pattybettywhite member

Hi Bump Community!  I don't think this is a unique situation my husband and I are in but we've been trying for about 8 months now.  I was born with a congenital dilapidated uterus.  It means my uterus was heart shaped and not fully formed.  When I was 15 my right ovary ruptured as a result of my right side uterus not being open to drain. I have scar tissue on my "good side" and we are trying to move forward without medical intervention. We've had many months of heartache as we try to keep our lives stress free and simple.  I often wonder if it would be easier not knowing why we're having difficulty with TTC or if it is better so that we have an understanding of our roadblocks.  I've been told that once we conceive I should be okay to carry just fine, but it's the getting pregnant part that will be difficult.  I look forward to sharing in everyone's joys and heartaches on this difficult journey we're all on.  I hope that I can offer support and compassion to anyone looking for it and in return receive equal support and guidance.