March 2022 Moms

PGAL 12/30

Last PGAL thread of 2021! 

This thread is for those who are pregnant after a previous loss(es). TW for entire thread due to discussion of MC, TFMR, CP, etc. 


Previous loss(es) (share as much or as little as you like)? 

How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? 

Any appointment updates? 

Any big milestones?


Re: PGAL 12/30

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    Weeks/EDD? 28+4  RCS 2/28

    Previous loss(es) (share as much or as little as you like)? 3 early losses

    How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? emotionally I'm getting used to the idea that this kiddo could very well be here 3 weeks before i planned. Like i mentioned in the other post yesterday, it FEELS a lot earlier. Gotta get my house in order, literally. Physically i'm ok. Not mad about being preg 3 fewer weeks on that front lol. 

    Any appointment updates? Yesterday's big appts for US and OB check. Placenta still previa and baby is breech, both of which dictated scheduling the csection. If both of those things change, the plan could change, and if the previa moves, csec could get pushed back a bit but no guarantee of either. 

    Any big milestones? into the 3rd tri and happy about it. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? not that i can think of! 
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    Weeks/EDD? 30 weeks +1 day, due March 9

    Previous loss(es) (share as much or as little as you like)? PPROM in first pregnancy resulting in stillbirth, it was long and drawn out.

    How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? Physically, been having a lot of sciatica lately. Also feeling pretty tired. Emotionally. Doing okay. Yesterday’s MFM appointment was reassuring, hoping for continuing good news.

    Any appointment updates?  1/3 at MFM, 1/6 at regular OB, 1/11 at MFM for growth scan

    Any big milestones? 30 weeks feels kind of substantial considering due date is now just under 10 weeks away. Feels even more substantial when I think about how MFM was telling me I could have to have this baby in a month’s time, I’d be thrilled if I could make it to 36 or 37 weeks at least, though, considering the placenta looked good this time.

    Sort of funny rant this time, but while I was at MFM yesterday, I missed a call from my regular OB.
     I found a message saying pretty much ‘Hey, since MFM wants you to have two non-stress tests a week 3-4 days apart, and we see you have an appointment with us on the 6th, we’re going to schedule you for the 3rd at 1pm too, let us know if this doesn’t work.’

    So I call them back after the appointment and explain that not only will I be at MFM on the 3rd, but my appointment is the exact same time they’re trying to schedule me for the regular OB and MFM will be performing their own non-stress test. Actually, the regular OB appointment on the 6th had been scheduled with this MFM visit in mind.
    Receptionist put me on hold for a long time and transferred me to a nurse who I calmly explained to.
    She’s like ‘Okay, but can you come in earlier in the day for a non-stress test here? The doctor really wants you to have them.’
    I explain the tests are supposed to be 3-4 days apart due to concerns with heating up tissue around baby too much and I don’t think it made sense to come in for that in the morning on the 3rd if it would be taken care of anyway at MFM the same day.

    The nurse, after a bit of back and forth and my urging her to check if the OB was aware of the MFM visit scheduled , said she’d call the OB but was very sure I would still have to come in.

     I get a call back maybe 5 minutes later from the nurse that the OB was in fact unaware of the MFM visit and so I didn’t need to come in on the 3rd after all, but to keep my appointment on the 6th, which I had no intent of canceling anyway. I thanked her and hung up.
    Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like that shouldn’t have been that difficult to understand? Lol Oh well.

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    @morgantu I'm glad yoir doctors are on top of everything. And definitely nothing wrong with meeting baby a few weeks early if necessary (especially if it's February 28th;)

    Weeks/EDD? 28+3 / RCS around March 14th

    Previous loss(es) (share as much or as little as you like)? MMCs at 14 weeks, 10 weeks, 7 weeks, CP

    How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? Physically the same. Blech. Emotionally long as he's kicking I'm good.

    Any appointment updates? OB on the 11th, GP on the 19th. 

    Any big milestones? So last year I spent New Year's Eve in the ER finding out I had yet another MMC. I just knew something was wrong. Again. I barely had any spotting but I also didn't have any of the other symptoms I should have had with a healthy pregnancy. I was only 7 weeks...and with it being my 4th loss it was much easier to take...but I remember having to walk through the halls with all the pics of smiling babies, surrounded by pregnant people, where I delivered both my girls, and wondering if I'd ever get to be there for a healthy pregnancy again. A year later and so much has changed. I can't believe we're getting ready to meet this little guy in just over 10 weeks!

