September 2021 Moms

STM+ Check-In 4/23

How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 

How are your other kids doing this week? 



GTKY: What is your hands down favorite type of food? 

Re: STM+ Check-In 4/23

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    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? DD is 2 

    How are your other kids doing this week? She’s ok! We had to get pediatric clearance for her upcoming surgery on Wednesday as well as a Covid test and she’s been through a lot medically so it’s always a tough time at any doctors office. She’s pretty traumatized. At least she bounces back quickly. 

    Rants/Raves: my rant is related to Indie’s surgery. It’s been postponed for over a year now due to Covid. Back in august she had an endoscopy done at the same
    hospital and the Covid restrictions only allowed 1 parent to be present. Long story short, it was very hard on me without DH. Emotionally and physically. She woke up from anesthesia to three masked nurses trying to coddle her and shoving iPads in her face. She FLIPPED out. By the time I got back to recovery she was belligerent. She required emergency sedation and my husband ultimately had to be called up to help hold her down and calm her. In an effort to try and avoid that this time, I’ve been reaching out all week to different people at the hospital trying to pull strings to have an exception made. With me being pregnant now it’s going to be even harder (and no, I won’t send my child into a major reconstructive surgery without being present, so sending DH alone is not an option for me.) basically...... for two vaccinated parents and the well-being of a 2 year old who understands too much and too little at the same time..... these arbitrary Covid restrictions are a bunch of bull to me. Especially since we both will be allowed into her ICU room after the surgery. I’m so over this and so anxious about Monday. It’s not going to be great.

    Concerns/Questions: NATM 

    GTKY: What is your hands down favorite type of food? any and all things Asian!!!! Chinese Thai Japanese Indian fusion give it to me!!!! 
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    @runningonindie keep advocating for your family, covid precautions shouldn’t compromise care especially when you are both vaccinated. 
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    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? DS1 -5 and DS2 10months 

    How are your other kids doing this week? DS2 has been sleeping really good this week with no wake ups so that's always a bonus! DS1 is just his normal goofy self - he has his first baseball game tomorrow which he's really excited about (especially since last week his game got snowed out) We have a really busy day tomorrow with the baseball game in the morning and my dad's retirement party in the afternoon, so I know that kids are going to be crazy (especially DS2) with little to no nap time. 
    Rants/Raves: This has just been a really stressful week trying to deal with the painters at our house, staying at my parents, and at work this is prom week, so everyday has been crazy ness and staying late for various activities and I'm just so done. I cried the whole drive to work this morning because I just did not want to go and I just feel mentally, emotionally, and physically spent. But I'm here and one of my students say me this morning and told me my "eyes were poppin'" today so there's that. 

    Concerns/Questions: How long are your partners planning to take off work post delivery? DH took off 3 weeks for DS1 and it was amazing...but he only took off 1.5 weeks for DS2 (we were living with my parents at the time, so I had plenty help). Now, I think he is only planning to take 1 week total...I'm having a RCS on a Tuesday so we should be home from the hospital on Thursday - maybe Friday. and then DH is planning to go back to work on Monday. At first I was just kinda like sure w/e, but now I'm starting to really worry that I will not be able to handle having a 15 month old and newborn so soon by myself. He CAN take more time, but it will all be unpaid since he is already maxed out on his PTO. I know some of you have kids close in age - how were those first few weeks home? 

    GTKY: What is your hands down favorite type of food? I feel so ordinary saying this but probably pizza. I could eat pizza everyday. I am probably the least picky eater ever though and I just really love all food. 
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    @runningonindie that all sounds so hard! I hope you are able to get something figured out with the hospital...I couldn't imagine being in your position. 
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    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 3 little girlies- 7, 5, almost 3

    How are your other kids doing this week? They are giving me a hard time this week for sure! They are bickering nonstop! Two of my girls tend to gang up on the third and it’s super irritating and makes me sad for my “odd girl out”. My oldest has been having trouble with another classmate and I’ve gotten two emails from her teacher this week. One of my girls got really angry, slammed a door and that knocked a really nice picture frame off a shelf. It shattered everywhere. It’s been a tough week.

    Rants/Raves: I booked a vacation for myself and DH yesterday. Our anniversary is in June so we’re doing an anniversary/babymoon trip to Sedona.

    Concerns/Questions: natm

    GTKY: What is your hands down favorite type of food? Oh my. So hard to choose! It’s between Mexican and Italian... 

    @runningonindie I’m sorry your stressed about the surgery. Are they insisting only one parent allowed again this time? After what happened after the last surgery, hopefully they’ll be more understanding. Hugs 🤗 

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    @chewie5990 My husband had to have hernia repair surgery this year, so he's pretty limited in in PTO. He took a week off with my son and similar situation - I had a C section on Monday, came home Friday, and he was going to work Monday. 

