not sure how I feel about this. I think I would opt for a cover. She was totally "I am woman hear me roar."
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    BabyFruit Ticker
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    ^ totally valid points. I think I would be self-conscious that pervs would look at it a different way. Question: does anyone know what they do in Europe? They're comfy with breasts at beaches.... Wondering how they feel about this.
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    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I think breastfeeding is great - totally support it, but there's a line between that and being an exhibitionist. I feel that women should absolutely be able to feel comfortable to breastfeed in public, but it's 2014 and there are so many covers or bottles to bottle feed for a time like the aforementioned that it would be more appropriate to handle the breastfeeding a little more conservatively. Again, I respect the choice and decision to breastfeed - but modesty and respect for the teachers or other parents (husbands or wives) or children present needs to be an element considered in her choice to expose her entire nipple for pure convenience of keeping her child asleep. Bring a pacifier or come up with another alternative that is mutually amicable to all parties and onlookers.
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    Personally I use a cover. And I think she could have covered up her nipple if the baby fell asleep, but that's just me. Feeding is one thing, and having a nipple out is another
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    To be honest, this kind of thing makes me struggle to not keep looking at zomg boobies! (I don't think I'm secretly a 14 y/o boy. Idk - it's just not common to see breasts out & it's not polite to stare, so I'm constantly like don't look don't look don't look...) But I strongly feel that women should not have to cover up while breast feeding. Discretion is nice b/c of how our society is, but it also will continue to propagate a culture of zomg boobies! So ... When I feel that way, I think the problem is me & not the mom feeding her baby. Nip slinging is a lil different. Hard to say w/I seeing it for myself.
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    FWIW, I love these photos that show how breast feeding mothers used to not be given a second look because it was just what everyone did to feed their child. Note that none of the other people in the photos is ogling the mothers breasts at all. I love these photos. These days, breasts are so sexualized in our culture that we will never get back to this.

    This was really nice. I wish people were more understanding. I've actually heard men say bfing is hot and kinky. There is nothing sexy about bfing, it's mother nature
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Kaylin Lanelle Born 9/2012
    Rylee Amelia due March 5, 2015

    For SuzyQ

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    You can tell me to fuck off, but I'm just stating both sides. I'm not being an asshole, I'm stating what is obviously a valid side to peoples opinions on breastfeeding. Wether you chose to acknowledge it or not - I'm not the only person who thinks like that - otherwise it wouldn't be a question topic on this board or a topic in society. If you need to tell me to fuck off to make you feel like you're defending your child, that's cool. But that was not my intention. And let's not forget the OP said the child was sleeping, not breastfeeding for the majority of the time. To each their own.
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    You guys are actually ridiculous. I never said it was gross, I never intended to put breastfeeding moms down. I just said people are not as open to public breastfeeding as you feel they should be. To your point - no, I am not the spokesperson for people who think you can be more conservative In some breastfeeding situations. I never was completely one sided - I just simply said there are definitely ways to be more conservative especially at school conferences. I'm not sorry for how I feel. And I also won't apologize for using "big words" to state my opinion as opposed to your cuss words.
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    Because it is not a black and white topic. Some people just are not comfortable with it. Period. That's why it's such a controversial issue.
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    Honestly in most situations I totally agree that breast-feeding in public without a cover is totally fine. It just felt like one of those rare situations where it is incredibly distracting. I can only say what I would do in that situation. It's true that this particular baby might not do well when being covered but the baby wasn't eating at this point and I used the word parading because basically the whole hour after the baby still wasn't actually eating she remained in this position. It really and truly felt like the mother was making a statement. Of course, this opinion of the mother is formed by several other bizarre things that have happened with her other children. I feel like I might have not given my complete opinion on breast-feeding because I am a huge advocate of uncovered feeding. Like I said, there are just a handful of situations that are kind of inappropriate and this felt like one of them. But you know what? I do totally wish that our society was different and that I didn't feel like I couldn't stop staring at her breasts when she was chatting with me but I couldn't. That's just the truth. Perhaps that is pretty sad about our society but it is true. I definitely don't think that a mother should have to pump and bottlefeed to avoid these situations and I certainly won't but I think in this sort of situation a cover probably was a bit more appropriate.
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    Ugh and just UGH. You support bfing but think some women are being exhibitionists?? Seriously? Do you know how bfing works? You sound like an idiot.

    oh, and we chose to never give our child a pacifier, so you know, we don't all parent the same way, and we don't all pop a pacifier in our kids mouths to quiet them.

    I hate when people say they support bfing when they really don't. Why don't you wear a blanket over your head while you have dinner??

