July 2023 Moms

C- Section Or Vaginal Birth ?

Heyy! What are everyones thoughts on having a vaginal birth after 2 C-sections ? Im having my 3rd child but I really dont want to go through a c section again but then again the risk of it scares me 😩 just wanted to know if anyone has gone through it or your thoughts ? 

Re: C- Section Or Vaginal Birth ?

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    I am hoping to have a VBAC this time. My dr said there is no reason I can’t try and there is a 70% success rate 
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    How many c sections have you had? 
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    With my first I had a C-section and my second I had a vaginal birth. It’s hard to decide what’s best for you and baby! The best advice I received was to follow my intuition. I really wanted that vaginal birth and I found support and education to be so valuable! I hired a doula and took a VBAC course. There are definitely risks to weigh but for me the risks of another C-section were more than I wanted. Try to find a provider that will support you! Good luck! 
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