    I'm wondering if I'll want to stay in the hospital as long this time knowing that DH likely won't be there the whole time (although not hearing him snore AND having access to nursery sounds pretty awesome!), so I wonder if we'll have more time together at home before he goes back even if it's only a week again. 

    But I'm also looking into a post partum doula because of this. I was SO OVERWHELMED when he went to work last time. 

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    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? two boys, 5 and 3

    How are your other kids doing this week? They are so much better behaved as the temperature gets nicer and we can spend more time outside more comfortably! I love it. Today we went to a national park and they had the best time running around and having me read them the signs. 

    Rants/Raves: We got an offer on our house and it’s for asking!!!!! thank goodness. We are accepting it today! 

    Concerns/Questions: Natm, unless anyone has a method for getting the 3 yr old yo wear socks with his shoes?? My oldest was pickier with clothing so I never had this problem. 

    GTKY: What is your hands down favorite type of food? I love food. Probably ice cream or potatoes in all their forms. I’m also craving steak a lot rn 😂
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    @runningonindie I bet you'll be able to get permission to have both of you there! Good luck to you and your lo!

    @chewie5990 DH doesn't know yet exactly how long he'll take off. He's self-employed, and doesn't really need to make a concrete plan ahead of time, fortunately. I'm guessing he'll take off the first week, and then go back but maybe take off an occasional day here or there if things get tough for me at home. I actually think we'll have a lot more help this time since my in-laws are trying to move close to us before the baby gets here, and my parents are only a 2ish hour drive away. Since this is #2, I don't have experience handling more than one kid, but my older kid will be in school, so I'm not that worried.

    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 1 6 yo boy

    How are your other kids doing this week? We just had his annual well-visit, and it looks like we're about to dive head first into even more doctor/appointment juggling. His vision screening didn't go very well (and he was actually pretty focused and trying, so I don't think this was an attention issue like I've thought in prior screenings), so we'll need to have him go to an eye doctor, he's getting a referral for feeding therapy, and we got some recommendations for behavioral therapies/evaluations. We started down the behavioral therapy road over a year ago, and got on some waiting lists, but it was all halted because of covid, so... here we go again. Jugging this along with his dental/ortho stuff AND my pregnancy, chiropractic, doula, and upcoming therapy appointments along with working full time and homeschooling just makes my head spin. Thank goodness we're almost to summer or I just flat out wouldn't be able to do it all. I'm still not sure we'll be able to do it all...

    Rants/Raves: We are super busy for the next month, and I'm just so tired!


    GTKY: What is your hands down favorite type of food? I don't have one, it's too hard to pick! I love lots of international cuisine, like Indian, Thai, Japanese, Cuban, Mexican, Mediterranean, ... it's just all too good! Funny enough, becoming a vegetarian has opened my world up to so many more interesting foods than when I ate meat!
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    muggsdmuggsd member
    edited April 2021
    @runningonindie good luck with the hospital! I hope they eventually come through for you. It seems to me you have a ton of good reasons behind you! 

    @whatabout2ndbreakfast I’m also really wanting a steak! And not some pregnancy-friendly well done grossness! 

    @emjeve good luck with the girls... that sounds super stressful! 

    @chewie5990 my husband took off 2 weeks with the last one, and will do the same this time. I never had a c section so I have no idea about recovery though! Maybe do a doula if you can? 

    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 2 girls, 1yo and almost 3yo

    How are your other kids doing this week? The oldest is really fighting her quiet time this week which is really getting to me. I love my alone time in the afternoon but I end up just managing her the whole time. Other than that she’s so fun. The 1 year old is a little daredevil so I’m on my toes with her!

    Rants/Raves: I am FINALLY booked for my Covid vaccine!!! Woooohoooo!!!! 


    GTKY: What is your hands down favorite type of food? I think I’m with @runningonindie that Asian food wins the race. I’m particularly a fan of Thai! 
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    @runningonindie Ugh that’s so sad! I would for sure keep advocating! Is there any way to talk to administration or use your social media pull if you have to?

    @chewie5990 I’ve just started worrying about this. For my first, DH was off just like 3 days if I remember correctly. It was terrible. DS2 he worked for a big company with paternity leave- he got 12 weeks off PAID and took them all. That was wonderful. Now he works somewhere else and doesn’t get PTO. He can take off but won’t get paid. We haven’t talked about after delivery but he hasn’t taken off for any appointments and probably won’t. My mom might be able to help a little more than before this but not sure 😬 
    To answer the other part of your question, I felt like DS2 was easier than DS1, but I actually had some help? And DS2 has been an easier baby/toddler mostly than DS1. 
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    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 1 2 year old son

    How are your other kids doing this week? This week he has not been a big fan of listening.  Time outs have lost their power, now he basically will do a naughty thing and give himself a time out. He has been refusing dinner despite it being food he enjoys.  And as it has been for what feels like forever he is still fighting naps and bedtime like a psychopath.  

