12w5d GTKY: My "imposter ring". I'm not married and honestly will probably never get married(again). But I have a commitment ring that I call my imposter ring. Strangers assume its a wedding band and I don't correct them. It keeps the creepers away.
13 weeks! Woohoo (also haven't gotten sick since last Friday! Fingers crossed )
GTKY: I'm gonna hop on Foxie's bandwagon and say my wedding rings I love them so much and am really distraught that I may need to take them off as the pregnancy progresses. Also because I'm an attention ho I uploaded 2 pics of my rings. Bam!
I just look bloated still haha, but hopefully it will be clear I didn't eat too much ice cream and I'm pregnant soon! Although still haven't told work so a few more weeks of covering it up will be good.
GTKY: an emerald ring from my aunt who passed away a few years ago. She was diabetic all her life and never had kids of her own because she was pretty frail. Every time a niece was born her husband bought her a ring with their birthstone. I was the first niece and a few months after she passed my uncle sent me this. I wear it almost everyday and hopefully I can all pregnancy. Nice to think of her when I look down at it.
GTKY: it's not a material possession, but I would say laughter. I treasure the ability to laugh at myself, laugh with my husband, and laugh at the crazy things this world brings. Life is too short to take everything so seriously
Here's a picture from Saturday, when I hit 12 weeks! GTKY: stupid as it might seem, my 1901 copy of Dante's Divine Comedy is probably my most prized possession. I rescued it from my grandfathers possessions when he passed away before it could be thrown out.
11w4d! My bloat has finally gone down some, so now instead of feeling fluffy I feel like I have a little bump! So fun
Gtky: I'm going to follow along and agree that it's my wedding/engagement rings because they are getting so tight on my finger I may have to retire them soon
12 week pic from yesterday! I've been taking pics in this dress every 4 weeks so that I can see a bigger difference with each picture. Pretty crazy how much has changed in three months... the 2nd photo is the 4 week pic!
No bump yet. Maybe next week!
My most prized possession is my ketubah. It's a "contract" that DH and I signed at our wedding. It is so beautiful and it reminds me of how much we love each other when I am otherwise p'd off at him.
When did you start to show a bump? I'm 11w tomorrow, and I'm seeing these cute bumps on 12 week photos. As a FTM, is it normal to show at 12? Wondering if I'll have a big difference in the next week. Right now, I gots nada.
How far along are you? This pic was taken Monday at 14 weeks even (with twins). It was taken first thing in the morning; by the end of the day I'm way bigger than this, but that's bloat.
GTKY: What is your most prized possession (people and pets don't count)? Bonus points for PIPs. I have a lot of sentimental things from my childhood, like silver dollars my grandma sent me every Christmas, etc. I get really anxious when DD gets into that stuff because I'm so afraid of it getting wrecked or lost. I guess that means those things are my most prized.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
When did you start to show a bump? I'm 11w tomorrow, and I'm seeing these cute bumps on 12 week photos. As a FTM, is it normal to show at 12? Wondering if I'll have a big difference in the next week. Right now, I gots nada.
I didn't have a bump like some of these ladies until I was 20-22 weeks with my first.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
13w4d today. This is from Sun I had to go shopping for more clothes because absolutely nothing fits. Fat, intestines, and a baby #2 is somewhere in there lol.
GTKY: my most prized possessions are my pictures. Family, dd, memories, so important to me.
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10
BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
This is my first, so as bad as I think I'm showing, I'm not really showing enough to warrant a picture yet. Maybe in two more weeks? I'm just into week 10, so no rush.
GTKY: My prized possession is probably my husband, but I don't think that counts. So I'll say my wedding ring. Unfortunately, my phone isn't letting me attach a picture. Can't win this week! lol
You all look SO CUTE! I finally get to play today- yay! I missed last week because I was working all day. I am 11W5D today...
Also, I thought hard about my prized possession before looking at the other posts, so apparently I'm with many others in saying that it would have to be my rings!
Taken yesterday at 13w 4d. Ya this STM bloat/bump is no joke. I think I was this big at 20 weeks with DD. I've cropped out my face to save you all from knowing my real superhero identity.
GTKY: probably a letter my sister wrote me when we were kids.
@Nesenotes, you are seriously the cutest pregnant lady ever!
I forgot to post my U/S pic from this week
Aw thanks I really appreciate it!! I'm really scared I'm going to look like a beached whale come 35 weeks but there is no turning back. What can ya do?
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10
BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
I've been looking forward to HDBD today because when I got dressed this morning DH said "you are looking very pregnant this morning" (he meant it as a compliment, I promise). Anyway the bump isn't huge but at least it exists! I am 13w1d today.
GTKY: this is a tough one but I still have a teddy bear that I've had since I was 3 and can't wait to give it to our LO (don't worry Ill wash it first lol).
Married my best friend 7/2/11 - Furbaby born 7/9/11
and brought into our home 9/1/11
BFP#1: 2/2/13 ~ exact m/c date unknown but
around 3/20 at 10 weeks ~ diagnosed with PMP ~ D&C on 4/5 ~ TTA for at
least 1 year due to PMP ~ cleared to TTC 1/14
BFP#2: 2/7/14 ~ m/c 2/20/14 ~ possibly due
to chemical pregnancy ~ TG no D&C is needed
Surprise BFP#3: 4/4/14 ~ super duper extra happy
(and nervous) about this one - EDD 12/9/14!!!
