October 2021 Moms

Weekly Random w/o 7.26

We all officially enter 3rd trimester this week! Woohoo!!!!
TTC History

Me: 26 DH: 27

TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021

Lilypie Maternity tickers


Re: Weekly Random w/o 7.26

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    kandb4kandb4 member
    I'm starting to squirrel away things to put in my hospital bag 🤯 which is making my mind flip. How are we so close?!

    Anyone picked out their baby's going home outfit?!?! With my 3 boys I just did bow tie onesies and called it good. Since this one is a girl (and our last) I'm somewhere between a cute floral jammie zip up thing or an actual cutesie outfit 😅 but it's also summer right now so fall outfits are slim pickings
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    @kandb4 it will be one of the following…probably the lil bro onesie and DH and I will wear our Mama and Dada shirts.

    TTC History

    Me: 26 DH: 27

    TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021

    Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    @kandb4 I'm just hoping to have packed something that fits. I'm reading there's only a 50/50 chance that doctors can guess a baby's weight to within 15% based on a growth scan. So I guess I'll just go with whatever we brought that fits the best. 🤷‍♀️
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    kandb4kandb4 member
    @chindimples04 soooooo cute 😍

    Haha @noprobalo yes that's the challenge too!! All my kids were vastly different weigths. Although my last kiddo was 10lbs and still fit in the nb outfit we brought 😅
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    @noprobalo we brought both NB and 0-3 month sizes to the hospital with our previous kids. Both ended up using NB, and we just saved the 0-3M till they grew into it. 
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    You all seem so much more prepared than I feel. I've purchased three things for this baby, only one of which is practical, and probably will wind up with a target drive up order on the way home from the hospital to grab some baby essentials 😅. I really ought to get at least a newborn outfit or two and some diapers at least ... but that's future Vampirina's problem I guess. 🤪

    For real though? I'm so excited for this baby, but due to life circumstances we haven't really had any opportunity to prepare or celebrate this kid. I feel awful like we're overlooking them when of course they are such an important member of our family, but also I can't really do much to prepare at this point. Were trying to move so buying stuff is counter productive and I have a 2&4 year old that take up a lot of time. Half the time I forget I'm pregnant. Like I know I am but it doesn't seem real at all! Anyway, I'm in a weird pregnancy headspace lately and I'm ready for October when hopefully the house stuff is resolved and I can really soak in this newborn moments.  
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    @kandb4 @vampirina Yeah, I figured I'd bring both sizes and just hope that I included something that both fits and is seasonally appropriate. "Outfit" is probably going to = sleeper.
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    kandb4kandb4 member
    @vampirina I forgot I'm pregnant too! The nursery was already set up from DS and my sisters gave me their daughters clothes... otherwise I'd be the same 😂 but I was in Target yesterday and started feeling "nesty" and panicky about hospital bags and outfits 😅 

    And now that you mention it, should start snagging some diapers one of these target trips 😂😂😂
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    @vampirina Do you have previous kids stuff though? I haven't bought much bc I feel like I already have so much and it would be a waste! And at the same time buying stuff is my fave thing so maybe thats making me feel blah about this pregnancy? Plus what a pain to find and organize it all, esp not having anywhere to put it (see other post about being lazy getting a nursery done). 
     I've bought a new bassinet (but the same one we had, just in better shape), a swing (my sister took back her mamaroo we used), a boppy lounger, some new clothes bc they will be opposite seasons and for sleepers I was all snaps and these new 2 way zips are life, and some diapers bc I wanted hellobello summer prints 😆

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    @demimondaine we have some big ticket items - a crib, pack n play, stroller (things a toddler also uses) - but no clothes, bottles, blankets/swaddles and other baby essentials.  Wasn't planning on a 3rd child and then we changed our minds after I sold most of it.  🤦🏻‍♀️
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    @vampirina At least that is the fun stuff to buy when you get around to it!
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    Called the midwife today because baby girl has been kicking me so hard I’m getting lightning bolt stabs in my pelvic floor/bladder and belly button. Ftm so no idea if this was normal and she said as baby gets lower it can be. Ouchie! 
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    @vampirina I could literally write exactly what you wrote. I’ve bought one thing so far which was the owlet because it was on sale for prime day. I have nothing prepped or done. We also are in the process of selling and buying so it makes zero sense to add to what needs to be packed. I’m so thankful I’m not a FTM going through this because I probably wouldn’t survive. I keep reminding myself babies don’t need much and if I only have a few things I need I’ll be fine until we are more settled 
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    @madiirosee welcome to lightning crotch! Normal and annoying as hell!

