September 2022 Moms

Monday Bitchfest 4.25

Current pregnancy -
First BFP on 1/4/22.  Due date 9/13/22.

Four prior losses, no living children - 1 first trimester miscarriage, 1 blighted ovum, 1 chemical, and one extreme premature live birth daughter who died at 15 days old.


Re: Monday Bitchfest 4.25

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    It is such a Monday.  If I have to put out ONE more fire....
    Current pregnancy -
    First BFP on 1/4/22.  Due date 9/13/22.

    Four prior losses, no living children - 1 first trimester miscarriage, 1 blighted ovum, 1 chemical, and one extreme premature live birth daughter who died at 15 days old.

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    I hate school sports I hate school sports I hate school sports I hate school sports I hate school sports I hate school sports 
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    One of the dumbass techs I work with today made a student cry and she was doing Everything she was supposed to be doing. He’s arrogant and new and doesn’t do things the right way and takes shortcuts. He lies when asked questions directly. I’ve given him a million chances to change his behavior. He’s very rough with patients as well and it really bugs the shit out of me. I was so angry with him making the student cry I felt myself physically shaking. PREGNANCY RAGE HORMONES ACTIVATE!!! 
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    Dog insists on drinking from any dirty puddle, toilet, rainwater from pots, etc…instead of his fresh water bowl then repeatedly gets diarrhea 
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    wisehwiseh member
    Can you report him @foreveronyourside?

    oh no @lucyg00cy! Animals (and toddlers) are so frustrating when they do stuff like that where they're obviously getting sick but don't understand why, even when we tell them or try to stop them 😩😩
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    Watching my mom talk to my dad about money infuriates me. If it's not her way, it's not even going to be talked about. I get so disgusted when I see her be so toxic to him. He's the most patient man, and he is by no means being walked over, but just the fact that he puts up with it makes me frustrated. It's not my business, it's just hard to be around.
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    The AC keeps kicking on and I'm still wet from the pool. The girls are napping or I'd go figure out how to turn the heat on. 
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    Not so much a reason to bitch, but a minor inconvenience - sometimes it can be frustrating being an early due date within the group (Sept 1)... When I go through things, it feels like a lot of people are a few weeks behind me. So only the STM+ and a select few can really relate/comment. Then 2 weeks later everyone is commenting about symptoms that have already come and gone for me. Maybe I'm just being emotional/lonely :P 
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    @melyrae Yep, you're about 2w ahead of me (9/13). Sorry you're feeling so alone. As a STM it's nice to see your posts because they remind me what's coming! I get so excited thinking forward when I read yours.
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    @leannechristina that was super sweet ❤️ Thanks for that message !!!! 

    @trapperkeeper87 yeah being on either end of the spectrum could be frustrating for sure! 
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    newbabymama27newbabymama27 member
    edited April 2022
    @melyrae I get what you mean by feeling a bit left out (though obviously not intentional). I’m due Sept 28 and keep seeing all your guys’ anatomy scan pictures with googly eyes because mine isn’t until mid-May. It was the same with my first. I was due Dec 21 but he was born Dec 27 so I was the last one to share my birth story and felt behind on all the appointments and those early milestones lol. 

    ETA: just watch me not even be a September mom if this one is overdue too 😂
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    Both of my kids were end of May babies. I feel the end of the month is the worst. I t always felt left out. This one at the beginning in totally loving, but then again it's my third so I know what to expect. 
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    @wiseh I yelled at him again yesterday too. Patient was crying in pain (back hurt) instead of repositioning the guy he was like “oh you only have 10 minutes left you’re fine”. I repositioned the 300lb man. Can you report someone on the grounds of being a complete douche bag? Maybe he likes watching grown men cry. Idk. 
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    @foreveronyourside In your profession, I would absolutely think so, especially if it is something that could come back to haunt your workplace. Someone needs to be made aware of his behavior.
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    We got our assignments for state testing and I'm scheduled to provide relief for other teachers from 9am to 1pm nonstop, no break. I hate state testing already and I'm 100% gonna be late to relieve some teachers because I have to pee all the time! 
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    I think Cletus the Fetus is using my bladder as a trampoline...
    Current pregnancy -
    First BFP on 1/4/22.  Due date 9/13/22.

    Four prior losses, no living children - 1 first trimester miscarriage, 1 blighted ovum, 1 chemical, and one extreme premature live birth daughter who died at 15 days old.

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    pangolindromepangolindrome member
    edited April 2022
    I have pooped five times today. Enough? Please? Four of them have been at work. Single-ply toilet paper.
    Please, no more. I want to slather my ass with numbing agents as it is. I’ve learned my lesson - Takis Wave are a once-a-week treat. I promise. 
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    @kboydbowman I watched my fetus kick my bladder today. That was very interesting. 
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    @pangolindrome You know, I might just do that. He’s really alienated himself from the rest of the group because of his arrogance so I’m afraid my concerns won’t be taken seriously because “nobody likes him”. 
    But seriously, he’s a dick. 
    Appreciate the response and encouragement. 

    (Also I steal the baby wipes and tuck them under my shirt because the single ply is literally SANDPAPER)
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    @ashking0922 I’m proctoring for 5th grade this week. We’re required to be standing/circulating the whole time and can’t leave the room to pee. Honestly, the standing the whole time is the worst part. I just pee right before and then stop drinking water during. My hips hurt so bad by the end of the day, though!
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    @foreveronyourside I’m sure you know this, but don’t wait any longer. When you bring it up, cite specific incidents and give objective, observable details explaining the problems. It sounds like a terrible situation that will likely get worse.