    I should have expected you to start throwing out insults... Anyway, if I'm an idiot then so was every parent and every teacher because there was not one person in the room that didn't feel a bit uncomfortable. Parents wouldn't go near her and teachers snickered and balked for hours after (which I did not, by the way)

    In a park? Go ahead. In a store, totally fine. At a kid birthday party - no worries! But... In an interview? In a meeting with the school staff where you have a detailed conversation with various teachers ? Do what you wish but be prepared to be talked about and make a whole lot of people uncomfortable. Anyway, I was looking for opinions and I did receive them. It's interesting to me how people view it since it is such a hot topic with very different viewpoints.
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    Although I'm a FTM I plan to BF. I hate the idea of using a cover. Not only that but I'm offended by the idea that my nipples are inherently more sexual than my husbands. (Why do I have to wear a shirt & he doesn't?)I don't think women should EVER have to cover their breasts, BFing or not. I plan to be as 'out' as possible when it's my turn.
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    earthian said:

    They're just boobs. Men can walk around shirtless and their nipples don't bother people. So what if women have extra tissue/glands that make boobs instead of just nipples?

    I'm pretty hard core about this, and while I get that It isn't everyone's cup of tea, a woman feeding her child with her breast is NBD to me.

    It's not a mother's fault that our society over sexualizes breasts.

    I could go on but it will get ranty, and this is the short version of how I feel.

    I agree and also wish things were different. My Australian husband who has seen boobs on beaches since he was born STILL gawks at them. It shocks me a bit but the truth is that I have breasts of my own and yet I still find myself staring in those situations. It's just what things have become. Maybe they will change.
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    Seriously you ladies are being extremely harsh. I agree with what she is saying, there is a time and a place for uncovered bfing, and perhaps an environment such as was aforementioned in this forum isn't the proper place for public bfing. Unfortunatey, we do live in a perverse society and whether or not you wish to give credence to that, it does not in fact change the situation. I see nothing wrong with covered feeding, and if you begin this ritual from the get-go, I do not believe your child would have an issue with it. And to answer the ignorant response of one of you, yes if I were hungry enough or felt that someone would take offense to it, I would eat with a blanket over my head. You are all atacking an individual based on the fact that she disagreed with one scenario, and frankly I find the turn in this discussion a bit ludicris and childish. The issue isnt that one person believes bfing is wrong, it is situational courtesy for the surrounding individual in the atmosphere in which you chose to bf for an exorbinant amount of time.
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    dani727 said:

    Honestly in most situations I totally agree that breast-feeding in public without a cover is totally fine. It just felt like one of those rare situations where it is incredibly distracting. I can only say what I would do in that situation. It's true that this particular baby might not do well when being covered but the baby wasn't eating at this point and I used the word parading because basically the whole hour after the baby still wasn't actually eating she remained in this position. It really and truly felt like the mother was making a statement. Of course, this opinion of the mother is formed by several other bizarre things that have happened with her other children. I feel like I might have not given my complete opinion on breast-feeding because I am a huge advocate of uncovered feeding. Like I said, there are just a handful of situations that are kind of inappropriate and this felt like one of them. But you know what? I do totally wish that our society was different and that I didn't feel like I couldn't stop staring at her breasts when she was chatting with me but I couldn't. That's just the truth. Perhaps that is pretty sad about our society but it is true. I definitely don't think that a mother should have to pump and bottlefeed to avoid these situations and I certainly won't but I think in this sort of situation a cover probably was a bit more appropriate.

    The problem is myself like I'm sure many of the other breastfeeding mothers have experienced so much judgement for doing something that is probably the most natural thing a mother could experience. To suggest a mother is parading her breasts makes it sound sexual when now breasts=sex to so many people that they are "disgusted" to see a mom actually using them for what they were intended for. Covered or not, it's a natural part of life. Many of us have been there when there's no cover but our kids are hungry, are we supposed to just let them starve? Plenty of us have used our nipples instead of a pacifier and would use that to keep our babies calm for a while during anything. So it becomes offensive to call out another breastfeeding mom for doing what so many of us have done/do. Until you actually start breastfeeding, you will not understand.
    The main reason for me posting was because I SO WANTED to not be uncomfortable. I wanted it to be a non-event. I felt a bit sad that I truly didn't feel comfortable talking with this parent and her husband in a serious way about my program at school and her other child. I just felt super distracted. It's different when it's in regular public situations but I just couldn't focus. I did hate myself a little for it. But it is in fact very telling about society and how these things make us feel in certain situations.

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