    well, my cold turned into a sinus infection. 👎🏼 So off to the clinic to get antibiotics.
    TTC History

    Me: 26 DH: 27

    TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021

    Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    RANT: Apparently since I am pregnant and only on day eight of being sick with worsening symptoms that she won’t treat me for the sinus infection that I currently have. She told me to continue using Nettie pots daily which I’ve been doing for eight days, to keep using nasal spray‘s, and to keep taking a decongestant. Again, all of which I have done for Eight days straight. I get not wanting to unnecessarily put someone on antibiotics but this is an infection that requires antibiotics. I know my body very well. I am almost never wrong when I feel like I need meds. I need meds.
    TTC History

    Me: 26 DH: 27

    TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021

    Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    @chindimples04 WTF it's not like antibiotics are dangerous?? I would be raising hell. And going to a different doctor.
    My health insurance has virtual visits for stuff like that, so maybe try that?
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    Has anyone tried changing their due date on Amazon registry to get the discount early? I want to buy now lol
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    @demimondaine right?!? Unfortunately, they don’t do virtual visits on pregnant patients. I’ll be contacting her tomorrow instead of Friday because I am so much worse today. I’m seriously so miserable. 

    @tari_sara I did that with my first! I also have added a lot of things I don’t actually need so I hit 60% of the checklist. 🤣
    TTC History

    Me: 26 DH: 27

    TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021

    Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    Great, I just tried it too and it worked! I got to the 2k limit so I maximized the discount  :D
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    galentinegalentine member
    edited July 2021
    Everyone with an Amazon baby registry- heads up that you can use the completion discount on two occasions! They just have to both be used prior to a certain deadline. I *think* the deadline is 2 months past your listed due date, but don't quote me on that, because I also fudged my due date in order to use the completion discount sooner 😂

    Also heads up @chindimples04, you don't actually have to add a ton of stuff to get to the 60% threshold (unless you want to). You can go in and manually mark the sections as completed instead. I did that since we don't need much and are only using the registry for the discount. I only have 3 things listed on the registry, but I'm still eligible for the completion discount because I manually checked all the other boxes 👍
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    chindimples04chindimples04 member
    edited July 2021
    This was on of my baby updates on an app that I was and it made me oddly uncomfortable….

    @galentine actually, you’re right. The 60% is for the welcome box, so I faked it for that. Now I’m going in and deleting the extra crap. 

    TTC History

    Me: 26 DH: 27

    TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021

    Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    @chindimples04 Daddy's little wingman 😂

    No, you're right, that's super creepy.
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    @chindimples04, that makes me feel icky too. I also can't help but wonder if this content was written by a male 🤔
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    galentinegalentine member
    edited July 2021
    The "it's also enjoyable for me" is a step too far IMO 😬
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    @chindimples04 that baby looks equally as concerned as I am lol. 

    Any previous mamas- how many braxtons a day would you say is normal? 
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    I'm becoming increasingly intimidated by breastfeeding. I think I can get into a groove with everything else baby-wise (with some flexibility and a sense of humor), but I am quite overwhelmed by all of the tools and techniques apparently required by breastfeeding, as well as the potential pitfalls and troubleshooting instructions. I already don't see this lasting very long.
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    @noprobalo I totally feel the same. I plan to just go in trying my absolute best, but refuse to beat myself up if it just isn’t working. 
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    @madiirosee and @noprobalo breastfeeding was one of the biggest mind-truck of a things I've ever done.  I fully plan and hope to do it again with this baby, but it was not easy and was so unexpectedly emotional for me - both times and in different ways! I was surprised at how much of an emotional experience it was especially because I was never in the mindset of "I have to or even really want to" do this. Just something I wanted to share because I wasn't expecting it and nobody warned me. 
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    @vampirina I can see it. Just reading through forum posts about what to expect and all the problems you might encounter makes me weirdly sad and scared. Even though I don't feel like I care how long I do it. It's an odd feeling for sure.

