March 2022 Moms

Weekly Check In 10/18

EDD / Weeks + Days: 

Baby is the size of a(n) / interesting fact: 


Team Finding Out/Blue/Pink/Green: 

Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: Share as much or as little of your TTC journey to get to this point as you would like ❤

Re: Weekly Check In 10/18

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    @gayu1107 Baby will be fine:) I had bronchitis and about a million other illnesses with both my pregnancies (as a teacher I picked up whatever bug was going around any given week) and both babies were not affected in the least, despite my discomfort. I never took any medications, just powered through on my own. But I'm sure everything is fine in there ❤

    @morgantu I'm not really feeling anything either yet. I'm hoping maybe by 20 weeks that I start feeling something consistent or at least's comforting that we are basically at the same point and that I'm not the only one still feeling pretty much nothing!
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    @gayu1107 I totally agree with @rachelredhead that you should call your OB if you are concerned and I did not mean to imply that you shouldn't take meds if you are sick! I was just sharing my experience that babies were ok despite numerous illnesses during pregnancy. I have allergies to most prescription meds which is why I generally don't take anything when sick...because I can't! I just wanted to clarify:)

    @rachelredhead I actually love the name Myrtle. It was my great aunt's name and the more I hear it the cooler I think it is!!!

    @kgg2241 a friend and coworker of mine never ovulated or had a period. They conceived 2 girls through IVF and then magically at 40 she started getting her period for the first time and ended up conceiving naturally at 42 without even trying! They have 3 girls now:)
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    @Panaceia That is what I'm hoping secretly happens for us :D . Don't tell DH lol. We won't try to have another baby, but I'd be thrilled if it just happened one day. 
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    oh my goodness, I've been gone for so long  :(
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    rachelredheadrachelredhead member
    edited October 2021
    @Panaceia @kgg2241 Myrtle was my husband’s grandmother’s name. 😃 It’s funny, because for DS his nickname was Winston in utero and I said the same thing, will NOT be his name. But by the time our son (Truman) was born, the name had definitely grown on me. I’m sure Myrtle will do the same. But my husband thinks it’s super dorky and calls her Myrtle the Turtle all the time so I don’t think it’s permanent. 🤪
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    @michelle_bird My GP (who is also a trained OB) recommended I take it, but I talked to my OB and he said not to. He said I am not high risk for pre-e, and age alone is not an indicator for taking it. Plus I'm still breastfeeding. But I knowmany women who do take it through pregnancy. Why do they have you taking it?

    @rachelredhead I bet you guys will end up nicknaming her "Turtle" now anyways no matter what name you choose 😁

    EDD / Weeks + Days: March 21 / 18+0

    Baby is the size of a(n) / interesting fact: Sweet potato 


    Team Finding Out/Blue/Pink/Green: Blue 💙

    Upcoming Appointments: Had OB appointment today (heartbeat was great:), heartbeat check on the 25th, and I had my AS scheduled for the 2nd but I'm canceling it and rebooting at the place I have been going to this entire pregnancy...will hopefully still be that same week though...

    How are you feeling?: Still sick as always, and I have gained WAY too much weight already. I'm hoping I can start being more active soon...I feel like my body is falling apart.

    Rants/Raves: Sick. Too much weight gain. Sick. Those are my rants. Raves that I love the US tech at the place I am switching my AS to. I am feeling so much less stressed already and glad my OB suggested it! Also good strong heartbeat today is always a nice rave 💖 

    Questions: Not today:)

    GTKY: Share as much or as little of your TTC journey to get to this point as you would like ❤

    It didn't take long to conceive DD1. 4 cycles but the timing was TOTALLY off for the first 2. Then 8 cycles to conceive our 14 week loss, followed by 9 cycles to conceive our 10 week loss...then magically we got DD2 our first cycle back trying after our 2nd D&C. This time it took 2 cycles to conceive but it was a CP, then 4 more cycles gave us a 7 week loss...another 4 cycles and we got this little guy. So hoping he'll be coming home with us in a few months ❤
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    @michelle_bird I've been very sporadically taking it. I'm not the best at remembering. My OB said that they are now recommending everyone take it starting at around 16 weeks since the benefits outweigh the risks. I did some research when I got home from that appointment and felt comfortable with her recommendation. Though obviously I'm not taking it too seriously since I forget to take it most days.   