John Joseph was born on 12/12/14 at 7 lbs. 11 oz. He is the most beautiful rainbow baby we could have wished for!
Married my best friend 7/2/11 - Furbaby born 7/9/11
and brought into our home 9/1/11
BFP#1: 2/2/13 ~ exact m/c date unknown but
around 3/20 at 10 weeks ~ diagnosed with PMP ~ D&C on 4/5 ~ TTA for at
least 1 year due to PMP ~ cleared to TTC 1/14
BFP#2: 2/7/14 ~ m/c 2/20/14 ~ possibly due
to chemical pregnancy ~ TG no D&C is needed
Surprise BFP#3: 4/4/14 ~ super duper extra happy
(and nervous) about this one - EDD 12/9/14!!!
John Joseph was born on 12/12/14 at 7 lbs. 11 oz. He is the most beautiful rainbow baby we could have wished for!
10 weeks 2 days today and possibly carrying twins... I have my very first ultrasound the 16th so we shall see My prize possession is my wedding ring cause it took me forever to convince my DH we should get married and it finally happened so it means the world to me!!
When did you start to show a bump? I'm 11w tomorrow, and I'm seeing these cute bumps on 12 week photos. As a FTM, is it normal to show at 12? Wondering if I'll have a big difference in the next week. Right now, I gots nada.
DH and I both agreed that my bump popped out exactly on 12 weeks, which was 2 days ago. I'm shocked myself that it made its appearance this early. My SIL who is similar size as I am didn't show until almost 18 weeks.
Pregnant with #2
IVF cycle 1 (Nov 2013)- freeze all d/t OHSS FET #1-BFN FET #2-BFP baby girl born Dec 2014 FET #3-Sept 2017 BFP but miscarried at 6 weeks
IVF cycle 2 (Oct 2017)- freeze all again d/t OHSS FET #1 BPF, pregnant with a singleton due Sept 2018
I'm 10 weeks 5 days today - took this picture last night. Still pretty small but definitely looking pregnant- when I compare this to my earlier pictures, there's such a difference!
GTKY: Maybe my record collection - I have been collecting records of bands I like since I was 15 or so, and some of what I have would be very hard and/or expensive to replace now.
Edited to add my most prized possession. I'm thinking it has to be my pictures of when my children were young. That's just not something that you can ever replace if they are lost/stolen, etc.
GTKY: Besides my wedding rings, and this is going to seem kind of silly, but I consider my truck to be one of my most prized possessions. His name is Fred and he is a 1986 F150. He has been mine since 2002 and has seen me through so so much stuff and still runs perfectly. With the kids now I obviously don't drive him very much but I plan on keeping him forever. The picture was taken back in 2007. Gosh my H looks like a baby lol.
Forgot the question: I hate to agree with everyone else but it's probably my pictures. They aren't replaceable and I would rescue them first if I had to leave my house quickly (after my peeps and animals of course).
@ScrappyLika Twins are thick in my family. My brothers are twins, my sister just had twins in April, both sets of grandparents are twins so theres a huge possibility. Also while i was at my dr appointment they mentioned that after my blood work and family history was taken that i have an extremely high chance of having twins.
I'm a big girl but I normally have a pretty flat stomach. I'm counting it.
My most prized possessions are my wedding rings. I'm sorry everyone said that and it's not original but it's so true. Unfortunately my hands have swollen and I can't wear them both together so I am down to my wedding ring right now. I really miss my diamond.
I was told i have a little bump but i don't believe it. This is my 3rd pregnancy but first time I've made it this far... I'm 13 w 3 days.
You guys all look lovely!!
GTKY: My stuffed animals: a red bull beanie baby that helps me be strong, a bunny that a very kind woman gave me (She has since passed of breast cancer), a stuffed puppy my hunny gave me. Also my coin/bill collection.
*Said goodbye to our angel baby July 30. 2014. only had him for 21 weeks in my belly, missing him every day*
Re: Hump Day Bump Day!
GTKY: My "imposter ring". I'm not married and honestly will probably never get married(again). But I have a commitment ring that I call my imposter ring. Strangers assume its a wedding band and I don't correct them. It keeps the creepers away.
Holy big hand batman, sorry!
***DD 5/15/2004***TTC #2 Since March 2012***Severe MFI*** LameBlog ***

GTKY: I'm gonna hop on Foxie's bandwagon and say my wedding rings
GTKY: My photo albums from the years
GTKY: it's not a material possession, but I would say laughter. I treasure the ability to laugh at myself, laugh with my husband, and laugh at the crazy things this world brings. Life is too short to take everything so seriously
GTKY: stupid as it might seem, my 1901 copy of Dante's Divine Comedy is probably my most prized possession. I rescued it from my grandfathers possessions when he passed away before it could be thrown out.