    I’m not above bringing my own toilet paper. My pregnant butt needs gentler treatment.
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    I hear you on the single ply toilet paper - that is one thing the state definitely skimps on.  I have no shame when it comes to pooping at work, but i'm a big fan of Poopourri...
    Current pregnancy -
    First BFP on 1/4/22.  Due date 9/13/22.

    Four prior losses, no living children - 1 first trimester miscarriage, 1 blighted ovum, 1 chemical, and one extreme premature live birth daughter who died at 15 days old.

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    @pangolindrome the standing is rough too!! My hips are usually okay, it’s my feet that are screaming at me by the end. Best of luck to you this week!
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    @laj0217 You might benefit from a pelvic support belt. When I know I'll be on my feet or walking for a long stretch, I wear it to help my hips. It isn't a perfect solution, but it definitely is better than nothing. This is the one I have.
    DD 10/2019
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    @ashking0922 I think you mean @laj0217 ?

    @kboydbowman OMG yes! And those commercials are just the best too!
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    I almost cried from frustration at work today. Without getting into too much detail, I have a person who is above me (but not my boss) who always seems to question me to my boss, like I feel like she has it out for me. Everyone else in the company and even outside of it knows I'm a good worker and competent, and even come to me for advice, but this person always tries to make me look incompetent and insubordinate. I feel like every few months I'm needing to justify myself and sometimes use emails as written proof of conversations had. My DH asked me today, at what point does this cross over into harassment? The person obviously really upsets you and it is only this one person. 
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    I feel your pain.  Have a couple of those at work myself.  I do not understand why some people's self-esteem strategy of choice is to try to put others down.
    Current pregnancy -
    First BFP on 1/4/22.  Due date 9/13/22.

    Four prior losses, no living children - 1 first trimester miscarriage, 1 blighted ovum, 1 chemical, and one extreme premature live birth daughter who died at 15 days old.

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    @kboydbowman thanks. It's so frustrating. I seriously consider quitting and moving to private practice every few months... but I like my administrative role, so I stay... 
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    are you one of my other MH folks?
    Current pregnancy -
    First BFP on 1/4/22.  Due date 9/13/22.

    Four prior losses, no living children - 1 first trimester miscarriage, 1 blighted ovum, 1 chemical, and one extreme premature live birth daughter who died at 15 days old.

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    @trapperkeeper87 I ordered one through aeroflow/insurance, but insurance rules means it won’t ship until July. If it becomes an ongoing issue, I’ll take a look somewhere else. Really hoping it’s just this week that’s the problem. Today was the last day of testing, though, so long as I don’t get pulled for makeups next week. 
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    @laj0217 Is the one through your insurance just a belt for your pelvis, or bump support? This one doesn't support the bump at all and it's just meant to keep your pelvis in line and mildly compressed while standing or walking (last pregnancy I was in so much pain while just walking and it was because my pelvis was "shifting"). I have another one that supports my bump, but my body isn't ready for that yet.
    DD 10/2019
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    @trapperkeeper87 it says maternity lumbar support 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just added all the free insurance stuff to my cart 😆 if they want me to have it, I’ll take it!
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    wisehwiseh member
    I have braces & got temporary anchorage devices put into my jaw 6 weeks ago with an elastic chain linking it to my front teeth. The one on my right side is not in far enough & my cheek keeps swelling around it, it bleeds, basically an ulcer in my cheek from where the device is & the length of the chain as well. It is so painful. I saw my orthodontist today & asked if he could fix it and he was like “no, not really” and left it 😩 he did say I will likely only have it in for another 2 months & then he’ll take them out so I guess that’s a bonus, but still miffed that he wouldn’t screw it in further 😂

    @foreveronyourside I’m sure you would be bound by some code of ethics when it comes to patient care? I would look into that & see whether he has breached any ethics rules by the way he’s treating patients. 

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    @wiseh ugh! I hated the swelling cheeks around need metal in the mouth. I had a bunch of small hooks for the bands to go around and my cheeks would hung up on them. Does wax help so at least it's not sharp?
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    wisehwiseh member
    @babywiik I use wax but the anchorage device sticks out about 1/3” so I’m going through a packet a week & my gums are getting so swollen from having the wax constantly against it. Expensive exercise but hopefully only a couple more weeks. Took some progress photos today & they’ve changed so much, so it’s definitely worth it! Though not looking forward to my double jaw surgery next year
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    @wiseh Double jaw surgery? Oof! When I first got braces I had wax over every single bracket. My sister friend asked me to smile for him and his only reply was "holy wax!"😂 1/3" seems excessive. Hope the next few weeks pass quickly and you don't need the device much longer.
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    dsmith211dsmith211 member
    edited April 2022
    Went to heat up something to eat in the microwave and when I open the door I hear something crack. The door latch broke so now our microwave is unusable. 

    It’s an over the range microwave so I either now have to pay and have someone fix it which apparently is an expensive service call OR buy a new one which is at minimum $250. Just what I need right now. 🙄 The most irritating part of it all is that the piece that broke only costs about $7. 

    Update… DH has taken it upon himself to fix it. Which at the very least is providing me entertainment today. Fingers crossed he can actually figure it out 😂
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    @dsmith211 did you at least figure out a way to heat your food? I think I'd feel the most sad at missed lunch😥 oh and good luck to your husband fixing the microwave. It sounds like the sort of project that "should just be a quick fix" but then takes all day and maybe the next day to.
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