    Rants/Raves/Questions?I have to start getting baby stuff sorted and pulled out. I just need SO to bring my truck back (he's using it for moving furniture to his new office) so I can get up to our house (which is a construction zone) and MIL's house to find everything...
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    I’m sorry last year at New Years was so awful, but I’m glad for you to have made it this far with this little boy.
    Sorry you’ve still been sick and I hope you feel better soon.
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    @morgantu yay for 3rd trimester! 
    @faithmovesmountains I would definitely be annoyed at the doctors office. 
    @Panaceia sometimes I think it’s tough when we experience major losses on days that are supposed to be exciting/happy. It’s hard any day, obviously. But when it’s also a holiday or something, it can feel that much darker(at least for me personally…more below). Hopeful and thankful for a happy new year this year!

    Weeks/EDD? 29w3d/March 14

    Previous loss(es) (share as much or as little as you like)? Ectopic, MMC at 8w, CP

    How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? Physically pretty good still, just the typical aches, and now my belly feels like it’s been pumped full of air. Emotionally, we’ve been very productive with MH being off work this week, but I think December is catching up with me. 

    Any appointment updates? January 3 for growth scan and OB

    Any big milestones? Our 1st pregnancy was ectopic. I found out I was pregnant on November 20, 2016 (My husband took me to the Pentatonix concert that night, so the date has kinda stuck with me). We went for our first ultrasound on December 12, and found out it was ectopic and baby was in my right tube. I had had some spotting, but no pain, and we were stunned. I had 2 rounds of methotrexate, and my doctor put me on bed rest because my tube was friable. I was told that my body would most likely reabsorb the “fetal tissue,” and I never thought to ask what would happen if it didn’t. On Christmas Eve, I felt off all day. In and out of the bathroom, kind of uncomfortable, and just different. That evening, I thought I needed to have a bowel movement (sorry, tmi), but when I bore down, the whole, intact, fetus came out of me. I was shocked. I didn’t know how to tell my husband that I had essentially just birthed our baby in to a toilet. It was traumatic and I usually struggle on Christmas Eve. This year, we were so busy that while I acknowledged the anniversary, it wasn’t as sharp. But the last few days I’ve been thinking about that baby a lot and that has me up and down a little. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Natm 
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    I can’t imagine how that must’ve felt.
    I’ll be praying for you.
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    @achanceintime I'm so sorry you had to experience that. And I agree that having a trauma attached to a celebration or big event sort of becomes this yearly reminder of the trauma. Makes it harder to let things pass by without remembering...
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    @Panaceia that’s exactly it. Thank you!
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    @morgantu Feb 28 does feel so much sooner, even for my Mar 10 due date. I hope you’re able to get everything done that you want to in time 🤞🏼
    @faithmovesmountains that sounds waaaaay more complicated than it needed to be.
    @Panaceia was thinking of you last night 💔 having such a traumatic and emotional experience on a day that is typically celebrated and enjoyed has to make it hard to reconcile your own feelings with what everyone in the world seems to be experiencing.
    @achanceintime ditto for you to what I said to Panaceia. A traumatic experience without the yearly reminder and feelings of trying to still enjoy an otherwise celebrated day.

    Weeks/EDD? 30+2, March 10

    Previous loss(es) (share as much or as little as you like)? MC in April

    How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? Physically so so tired. Prob a combo of third tri and my awful work schedule this week + super stormy/rainy weather. Just giving myself grace and letting my body rest despite the negative judgments I have about it.

    Any appointment updates? appt on the 13th with midwife.

    Any big milestones?

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Nothing other than the fact that I feel way more pregnant than I did at 38 weeks with my first. Also rave that I broke down and spent $50 on a bunch of new underwear that will actually fit my pregnant body lol.
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    @night_nurse Yay for new underwear! I waited as long as possible to buy new underwear when I was pregnant with my son, and I was kinda miserable haha. This time, I ordered maternity underwear at 16w, and another set at 22w, just so I’d have plenty lol. They aren’t pretty, but I am so much more comfortable lol. I also figured that since I’ll be having a scheduled C, I wanted underwear with a super high waist, so I know I’ll get the wear out of them. 
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