May 2022 Moms

Weekly Randoms - w/o 2/28


Re: Weekly Randoms - w/o 2/28

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    I would ship y’all ALL some king cake if I could!! 💜💚💛 Naturally everything down here centers around parties and food and drinking. Good times LOL 
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    I haven’t had a king cake since high school, and even then it was homemade. Most of the ones around here are from specialty bakeries and can get super pricey…and I don’t celebrate MG so I’ve never had a reason to buy one 🙈 
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    pajamstagramspajamstagrams member
    edited March 2022
    Speaking of king cake...DD got the baby at daycare today! 😂 They made masks and had a little parade and she came home with beads as well (oh goodie). 

    ETA: apparently DH has been living under a rock and doesn't know what king cake is 🤦‍♀️ I'm almost 100% certain I've seen him eat it before lol. 
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    @pajamstagrams awww how fun!! 
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    I'd also never heard of king cake until a few years ago and have never had it.  Mardi Gras is not really a thing up here in New England.
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    I went to Publix tonight and they had a few king cakes left. I may or may not be waiting until i see them marked down tomorrow to gobble up! 
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    DH is currently dead to me 😆 we finally got the cookie dough order from DD’s daycare, of course today of all days when my glucose test is tomorrow morning so I’m trying to avoid all that stuff…and I’ve been craving baked goods so bad…this MFer had the nerve to tell me he ate some of the dough and felt sick. Good serves you right for rubbing it in my face 😜
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    @b_1029 the worst! totally serves him right. hope your test goes well tomorrow!
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    @b_1029 good for you for having the willpower to not sneak some! FX you pass tomorrow!
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    I had my appointment this morning and my OB said baby is head up from what she could feel. I know there’s plenty of time but I need you to flip over kid, pleeeeeease. DD was sunny side up so it would be nice to have a more standard position this time. 
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    @b_1029 Flip baby, flip!!

    I can't remember, do you see a chiro? If not, you could look into one that's Webster certified, since they seem to advertise they can get baby properly positioned. At least mine tells me that they can avoid another OP baby 😂 (I'll do anything to avoid that again)
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    @pajamstagrams I had to Google OP baby, and yes! It was so painful I’d love to avoid that again. My OB was surprised when she came out - we didn’t know she was in that position somehow? And no I’ve never seen a chiro but would consider it if it would help!
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    @b_1029 it's quicker than typing sunny side up 😂 did you also have back labor? DD was turned at the last minute by my OB so she eventually came out face down, but she was definitely stuck when she was OP so I'm glad I was epi-d up 🤣
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    @pajamstagrams no back labor but I’m pretty sure she got stuck on my pelvic bone forever. The epidural worked at first but as she moved farther down I could feel her wedged in there every time I had a contraction 😅 her nose was a pancake by the time she came out 

    im definitely going to make sure my OB checks this time…Dd came out and she was like “oh! I didn’t know she was facing that way, that makes sense”
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    happynapperhappynapper member
    edited March 2022
    My oldest was OP. A nurse and med school resident didn’t recognize this and had me “practice pushing” for 2 hours before they told my OB to come in. Within 38 minutes of him arriving, assessing the situation, manually moving her back up and turning her, she was born. 
    My second was born in less than 10 minutes of pushing, OB present the whole time. I would never agree to “practice push” without my OB present again. 

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    My first was also sunny side up. Not a blast. Back labour. Wedged baby. Eager-beaver nurse. Surprised OB.

    You could also check out Spinning Babies (website). Heard good things about the success rate of their methods.
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    sph97sph97 member
    @MrsLaLaBug FX this is it!!
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    Wow, I never would have thought the position of the baby could be a surprise! Right now he's in the right position from what my midwife could tell Monday, so hopefully the US next week confirms. Then he just needs to stay put. 

    @MrsLaLaBug FX for you!