    @Panaceia So glad you had a good appointment today! 
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    @michelle_bird my dr prescribed it too. My BMi is high (but bmi is bullshit sooooooo) and I'll be 35 at delivery. I'm taking it super sporadically. My BP has alwys been borderline low and never ever high, but i also don't want to make assumptions and then get into a situation where i could harm baby...
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    Ugh. Sorry to post here again about me, but I’m bummed. I have tried to be careful, but apparently I’m having my second uti this pregnancy so I will have to take antibiotics until delivery. 

    Sorry just needed to get it off my chest.
    I am reading everyone’s journeys that have posted and it’s interesting for sure.
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    night_nursenight_nurse member
    edited October 2021
    EDD / Weeks + Days: March 10th, 19+4
    Baby is the size of a(n) / interesting fact: as tall as a jar of peanut butter yesterday
    Team Finding Out/Blue/Pink/Green: pink 💕
    Upcoming Appointments: OB on Wednesday followed by AS, assume I’ll get a phone call with results after that.
    How are you feeling?: Physically well. Have been doing a lot of rearranging in our house to get a space ready for baby. Just sooooo tired by 4pm every day. Wish I could nap every day.
    Rants/Raves: So over my health insurance/medical provider. My AS has been cancelled and rescheduled twice after telling me there were no appts until end of Nov…like when I would be pushing 3rd tri. They squeezed me in on Wendesday but I’m honestly not holding my breath.
    Questions: Any TTM+ notice incredibly different levels of movement in different pregnancies? With my first I felt the first movements around 15 weeks but nothing strong or consistent until 3rd tri, abd even after that it wasn’t anything shocking or crazy. This little girl is literally moving around all day long. DH has been able to feel her multiple times. I can externally feel her rolling when I place a hand on my belly. It is so wild. Not sure what this means for us when she comes out lol.

    GTKY: Share as much or as little of your TTC journey to get to this point as you would like ❤
    Our first was a total surprise, in fact we had only known each other 5 months at the point we found out. DH was told by multiple doctors he wouldn't be able to have natural children without intervention so it was even more of a surprise. I worried we would struggle with secondary infertility when we decided to grow our family. We got pregnant the first cycle after removing my IUD in February but it ended in a MC in April. After one normal cycle post MC we started trying again and landing pregnant with this little one in June. Our story is much less twisty-turny and heartbreaking than many others and I realize how lucky we are. My heart breaks for all the families struggling to fulfill their dreams ❤️
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    @michelle_bird omg I love Crumbl!! I was obsessed before getting pregnant. I’m too sick right now to want them, so I’m looking forward to when I’m done being sick so I can enjoy them again!! 🤤

    EDD / Weeks + Days: 17w6d, edd March 23 

    Baby is the size of a(n) / interesting fact: pomegranate! I actually looked this time before posting! 

    FTM/STM/TTM+: stm 

    Team Finding Out/Blue/Pink/Green: blue 

    Upcoming Appointments: Oct 28 for AS then monthly appointment right after. 

    How are you feeling?: still sick and taking zofran and Reglan regularly. Hopefully I’ll feel better in a couple more weeks if this time is like last. 

    Rants/Raves: just being sick all the time sucks and really takes away from being excited. I also haven’t felt any movement for a couple weeks and it’s freaking me out. I feel like I felt some early on at like 14 weeks this time and then nothing lately.  

    Questions: any other stm+ not feeling movement?

    GTKY: Share as much or as little of your TTC journey to get to this point as you would like ❤

    I got pregnant with DS pretty quickly back in 2017. For a couple years after I was team “one and done” but as time went on I realized I wanted to try for one more. I had a CP in May of this year then conceived this one in June. 
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    @appleblossom8317 I was hard core OAD until DD1 was 3...then SO decided he desperately wanted a second...and now somehow we're on #3....🤣
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    @night_nurse That's great you are feeling your little girl! I felt DS early, and he would. not. stop. moving. He is currently our wild child running and constantly on the move! I predict you will have a future gymnast or little athlete!

    EDD / Weeks + Days: 18+6, March 16th

    Baby is the size of a(n) / interesting fact: I read where baby is the height of a breastmilk storage bag, but as big as an heirloom tomato. The sizing does not make any sense!


    Team Finding Out/Blue/Pink/Green: Blue 

    Upcoming Appointments: 10/21 for OB, 10/29 for AS

    How are you feeling?: Feeling great! Not taking daily naps, so taking the extra time to make an actual dinner with more than 3 ingredients and cleaning lol

    Rants/Raves: Excited to see DH's sister and her family, as well as a short trip to the Berkshires this weekend. We also got a new car seat for DS, and it seems way more comfortable for him.

