April 2022 Moms

Fit Mom Friday 8/27

It’s Saturday but whatevs, let’s do it!

Fit Mom Friday is a fun way to help us on our healthy pregnancy goals. Fit is whatever it means to you!

Health/Fitness Goal (and why, if you want to share):

Week's Successes:

Week's Challenges:

Questions/Anything Else You Want to Share:

Re: Fit Mom Friday 8/27

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    Health/Fitness Goal (and why, if you want to share): My goal this week was just to move. I feel like I am less fatigued when I exercise, even just a little bit. I’m backing off my HIIT and started a prenatal yoga series that has been great!

    Week's Successes: So I did *something* five days of the week this week, one of which was walking all over our local zoo in like 100 degree weather. The yoga has been so restorative— usually I aim for a more vigorous yoga flow but this one is more static poses and designed for pregnancy so no twists or lying on my belly. 

    Week's Challenges: I just have no motivation to do ANYTHING. Like, anything, you guys. Brush my hair, drink water, change out of my pajama pants, clean the house… Nothing. DH is gone so I usually have low motivation to do stuff because, I mean, no one is there to see me being a lazy slug, but this is beyond. He comes home today so I ran around this morning cleaning the house real fast lol

    Questions/Anything Else You Want to Share: Not much, just so happy to have this community to commiserate with!
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    Health/Fitness Goal (and why, if you want to share):  pre-pregnancy it was weight loss, now it’s to prevent lots of weight gain and I’m also doing a half marathon in October. Just wanna stay active throughout pregnancy.

    Week's Successes:  none lol. My nausea has been HORRIBLE.

    Week's Challenges:  nausea. But I did a 5 mile run a week ago.

    Questions/Anything Else You Want to Share:  no I just really want this nausea to subside so I can do SOMETHING. Even a living room workout would suffice.
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    Health/Fitness Goal (and why, if you want to share): Be able to wear my pants until I'm ready to tell people I'm pregnant and can bust out the maternity pants without worrying that people will see the bands, lol. As a teacher I'm always bending over, kneeling, etc...it would be hard to hide.

    Week's Successes: I have no fitness successes this week, lol. School started. 

    Week's Challenges: the last week's challenge was school starting, and I suspect I'll be less than consistent until I find a routine.

    Questions/Anything Else You Want to Share: I am signing up for a prenatal yoga program I did last time I was preggo and hope to fit that in a few times a week as well as walks. I also want to keep my meal planning up so I don't over do it at lunch. 

    @shlecks    I hope you feel less nausea so you can reach your goals!

    @aloha_mama nice job getting something in 5 days this week! 
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    Health/Fitness Goal (and why, if you want to share): preventing too much weight gain, staying in shape so that I can get back into triathlons after this pregnancy

    Week's Successes: I was pretty active throughout the week packing boxes and moving a carload worth of stuff to the new house. And I ran 4.5 miles on Wednesday and did a difficult hike (almost 2000 feet of elevation gain up and down a mountain, about 6 miles altogether) on Thursday. 

    Week's Challenges: the nausea and total fatigue makes it so hard to get motivated to work out. Once I get going, I’m okay, but it’s hard to start. 

    Questions/Anything Else You Want to Share: nope!
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    @monstera13 What hike did you do? we were going to do a mountain hike today but it didn't work out so we're going to the badlands to do some hiking there today. Missing the mountains so much I want to live through you haha.

    Health/Fitness Goal (and why, if you want to share): My goal this week is to do 3x strength training and 1x yoga session.

    Week's Successes: I got in 2 strength training sessions and yesterday we went to a wedding at a zoo and walked around for 2 hours. 

    Week's Challenges: so damn busy. I was able to get in one exercise in the morning and one during DDs nap. We get possession of another house on Tuesday and I have so much work to do on it. I also just realized that my daughter starts daycare on Wednesday 😭

    Questions/Anything Else You Want to Share: nope 
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    @aloha_mama I am totally there with you on motivation! I literally feel like doing nothing and hubby laughs at me because I don’t even have the energy or motivation to get off the couch to crawl into bed at night. 😅 He’s asks why I’m still up, and I tell him it’s a real struggle!!

    Health/Fitness Goal (and why, if you want to share): Continue my daily yoga practice that I’ve been consistent with since before pregnancy. Given the nausea and exhaustion, a more realistic goal is probably 4-5x/week yoga at home.

    Week's Successes: I’m cautious to say the nausea has slightly improved, and I was able to get in prenatal yoga workouts 4 times this week!

    Week's Challenges: As soon as hubby gets home, and when he’s home on the weekends, all I want to do is relax and chill with him!! Especially since he’s been taking a course to study for his PE exam, so on work days Mon-Thurs he doesn’t get home until after I’m already sleeping, so when I do see him I just want to hang out and spend time with him, not work out!