Gtky: I'm going to follow along and agree that it's my wedding/engagement rings because they are getting so tight on my finger I may have to retire them soon
IVF cycle 1 (Nov 2013)- freeze all d/t OHSS
FET #2-BFP baby girl born Dec 2014
FET #3-Sept 2017 BFP but miscarried at 6 weeks
IVF cycle 2 (Oct 2017)- freeze all again d/t OHSS
FET #1 BPF, pregnant with a singleton due Sept 2018
GTKY: What is your most prized possession (people and pets don't count)? Bonus points for PIPs. I have a lot of sentimental things from my childhood, like silver dollars my grandma sent me every Christmas, etc. I get really anxious when DD gets into that stuff because I'm so afraid of it getting wrecked or lost. I guess that means those things are my most prized.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
We were in Cali over the weekend, so I had to take my 12 week bump picture on the beach. Bummer!
Taken Saturday at 12 weeks
ETA: My most prized possession is all of my photos.
BFP #1 5/12/12; EDD 1/20/13; Eliana Grace born 1/25/13
BFP #2 12/11/13; EDD 8/23/14; M/C 6 weeks
BFP #3 4/3/14; EDD 12/13/14
GTKY: my most prized possessions are my pictures. Family, dd, memories, so important to me.
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10 BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
GTKY: My prized possession is probably my husband, but I don't think that counts. So I'll say my wedding ring. Unfortunately, my phone isn't letting me attach a picture. Can't win this week! lol
I finally get to play today- yay! I missed last week because I was working all day. I am 11W5D today...
Also, I thought hard about my prized possession before looking at the other posts, so apparently I'm with many others in saying that it would have to be my rings!
GTKY: probably a letter my sister wrote me when we were kids.
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10 BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
GTKY: this is a tough one but I still have a teddy bear that I've had since I was 3 and can't wait to give it to our LO (don't worry Ill wash it first lol).
BFP#1: 2/2/13 ~ exact m/c date unknown but around 3/20 at 10 weeks ~ diagnosed with PMP ~ D&C on 4/5 ~ TTA for at least 1 year due to PMP ~ cleared to TTC 1/14
BFP#2: 2/7/14 ~ m/c 2/20/14 ~ possibly due to chemical pregnancy ~ TG no D&C is needed
Surprise BFP#3: 4/4/14 ~ super duper extra happy (and nervous) about this one - EDD 12/9/14!!!
John Joseph was born on 12/12/14 at 7 lbs. 11 oz. He is the most beautiful rainbow baby we could have wished for!
BFP#1: 2/2/13 ~ exact m/c date unknown but around 3/20 at 10 weeks ~ diagnosed with PMP ~ D&C on 4/5 ~ TTA for at least 1 year due to PMP ~ cleared to TTC 1/14
BFP#2: 2/7/14 ~ m/c 2/20/14 ~ possibly due to chemical pregnancy ~ TG no D&C is needed
Surprise BFP#3: 4/4/14 ~ super duper extra happy (and nervous) about this one - EDD 12/9/14!!!
John Joseph was born on 12/12/14 at 7 lbs. 11 oz. He is the most beautiful rainbow baby we could have wished for!
IVF cycle 1 (Nov 2013)- freeze all d/t OHSS
FET #2-BFP baby girl born Dec 2014
FET #3-Sept 2017 BFP but miscarried at 6 weeks
IVF cycle 2 (Oct 2017)- freeze all again d/t OHSS
FET #1 BPF, pregnant with a singleton due Sept 2018
Edited to add my most prized possession. I'm thinking it has to be my pictures of when my children were young. That's just not something that you can ever replace if they are lost/stolen, etc.
GTKY: Besides my wedding rings, and this is going to seem kind of silly, but I consider my truck to be one of my most prized possessions. His name is Fred and he is a 1986 F150. He has been mine since 2002 and has seen me through so so much stuff and still runs perfectly. With the kids now I obviously don't drive him very much but I plan on keeping him forever. The picture was taken back in 2007. Gosh my H looks like a baby lol.
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Forgot the question: I hate to agree with everyone else but it's probably my pictures. They aren't replaceable and I would rescue them first if I had to leave my house quickly (after my peeps and animals of course).
You never know if that's the real reason I cropped out my face @ScrappyLika. Maybe I faked my death and had a sex change.
I'm a big girl but I normally have a pretty flat stomach. I'm counting it.
My most prized possessions are my wedding rings. I'm sorry everyone said that and it's not original but it's so true. Unfortunately my hands have swollen and I can't wear them both together so I am down to my wedding ring right now. I really miss my diamond.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
GTKY: not sure but if there was a fire and my family was safe, I would probably grab my daughter's coming home outfit.
**December 2014 September Siggy Challenge - Favorite Thing About Fall - Fall Leaves and Apple Cider**
My bump is growing! Can't wait for it to stick out more.
GTYK: Aside from my pets, my old photo albums - everything else is replaceable
DS1: 12/17/2014
DS2: born sleeping at 26 weeks on 8/8/2016 due to chromosomal deletion
Pregnant with baby 3 - EDD 9/14/2017
6th pregnancy, 4th baby
BFP 12/08/2015
Beta #1 12/08/2015 (3097)
Beta #2 12/11/2015 (6033)