    Questions: NATM

    GTKY: Share as much or as little of your TTC journey to get to this point as you would like ❤ DS was a honeymoon baby, so we were thrilled! It caught me by surprise when I got home and felt like I was coming down with something. Took a pregnancy test since I did notice that my period was late, and it was positive! Took us awhile to get pregnant again. Saw an RE, and did Clomid right before Covid hit, but had to take a break with everything going on. *TW* 2nd round of IUI got us pregnant, but miscarried at 8 weeks. 3rd IUI failed, and took a break last year around the holidays before we did IVF. 2nd transfer and about 2 years later of trying, we got pregnant after transferring two embryos. What a journey! Blessed for our miracle babies that cannot wait to meet them!
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    @Nik102 I’m so sorry about the headaches. Have you tried the migraine/headache patches? I think they’re called WellPatch. They’re basically glorified ice packs but they always work better than ice for me when I have a migraine. I hope your high risk doc can provide some real answers and support.
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    @goldfishcraker The pillow bed under the christmas tree! look at you- that sounds like a movie!  :D

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    @appleblossom8317 I'm not feeling it consistently. there are time when i'm like "yeah, that was definitely the baby" but then i don't feel any more for a day and i psych myself out. Definitely not having consistent, definitive movements yet. I'm really hoping they come soon. 
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    @rachelredhead "Myrtle the Turtle" - so cute! 
    @kgg2241 congrats on the new promotion. Sounds like you are in high demand, which is always a nice feeling! 
    @faithmovesmountains: UTIs suck; I get them on a recurring basis and I HATE taking antibiotics as well, especially while pregnant. I had UTIs with both previous pregnancies although I have never been on antibiotics for such an extended time as they have prescribed you. I now take a woman's probiotic every day which seems to prevent UTIs better for me. 
    @michelle_bird this is the first I have heard of taking daily asprin. I have never been told that. 

    EDD / Weeks + Days: 18W 2D
    Baby is the size of a(n) / interesting fact: artichoke
    Team Finding Out/Blue/Pink/Green: finding out
    Upcoming Appointments: Finally first appointment with OB later today. 
    How are you feeling?: better than last week... my emotions are still up and down though, mostly down lately.
    Rants/Raves: I have been doing some big housecleaning with my life lately - including making some changes to my career, which feels scary but good. Does anyone else feel that pregnancy makes you really examine your life carefully and re-assess priorities? I have done this with each pregnancy.
    GTKY: Share as much or as little of your TTC journey to get to this point as you would like ❤ : We were trying to time baby #3 around my sister's wedding because it was a destination wedding and I was the MOH. This led to us putting of TTC for about a year due to all the COVID postponement drama where the wedding date kept changing. Finally we decided we couldn't wait any longer and we got busy trying around March of 2021, ***TW**** we had a CP in May, just after Mothers day *****end TW****, and then got pregnant with this baby. Grateful to be here and be pregnant
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    @michelle_bird I took daily aspirin starting at 12w with my first and I’m doing it again now. Seems harmless to me so if it decrease preeclampsia risk for the elderly mamas 👵🏻 like me I’m all for it. I think some folks have trouble with aspirin though in which case I’d be discussing the risk vs benefit. I never had blood pressure issues in my pregnancies but I did have a mild case of postpartum preeclampsia so I’m probably more gung ho than others. 
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    @Panaceia I've been on and off high blood pressure medication the last 15 years. I'm currently on, which is why they want me taking it. She also mentioned it's good if I happen to get Covid though? I declined last time because I was still nursing DD. 

