September 2021 Moms

Weekly Check-in, 3/29 (9/1-9/15)

Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 

Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling?:



GTKY: What was your AIM screen name or MySpace name? 
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Re: Weekly Check-in, 3/29 (9/1-9/15)

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    ageaagea member
    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 9/8, 16+5

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: avocado?

    Upcoming appointments: just had some last week so not for a few more weeks 

    How are you feeling?: crampy today. Feels like light contractions so obviously hoping it’s not. But also know I had uterine contractions from at least sometime in the 20+ week area at earlier pgs and never early labor.

    Rants/Raves: still feeling bummed I don’t feel more excited or connected to this pregnancy. My other two littles keep my hands so full (in addition to much lower energy) that it all feels uphill. Hope I don’t feel like this forever. I miss feeling excited about a gestating babe.
    im sure the relative isolation does me no favors.

    Questions: anyone else feeling crampy? 
    Also anyone else still not sure if they’re feeling movement? There’s a lot of things happening in my abdomen these days and I am never confident when it’s baby.

    GTKY: What was your AIM screen name or MySpace name? I had so many! I think there was one like jumpgrl because I had a trampoline lol.
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days:  17 weeks even

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: video game controller

    Upcoming appointments: not until April

    How are you feeling?: TIRED, but I finally felt up to a full work out yesterday and it helped my mental state so much!

    Rants/Raves: Today is my last day of my staycation, and I do not want to go back to work! My face finally healed!

    Questions: C-section moms, how did you handle a house with lots of stairs? We moved and my last two I had living on one floor. Now I not only have three floors, but a sunken family room and bathroom.

    GTKY: What was your AIM screen name or MySpace name? Oh had lots of unnecessary characters, but I can't remember it at all! I was into the look of lots of *:'~ type stuff!
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 16 weeks today!

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: an avocado 🥑

    Upcoming appointments: 18 week appointment on 4/13, anatomy scan on 4/22

    How are you feeling?: more nauseous these last few days, especially around meal times. WTH? I thought this was supposed to be going away. 

    Rants/Raves: I am so excited that it's onlh a 4 day work week!!

    Questions: Nope.

    GTKY: What was your AIM screen name or MySpace name? I was really into Arthurian legend/"The Mists of Avalon" at one point, so it was Morgaine and the year I graduated college. 
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    @agea I've been feeling crampy, too! I think it's connected to higher activity level, since it seems to last about 12-24 hours after I work out pretty hard. The tough part is that for work, it's hard NOT to do this about 4 days per week... I've just been using the doppler to find the heartbeat when I start to work myself up over it, and I've been able to find it every time so far. I'll ask my midwife when I go next week, but I don't really have any answers. I don't remember experiencing this with my first at all, but I was way less active with him.
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    ageaagea member
    @Aerialmrs I can’t remember if I felt it with my other two! It’s entirely possible. During first trimesters I kept a symptoms journal so that’s been helpful in subsequent pregnancies to recall things I’d completely forgotten. But I don’t have anything for the last two trimesters to reference so it’s just my shitty memory that’s been recolored by other more recent events and symptoms.
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    @agea, I'm still in the "is that baby or is it gas?" camp. I even had my OB verify that I have a posterior placenta because I was assuming it was anterior again based on what I've felt (or not felt) so far. 

    @cassafrass123 we don't have stairs so I'm not positive they wouldn't have been a problem, but really the only time I felt pain was getting in/out of bed. I'm short and our bed is pretty tall, so I think it was the extreme climb that was painful. I ended up needing a stool. 

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 16w, 5 days

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: an action figure or can of soda

    Upcoming appointments: 20 week ultrasound on Apr. 23

    How are you feeling?: Mostly ok. Tired about every other day but also have insomnia, so that's tons of fun. And I CANNOT get comfortable in bed. I don't think I'm usually a back sleeper, but I think the pregnancy sinuses are blocking a nostril if I lay on my side, so I roll to my back to try to clear them and breathe better. 

    and I REALLY felt my ovarian cyst when I tried to roll over last night. It was like RLP on steroids... I hated the end of my last pregnancy when I had to basically sit up to turn over, and it appears I might be at that stage again already if this cyst hangs around. 