    @cait32 Thanks, I'm good. I already know I don't have the mental bandwidth to constantly try to work through supply issues and bad latches and tongue ties and clogged ducts. So my plan is to go with it only as long as the juice is worth the squeeze, pardon the pun. There are just a lot of rules to learn up front.
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    I second the recommendation to take a breastfeeding course if you are at all interested in attempting nursing! I learned so much in our breastfeeding class and referenced my notes many times. Also ask to see the lactation consultant on staff at your hospital after delivery, if there is one. (Disclaimer: some (not all) LCs can be a bit..... intense. Like "breast is best" intense. So feel free to take their help while also knowing you will ultimately feed your baby however it works best for your family.)

    Breastfeeding is not as intuitive as you might think, and familiarizing yourself with your available resources now will be invaluable during the exhausting newborn days. I will also say, my last BMB group (turned FB group) was another great resource during my breastfeeding challenges. There was almost always someone going through the same thing as me, or a STM+ who had been through it before, and their advice was invaluable. 
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    kandb4kandb4 member
    Breastfeeding in general is terrifying 😂 but usually, once you get passed the first few days it becomes second nature and you figure out exactly what works for you and baby. But a stressed out mom is good for no one, so good you know your limits!

    I loved the idea of bfing for all the health benefits. my mom and sister both bf too so that was encouraging. I took the lactation classes/my hospital had a Lactation consultant, so I felt very confident. BUT that first feeding was a doozy. He wouldn't latch, I didn't feel like any milk (colostrum) was coming, no one prepared me for the intense uterine contractions that came with nursing or the bleeding/sore nipples 😅 it took a night shift nurse (sweetest lady ever) who happened to walk in as I was attempting to nurse and literally held my boob and rubbed downwards on it while instructing me on how to hold my child for it to click. The first few days were a learning curve but once my milk came in, I got more confident. 

    The thing that kept me going was watching my friends jump around between different kinds of formulas and bottles, it blew my mind how they knew what worked and what didn't. I was in awe of them but knew I had zero patience for making bottles/choosing formulas (lazy mama 🙋‍♀️). I was happy to be able to just pop a boob in whenever they got extra fussy out and about
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    @madiirosee I’m at about 1 Braxton Hicks every hour or so. But I’ve been having them every day for 11 weeks, so I wouldn’t consider me normal.

    I’m so glad I’m not the only one that found that “fact” super creepy. Of course, it was the day after DH and I DTD and made me feel all icky. 🤢
    TTC History

    Me: 26 DH: 27

    TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021

    Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    I wasn't sold on breastfeeding, other than the financial aspect of it, but I did read Ina May's book which made it seem kinda simple. But then all the moms' groups shame formula so I found it hard to admit I was ready to quit. Anyway I only did it for 3 months and would never do it again personally. 
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    @noprobaloyeah, I think for me the intimidating thing was learning how often the baby needs to be fed, whether breast milk or formula. They basically need to eat a million times a day around the clock at first, and if you've got a slow eater (🙋) it can really take up all your time. I'm realizing this comment may not actually add much to the conversation, but I guess I just wanted to get in on the fun and comment. 😬
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    @pizzaplz My son was a slow eater too. I spent sooooo many hours on the couch watch housewives. So now it's occurring to me that maybe I won't be locked to the couch during the newborn phase 🤔 🙃 😐  Wut!!
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    For me I hope to pump from the beginning. I want my husband to have that chance o bond with the baby as early as possible. One thing I've been noticing is it doesn't seem my breast have gotten bigger at all. Maybe they have a little but it's not enough for me to notice it. I've been wearing the same size bra since before pregnancy and my breast seem to look the same. Since I am in 3rd trimester, can your breast get bigger closer to your due date?
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    kandb4kandb4 member
    @jtayl962 yes!! The milk usually comes in two or three days after delivery. My sisters stayed a small b and she had an oversupply of milk for 12mo 😅
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    @demimondaine right?! I definitely did some serious damage to my Netflix queue. It was tiring, but also I was kind of glad that she would nurse herself to sleep, because if she wasn't eating, she was generally just screaming. 😬
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    After interacting on this forum for months with you ladies it seems like most of us are from either the upper midwest or northeast. But I could be totally wrong.
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