Pregnant after 35

Nauseous constantly

All my symptoms kicked into hyperdrive around 6 weeks pregnant.  I don’t remember being this sick with my first.  How are the rest of you mommies coping?

Re: Nauseous constantly

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    First trimester symptoms have been the strongest I've ever had this pregnancy. The moms on my birth month board have been making great suggestions and a lot of them have really helped. For nausea, try the nausea relief drops (usually ginger/lemon flavor), adding vitamin B6, Sea Bands acupressure cuffs, and having snacks on hand so you don't get too hungry. For constipation, I got the OK from my OB's office for miralax (I've found that just a sprinkle in some water or juice in the morning is enough for me), a daily colace/stool softener, and drinking lots of water each day.

    For the exhaustion? I'm sorry, but that's just what it is...I finally started feeling well enough to have a small cup of coffee in the mornings but I'm still wiped out by mid afternoon. Weekdays, I try to get to bed early and on weekends I try to get a nap. I don't typically nap, so the weird nap-guilt is a battle but my exhaustion usually wins. 

    Good luck!!
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    Thank you so much for the tips!  Definitely going to try a few.  Another fun symptom emerged… I’m super emotional all the time now.
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