    @night_nurse I didn't feel movement with #1 until around 19 weeks, but I think it was around 15 weeks with #2. I joked that he was super strong because the kicks were so hard, but then he really is super strong! Even still at 3! This one I started feeling flips around 13 weeks, so I'm convinced there's a gymnast in there. 
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    @michelle_bird I'm still nursing DD2 which is my biggest reason for not taking it this time...but DD2 was born when I was 40 and I didn't take it during that pregnancy either. I think if I had risk factors for pre-e and wasn't still nursing my OB might have recommended it too in which case I would have taken it.
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    @Jeenyus we had to go back for a 2nd AS for the heart with DD. The tech just couldn't get the right view at the right time. I was anxious, but everything ended up being typical, just a matter of positioning. thinking of you!
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    @Jeenyus I had to go back with DD1 for pictures of the heart and spine. I actually think we went back twice. Everything was fine. It's all about position! They even had me get up, jump around, go to the bathroom, etc to try to get her in to a better position. Nope. Stubborn then, stubborn now 😂
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    @Jeenyus I’m leaning much toward the opinion that everything looked good from what she could see- just couldnt get the right view of the heart for all the images she needed. We literally had one minute left to try to get this baby’s heart images today and she finally got in the right position. I think if the tech had seen anything concerning she would have kept scanning you past your end time to make sure the radiologist had everything they needed.
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    My little one they couldn’t get a good look at her spine first AS, but all looked good yesterday at my scan.
    Wishing you much  the same luck with baby boy’s heart.
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    Thank you for the reassurance! I figured as such, but that anxiety always creeps in when there is an unknown!

    @morgantu Sounds like the same situation, glad everything went smoothly for you as well.  

    @Panaceia Lol, I guess it is about getting baby in the right position! Two returns - on a positive note you got to see baby again, but you must have been so anxious between appointments! 

    @night_nurse Sounds like they save the heart for last! Hope your scan went well today! 

    @faithmovesmountains I’m glad you had a positive experience at the second scan! 

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    @Jeenyus It was with my first so I honestly didn't know enough to be stressed about it! Plus my doctor told me everything looked fine, they just needed to get a few more specific shots. Had it been with #2 I would have been MUCH more anxious about it!!!!
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    @Nik102 I had debilitating headaches too and was recommended to take 400mg of magnesium twice a day. I do the powder with water in the morning, and then Calm brand gummies after dinner. That has made a tremendous difference and I now only get them if I forget my evening gummies. I also got this headache wrap from the hatch that is stupid expensive but has seriously made me feel so much better (but really the magnesium was the more impactful thing).

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    EDD / Weeks + Days: 3/25, 18+1 (posting this today, Saturday Oct 23)

    Baby is the size of a(n) / interesting fact: sweet potato


    Team Finding Out/Blue/Pink/Green: Pink

    Upcoming Appointments: AS in a couple weeks

    How are you feeling?: Great! Although I have a cold. But great in terms of pregnancy symptoms

    Rants/Raves: I hate those charts of recommended weight gain sooooo much. I'm currently about 15 pounds over the recommended weight gain by weeks. But I'm trying to remember that the same thing happened last pregnancy, and I still had only gained a "normal" amount of weight by the end of the pregnancy. Last time I gained a ton of weight in the first half of my pregnancy and then it slowed way down in the second half. I'm hoping the same will happen this time. 


    GTKY: Share as much or as little of your TTC journey to get to this point as you would like ❤ When we conceived my son, it happened fast. We got pregnant the first month we tried, had a very early CP (my period wasn't even late yet), and then got pregnant again the first next cycle. This time, we tried to conceive for 8 months with no luck. We started seeing an RE, and got pregnant the very first month after the tube flushing procedure they did. I'm convinced that was what did it.
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    @jessier19 I hope I'm like you with pregnancy weight gain this time:/ With my first 2 I didn't gain until near the end of 3rd tri...this time...well...let's just say it had better slow down and even out these last few months or I'm going to have to cut holes in our tents and make my own clothes...
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    EDD / Weeks + Days: 18w2d

    Baby is the size of a(n) / interesting fact: artichoke


    Team Finding Out/Blue/Pink/Green: pink 

    Upcoming Appointments: 10/27- anatomy scan!!

    How are you feeling?: pretty good. Swollen ankles are coming. I’m exhausted but it probably has to do with my commute, work, taking care of 2 kids and keeping up with the house chores lol

    Rants/Raves: tomorrow my little guy is turning 2! I’m a little sad about it. Trying to celebrate today since tomorrow we have to work.  It stinks not being there for your child’s birthday. If I didn’t have to take so many days for appointments and days when the little guys are sick, I’d take the day lol 

    Questions: when are we moving to Facebook? LOL the bump app drives me insane. I feel like it’s not user friendly lol 

    GTKY: Share as much or as little of your TTC journey to get to this point as you would like ❤

    well, I’ll share my whole story from my first child til now. I got pregnant within the first month of trying with my oldest. When we tried for our second, we thought it would be just as easy- but it wasn’t lol! It took us 18 months to conceive our second. Now this little baby, my husband and I said if it happens, it happens and we won’t stress it… well this time it only took 2 months! Crazy how our bodies can be all over the place. 
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