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    @karisahamdi I'm not sure my l&d team knew DD was OP until she was turned. (We obviously knew she wasn't breech) it was all a blur and I was tired AF 😂
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    @karisahamdi I was surprised too since I assume she would’ve seen it on the 36w US, or maybe she wasn’t in that position at that point. Either way I was surprised she didn’t see it till DD literally came out haha 
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    Add me to the 1 hour glucose fail list 😭 I don’t know when the 3 hour will be, but FX I pass. I decided I’m blaming it on consistent lack of sleep since the internet says that plays a role in insulin regulation. Definitely not the fact I haven’t been very healthy during this pregnancy. 
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    ughhhh @b_1029 that sucks and I’m sorry! 
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    @And846 I definitely had the thought to start packing my hospital bag recently. Not actually doing it, but beginning the list... third tri is rapidly approaching for me and time is FLYING! 
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    Oh nooo @b_1029 ... I agree though definitely the lack of sleep  ;)
    Married 11.12.11
    JB 08.02.13 
    EC 12.11.15
    GE 04.04.19
    #4 & #5 due 05.05.22
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    @karisahamdi @b_1029 we don’t do late ultrasounds. 12 week dating ultrasound (which I had to fight for) and 20 week anatomy scan. That’s it. So at the end, they just feel through the belly with their hands to determine if they’re head down or not. No visual. 
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    @annashaf I think the biggest shock of pregnancy was how few US you actually get. On TV and movies they make it seem like you get one all the time lol 
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    @annashaf not even an ultrasound at the end to determine size? 

    My OB has a handheld machine and i get a peek at baby each visit but then only get the dating, 20 wk and 35 wk detailed scans. Today at my appt was confirmation that his feet are indeed under my ribs 
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    @and846 my OB has a machine in office, and I had a mini growth scan at my 28 wk appointment, but I think the only reason they're doing another around 34-35 wks is because I have a history of an LGA baby and this baby is also measuring big. I don't remember getting a 35 week one last time
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    @And846 (I'm also in Canada) no US at the end unless you've had a previous c-section - I had one booked for 36 weeks and because of my marginal cord they added ones at 28 and 32 weeks. So many ultrasounds for me this time around!
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    @And846 nope! Don’t check size or positioning or anything. Not unless there’s a suspected issue. Or if you go over your due date they check fluid and stuff. But typically, just the 12 and 20 week ones are it! Even in office, they just have heart rate dopplers - no image. Last pregnancy I had a low lying placenta so I got a scan at like 32 weeks to see if it had resolved itself (and it had). I was so excited to get another peek at baby!!
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    I’m in the US and have a similar experience with limited ultrasounds. With my first, the only one I ever had was 20 week. After my losses and progesterone issues, babes 2 & 3 have had dating scans and follow ups in the first tri for subchorionic bleeding. I’d never seen an ultrasound of any of my babies later than the anatomy scan until this time when I went for an elective ultrasound at 28 weeks. They don’t do growth scans at the end unless you have gestational diabetes or are measuring way off. They check for baby’s positioning by feeling my belly and then have been able to confirm when they start doing cervical checks as well (I don’t mind them starting at 36 weeks but I know some people tend to decline these). 
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    Does target offer a registry completion discount? I forget 
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    @tacosandtums yes they do! I think you get it on one online purchase and one in-store purchase from what I remember. I want to say it’s 15%?
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    @b_1029 yes you're right! 15% off and good for two uses
    Married 11.12.11
    JB 08.02.13 
    EC 12.11.15
    GE 04.04.19
    #4 & #5 due 05.05.22
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    Ok. I live in North Carolina and it’s starting to warm up here. Do I bite the bullet and buy maternity shorts for the last few weeks, or just suffer through in jeans? I need to buy nursing clothes, and I know I’ll be in maternity pants for a bit after birth but I hate trying to find pants 😂
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    @skc040512 I would but only because you can wear them after too. I wore my maternity jean shorts the rest of the summer after having DD in July 
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    @skc040512 I live in the south and was 3rd tri pregnant the entire summer with DD. Had 1 pair of shorts. I just wore dresses instead when I wasn't at work or if I was going to be outside. Personally I'd just find dresses that work for nursing and go with that. 
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    @skc040512 I've been wearing a lot of maternity biker shorts! They're great for bed and I love throwing on a hoodie and rocking the biker shorts even before pregnancy. 
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    @skc040512 I would buy some! Agree that you might want to wear them for the first few weeks after having the baby 
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