May 2014 Moms

Let's talk baby poop

How is your LO doing? On schedule? Having gas issues?

My LO is on her 4th day. I'm EBF and she has been going the recommended amount up until today. She's gone about 15 hours since her last poop which is about twice as long as between her poos her first 3 days. The chart in book says she should have 4 total today so she's pretty behind. Feeding well and still wetting diapers. I'll probably call ped this afternoon but anyone else have poo issues? TIA!

Re: Let's talk baby poop

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    It took us until about day 5/6 to get regular (I EBF too).
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    We had one gap between poos around that age. It was longer than 24 hours then DS had a big one. Took a while for his system to kick in. I was getting worried though then he pooped. Call the pedi if your worried, can't hurt :)
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    She sounds pretty normal. Has your milk come in? Bc that will play into her diapers. Same with if she is still passing meconium. Lastly, EBF babies can go upwards of a week without a BM if they are growing.

    BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11

    BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14


    Lilypie - (2llN)

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    Thank you! I feel much better after seeing your responses. Yes milk is in and last two poos were greener so it seems she's passed the meconium. She still hasn't gone so I did call ped just now. They said to call in am if she still hasnt gone. Otherwise as long as she is still wetting diapers and not spitting up with a hard tummy she should be ok.
    Thanks again, guys. Bring on the non stop worrying for the rest of our lives! Did I need to even mention I'm a FTM?
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    We're on day 3 of no pooping. The pedi doesn't seem concerned as she's still wetting frequently. We just started supplementing with formula while my milk comes in, so I'm expecting a poop soon!
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    My BF baby only poops once a day. Maybe twice. Pedi said some kids are like that and consistency of stools and plenty of wet diapers are most important.
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    DS - 2 years old
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    Same as a lot of other people. On day 4 we panicked because we didn't have any poop diapers. Saw the ped the next day for routine appt and he BLEW up a diaper full of poop on the way home. :)
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    KellyQ116 said:

    Thank you! I feel much better after seeing your responses. Yes milk is in and last two poos were greener so it seems she's passed the meconium. She still hasn't gone so I did call ped just now. They said to call in am if she still hasnt gone. Otherwise as long as she is still wetting diapers and not spitting up with a hard tummy she should be ok.
    Thanks again, guys. Bring on the non stop worrying for the rest of our lives! Did I need to even mention I'm a FTM?

    Keep an eye on the green poop. EBF poop is honey mustard colored with little "seeds". Most likely you are seeing the transition to that. Green poop later on though can mean a hind/fore milk inbalance.

    BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11

    BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14


    Lilypie - (2llN)

    Lilypie - (2L9u)


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    ~All AL'ers welcome~

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    Update : she did have a tiny amount of poo (quarter size-ish) 18 hrs after her last and it was definitely 'seedy' and more mustard colored. Still not the amount I'd like to see after such a long stretch but feeling relieved. Thanks again for your responses ladies! All of the written materials stress 4/day at this point so I was really getting worried.
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    I have never heard 4 per day before. In fact I thought that they told us in the hospital that they don't always loop every day and as long as they aren't straining and the poop isn't hard not to worry.

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    The lc from the hospital indicated that quarter sized poop counts as a bowel movement. And as PP said, they don't poop every day. I remember that being during growth spurts though.

    T 2.12 | W 5.14

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    Should have specified @pistolpackinmomma‌ the booklet from the hospital and one from our ped office both said for first 5 days poops should match the days old LO is (1day=1poop 2days=2 poops...) So day 4 wo any poops in 20 hrs what was what had me nervous. She's since made up for this with a major blow out and has been better :)
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    I'm EBF too, and between the colostrum to milk stages, DS went a full day without pooping. The first poop was meconium mixed with breastmilk mustard poops, and then since then it's been mustard poops 3-4 times a day. The ped said as LO as he wasn't noticeably uncomfortable from it, it's common.

    Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014

    Baby #2 due 4/26/16!

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    Day 2 we had like 6 black poopy diapers but day 3 was only 2 (this was also when my breast milk started to come in). Now, on day 4, we have had about every other diaper be mustard seed poops. DS2 is gaining weight (as of yesterday, he was an ounce away from birth weight). Therefore, not worried.

    T 2.12 | W 5.14

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    My dd goes a lot. Some are like the size of a quarter though and some are much larger

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    SMM1986SMM1986 member
    We are BF and supplementing and DD hasn't pooped in almost 24 hrs. She usually poops at least 1-2 times a day and she is straining so hard. I've been doing bicycle legs but nothing yet.
    FWIW- we are switching to sensitive formula but just bought it today
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    MK1013 said:

    Does it mean she's getting breast milk if her poop has now switched to yellow? She's 3 days old. How much pee diapers should she be having?

    Yep! Yellow is great! Means things have kicked in and they are getting BM.

    I think the general rule of thumb is 6-8 wet diapers. I don't count. I change about every 2 hours and DS diaper is full. Pees are more important than poops to know they are getting enough as BF babies can go days without a bowel movement.
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    SMM1986 said:

    We are BF and supplementing and DD hasn't pooped in almost 24 hrs. She usually poops at least 1-2 times a day and she is straining so hard. I've been doing bicycle legs but nothing yet.
    FWIW- we are switching to sensitive formula but just bought it today

    I hear that's common when using forumla. Hope LO gets relief soon.
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    Ummm. It's number of pees based on how many days. At 5 days it is 6-8 pees. So you only need 3 pees now :)
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    Sorry! I forgot when it switched over! But trust me you'll see the change as you feel like your always changing diapers! Then changing again just after!
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    SMM1986SMM1986 member

    SMM1986 said:

    We are BF and supplementing and DD hasn't pooped in almost 24 hrs. She usually poops at least 1-2 times a day and she is straining so hard. I've been doing bicycle legs but nothing yet.
    FWIW- we are switching to sensitive formula but just bought it today

    I hear that's common when using forumla. Hope LO gets relief soon.
    Thanks, She was EBF for the first 2 ish weeks and had lots of those lovely mustard, seedy yellow poops, but the addition of the Formula must've changed things. I feel so bad for her, She is really struggling to make something happen :(
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