    Questions/Anything Else You Want to Share: Any prenatal yoga programs online that anyone recommends?
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    @miss_lynn9 High five for zoo workouts! 😂

    @minnie_yoga_mama I love Daily Burn— I’ve been using them for seven years and they have a ton of different programs. There’s a prenatal/postnatal yoga program that I’ve been doing— it’s VERY basic, and instead of putting “hands to heart center” she says to put your “hands over your baby”, which gets really old and hokey really fast, but it’s very gentle and I love the stretch it gives me. I feel good after I’m finished, which I think is a win! I believe you can do a free trial but it’s very inexpensive.
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    @miss_lynn9 It was the Multnomah/Wahkeena Falls loop near Portland. I highly recommend if you’re ever in the area! Hope the badlands is fun today!
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    Health/Fitness Goal (and why, if you want to share): Staying in decent shape to prep for labor and general well-being

    Week's Successes: Went on a couple moderate 7-8mi rides with DS this week, but not much else.

    Week's Challenges: The heat! So ready for fall. Realized I was pretty hot after we finished our ride today and got myself freaked out a bit. 

    Questions/Anything Else You Want to Share: nope

    @monstera13 That's a great hike! Heard Eagle Creek to Tunnel Falls is still closed? 
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    @jennykatedvm I haven’t heard of that one. It’s different than the Tunnel Trail in Forest Park right?
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    @monstera13 Think it's 15-20mi further down the gorge from Multnomah if I remember right. Haven't been since 2016. There are some new reviews on it on all trails, so they must have fixed the fire damage and reopened it! 
    So many great hikes in your area!
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    @minnie_yoga_mama I did Ma Yoga Living last time I was preggo and enjoyed it-its really the only prenatal yoga I'd ever done, so I have nothing to compare it to, but a woman on my last BMB recommended it and she was a yoga instructor. 

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    Health/Fitness Goal (and why, if you want to share): stay in respectable shape for pregnancy, labor, and a good recovery and also to be able to (somewhat) keep up with the other four.

    Week's Successes: I walked once and then felt like I needed to sleep for 6 days

    Week's Challenges: morning sickness and fatigue.

    Questions/Anything Else You Want to Share:

    How on earth is anyone running or doing cardio?  The moment I go more than a fast walk, my boobs are like...💥💥💥💥 
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    @Boobopgirl 🤣 the boobs yes!! I jogged after DH and DD yesterday and almost died. I was wearing my highest impact bra. 
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    @Boobopgirl SAME with the boobs! Sometimes I just roll over or turn to the side and groan in pain!! 😅 Couldn’t even imagine trying to jog right now!
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    One of the only perks of being part of the itty bitty titty committee 😂
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    @monstera13 I second this! Much easier to secure even when they're sore! Was one of the worst things about breastfeeding - they were always so huge and engorged and impossible to immobilize for running. I don't envy the well endowed 😂
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    @miss_lynn9 I am soooo past even a high impact bra being helpful.  That happened with baby number 2.  Now I need a full on boob-scaffolding.😂😂😂
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    Questions/Anything Else You Want to Share: Any prenatal yoga programs online that anyone recommends?
    I second this question.  I have the one from Spinning Babies that is a good stretch, relax, release at the end of the day.  But I'd like a good maybe energizing routine or a few to give me a pick me up on the mornings when I'm dragging. I had one I used in my 3rd pregnancy but can't remember what it was now....
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    @Boobopgirl 🤣🤣 boob scaffolding 😂 so funny. On that note, what bras do you wear? I hate bra shopping, it always ends in crying because I get so frustrated not being able to find something that fits properly. 
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    @miss_lynn9 I usually settle for something less than ideal because I get frustrated too.  I'm like a 34 band and something like a DD when not pregnant and those virtually do not exist.  For pregnancy and breastfeeding, I've completely given up.  I just wear a nursing cami and deal with the bouncing and leaking. 🤷
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    Bras for me when I was nursing were nearly impossible. I was a 30 band but a DDD/DDDD lol (in late pregnancy at least I'm a 32). My options were either spill completely out the top or fall completely out the bottom. My boobs finally shrunk back down to a 30C/D which is at least kiiiiiind of manageable to find bras for and now they're back up to a 30DD again. Alas. Everyone was like "but I see skinny girls with big boobs in bras and swimwear all the time!" I'm like yeah, THOSE ARE FAKE BOOBS lol they stay up on their own! They don't hang down to their elbows! 
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    @Boobopgirl I was a 32 DD pre-pregnancy and the shape makes it very difficult to find a bra that fits comfortably. I just mentioned this is the Weekly thread but I ended up buying 2 from kindred bravely. One was for sleeping only because it had nearly no support and the other was more of an everyday bra. I found a more supportive one from motherhood maternity but it still didn't fit perfectly. 
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    I started my program with the personal trainer last night and I love it!!! The way the app is layed out it so simple. Each workout has a video so I can't watch it and see exactly how to do the movement. She had me send her videos of me doing various movements prior to making the program and she provided feedback on things I could improve attached to the videos in the workout. I had a personal trainer before that cost 4x as much and in person and I have already learned more through this new trainer. The workout did take a lot longer because I was learning how to use new equipment (I had to buy bands that attach to the door and a off brand TRX) and I video recorded myself doing each exercise so she could assess and provide feedback. I won't have to do videos later on unless we're working on something. I highly recommend her! 
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