    Rants/Raves: Last night I went to put my son to bed and he said "no, I don't like mommy" which resulted in me retreating to my room and sobbing.  I know he means "I want daddy to put me to bed not mommy" but it still hit me hard.

    Secondly today I was working in a super gnatty (tiny flying bugs) area inhaled a few coughed and proceeded to piss my pants.  So.....not a great week. 

    Concerns/Questions: natm

    GTKY: What is your hands down favorite type of food? I think I am going to be a bit more specific, Pho.  The absolute most comforting meal in the whole world. 
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    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? J is 4

    How are your other kids doing this week? I thought he had allergies but seems like a head cold now. Poor guy came home from my MIL’s wrecked, she must be a harsh nose wiper because he was 50% cleared up of redness/chapped by bedtime. We sat out of t-ball and did benedryl + humidifier for bed. I think a good night sleep will do wonders.

    Rants/Raves: My MIL keeps sending home cheap matchy match outfits for J every week. Like full on 100% neon teal outfits and 80s stonewashed jorts. I don’t know how to make it stop. 

    Concerns/Questions: NATM

    GTKY: What is your hands down favorite type of food? Does pastries count? If so, yes, pastries. 
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    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 2 boys, 9&14

    How are your other kids doing this week?  They're doing ok. The teenager has been in a better mood this week (hallelujah) and my youngest has been busy with online school, swim and piano. Nothing really new and exciting went on this week, other than it snowed out of the blue, in the middle of a 60 degree, spring-like week. The kids were pretty sad that school wasn't cancelled lol.


    Concerns/Questions: so I've been having sporadic sharp pains, near my pubic bone. Sometimes it shoots up towards my belly button. It's always sharp and gone in a second or two. Is this what people call lightning crotch??  Or maybe some form of RLP? (Though it doesn't feel like the RLP I've had before)  If it doesn't subside I'll probably call my doc Monday just for reassurance. But it's driving me insane.

    GTKY: What is your hands down favorite type of food?  I am a total foodie, and my taste buds are different now vs pre-pregnancy, so this one's hard.  Pre-pregnancy I'd have probably said Indian food, but this pregnancy I've been really craving mexican.
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    @kissyfir1586 I believe the pain you're describing is RLP. I could be wrong, but this time around mine has been much more sharp and charlie-horse-like than I remember it feeling like ever before! Or maybe mine is Braxton Hicks and I'm just wrong, it's on my list to ask about at my appointment Friday. Does it happen when you move? Or more when you are still?
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    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they?
    DD is 14m

    How are your other kids doing this week? 
    She is being a NIGHTMARE. She was so good with our cat for a while, being nice and giving her gentle pets and hugs. Now she's back to pulling her tail and fistfuls of her belly. Nothing we do seems to be helping and the stupid cat won't just run away before she gets assaulted! Like half of my work day is spent just keeping them separated or else baby ends up in baby jail (her P&P) for long periods of time. 

    I've stressed myself out so much about our private scan on Wednesday that I'm having crazy nightmares about it! lol But mostly I'm just excited to find out if my momma's intuition about the sex is correct! 


    GTKY: What is your hands down favorite type of food? 
    Italian I think!

    @runningonindie - I'm glad they're able to do something a little different to try for a less traumatizing experience! You're such a strong momma! I cry every time my daughter gets shots (more than she does!) I can't imagine watching her go through procedures like this! 

    @chewie5990 - our case was pretty different with MH staying home. My daughter was born late last February before all the shut downs. He had planned to take 6w off (partially paid). He ended up going back a little early so that he could be qualified for a stipend/pay boost, I can't remember which one. But they got furloughed pretty quickly once he returned so he actually got to go on unemployment and be home for probably 6 months! We sometimes joke that covid was the best thing that happened for us! (It's not, but that time having him home was great!) 

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    ageaagea member
    @runningonindie thinking of you today and hoping it goes perfectly 
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    @Aerialmrs I think you are right, it was RLP, just manifested in a weird way. It stopped Sunday, thankfully. Definitely will still bring it up with my doc next time I see him. RLP is strange.

    @runningonindie so glad she's doing ok!
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    @runningonindie glad to hear! 
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    @runningonindie thinking of you guys
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    @runningonindie glad to hear!! ❤️
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