December 2014 Moms

Hump Day Bump Day!

FoxiePMFoxiePM member
edited June 2014 in December 2014 Moms
Let's see this bumps and US from this week!

How far along are you?
GTKY: What is your most prized possession (people and pets don't count)? Bonus points for PIPs

***DD 5/15/2004***TTC #2 Since March 2012***Severe MFI*** LameBlog ***

CafeMom Tickers

Re: Hump Day Bump Day!

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  • When did you start to show a bump?  I'm 11w tomorrow, and I'm seeing these cute bumps on 12 week photos.  As a FTM, is it normal to show at 12?  Wondering if I'll have a big difference in the next week.  Right now, I gots nada.
  • Cryssteen said:
    When did you start to show a bump?  I'm 11w tomorrow, and I'm seeing these cute bumps on 12 week photos.  As a FTM, is it normal to show at 12?  Wondering if I'll have a big difference in the next week.  Right now, I gots nada.
    I didn't have a bump like some of these ladies until I was 20-22 weeks with my first. 


    bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!

    beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • This is my first, so as bad as I think I'm showing, I'm not really showing enough to warrant a picture yet. Maybe in two more weeks? I'm just into week 10, so no rush.

    GTKY: My prized possession is probably my husband, but I don't think that counts. So I'll say my wedding ring. Unfortunately, my phone isn't letting me attach a picture. Can't win this week! lol
  • @Nesenotes, you are seriously the cutest pregnant lady ever!


    I forgot to post my U/S pic from this week :)

    Aw thanks I really appreciate it!! I'm really scared I'm going to look like a beached whale come 35 weeks but there is no turning back. What can ya do?
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12

     BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10 BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
    Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
  • JCM285JCM285 member
    edited June 2014
    I've been looking forward to HDBD today because when I got dressed this morning DH said "you are looking very pregnant this morning" (he meant it as a compliment, I promise). Anyway the bump isn't huge but at least it exists! I am 13w1d today.

    GTKY: this is a tough one but I still have a teddy bear that I've had since I was 3 and can't wait to give it to our LO (don't worry Ill wash it first lol).

    Married my best friend 7/2/11 - Furbaby born 7/9/11 and brought into our home 9/1/11

    BFP#1:   2/2/13 ~ exact m/c date unknown but around 3/20 at 10 weeks ~ diagnosed with PMP ~ D&C on 4/5 ~ TTA for at least 1 year due to PMP ~ cleared to TTC 1/14

    BFP#2:   2/7/14 ~ m/c 2/20/14 ~ possibly due to chemical pregnancy ~ TG no D&C is needed 

    Surprise BFP#3:  4/4/14 ~ super duper extra happy (and nervous) about this one - EDD 12/9/14!!!

    John Joseph was born on 12/12/14 at 7 lbs. 11 oz.  He is the most beautiful rainbow baby we could have wished for!


  • 10 weeks 2 days today and possibly carrying twins... I have my very first ultrasound the 16th so we shall see :) My prize possession is my wedding ring cause it took me forever to convince my DH we should get married and it finally happened so it means the world to me!!
  • ajlmomajlmom member
    edited June 2014
    Cryssteen said:
    When did you start to show a bump?  I'm 11w tomorrow, and I'm seeing these cute bumps on 12 week photos.  As a FTM, is it normal to show at 12?  Wondering if I'll have a big difference in the next week.  Right now, I gots nada.
    DH and I both agreed that my bump popped out exactly on 12 weeks, which was 2 days ago.  I'm shocked myself that it made its appearance this early.  My SIL who is similar size as I am didn't show until almost 18 weeks.  
    Pregnant with #2

    IVF cycle 1 (Nov 2013)- freeze all d/t OHSS
    FET #1-BFN
    FET #2-BFP baby girl born Dec 2014
    FET #3-Sept 2017 BFP but miscarried at 6 weeks

    IVF cycle 2 (Oct 2017)- freeze all again d/t OHSS
    FET #1 BPF, pregnant with a singleton due Sept 2018

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Gah, I feel like I'm never going to start showing! You all look great!
    I feel you...I feel the same!
  • RobinettMommaRobinettMomma member
    edited June 2014
    @ScrappyLika‌ Twins are thick in my family. My brothers are twins, my sister just had twins in April, both sets of grandparents are twins so theres a huge possibility. Also while i was at my dr appointment they mentioned that after my blood work and family history was taken that i have an extremely high chance of having twins.
  • I was told i have a little bump but i don't believe it. This is my 3rd pregnancy but first time I've made it this far... I'm 13 w 3 days. 
    You guys all look lovely!!

    GTKY: My stuffed animals: a red bull beanie baby that helps me be strong, a bunny that a very kind woman gave me (She has since passed of breast cancer), a stuffed puppy my hunny gave me. Also my coin/bill collection. 
    *Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
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