    GTKY: What was your AIM screen name or MySpace name? I don't remember my MySpace, but my AIM was my name with no vowels. But were any of you cool enough (or old enough) to have been on ICQ before AIM? 
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 16w2d, 9/11

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: an avocado

    Upcoming appointments: end of April midwife & anatomy scan 

    How are you feeling?: it’s slowly getting better but I still have off days. Can’t wait until the weather warms up! 

    Rants/Raves: my toddler is super constipated right now and I’m so done with poopy underwear. I wish I could force her to poop just once and it would be over with! (She gets this way sometimes. She’s stubborn and refuses to poop and then it becomes a big deal and once it’s out, she’s back to normal). rave: my second born just turned 1 last week and we had such a nice day! I’m glad she had fun despite not being able to see her cousins/aunts/uncles. 


    GTKY: What was your AIM screen name or MySpace name?  I never had either! For whatever reason my friends weren’t into it. We were on MSN for a while, but my name was always just my name. Maybe with some emoticons or something. 
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    @agea I'm also feeling unconnected to this pregnancy. I'm happy about it but more nervous. Maybe I'll have more of a connection when I can feel it move. My toddler is a busy body and keeps me on my feet constantly. My DH is also a high energy person and between the two of them I just cant keep up these days!

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 9/4

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: an avocado

    Upcoming appointments: Appt tomorrow

    How are you feeling?: blah. work is making me super grouchy. The office is opening at 75% compacity so now I need to go in more even though I can do everything from home. I would seriously take a pay cut not to commute. 

    Rants/Raves: Ohhh I do get to enjoy my late birthday gift from DH tomorrow. I get a mommy half spa day. I'm so excited. 


    GTKY: What was your AIM screen name or MySpace name?  Wildfireinsnow it was my horses registered name lol my mom wouldn't let us use anything close to our actual name
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    ageaagea member
    @bluebell08 I’m hopeful real movement will be a game changer too. I do feel like I’m still several weeks away from significant regular movement. I’m looking forward to later when you can feel and see the big movements rolling across your belly.
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    @bluebell08 I'm with you on the work resentment! We've been operating at 40% capacity, so I've been coming in for two days a week since July...even though I can get 99% of my work done from home and my time in the office is spent in zoom meetings too. 

    I've heard we'll likely be losing the work from home policy at the end of April. I was really hoping to continue this pattern through the summer because that would have carried right up almost until maternity leave. 
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    @agea I keep feeling things that could be movement or could be something else. It's my first, so I don't really know what I'm looking for anyway.

    @bluebell08 I have loved working from home. I could have been almost 100% from home except that my boss is not adaptable and doesn't like learning new things, so I still need to go in to the office to deal with paper. Since we're well into the third wave now and I'm pregnant, he has been letting me work from home 4 days a week, but who knows how long that'll last. Hopefully until our province kicks the vaccinations into high gear.

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: September 8, 16w5d

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: an avocado

    Upcoming appointments: Nothing until April

    How are you feeling?: Not bad. Still taking it easy from SCH for another week or so. Definitely been feeling that round ligament pain lately.



    GTKY: What was your AIM screen name or MySpace name? I honestly don't remember. I used MSN mostly and changed my screen name all the time. Usually in writing LiKe ThIs and with lots of ~*~
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    @cassafrass123 I could handle going up and down one flight of stairs once a day in the early post-partum times, so I kept a changing table/diapers/diaper bin in the living room where I basically stayed all day. Our bedroom is on the main level, so at least there was that. 

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 16 weeks and 4 days, due 9/9

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a pickle!

    Upcoming appointments: Next Monday for a cervical length check. It would have been this Friday but they’re closed for Good Friday. 

    How are you feeling?: nervous about my promotion that starts next week. I’ll be medical director at the animal hospital where I’ve worked for years. 

    Rants/Raves: thank goodness for rotisserie chicken! It’s a work-saver like no other. I usually prepare lunch salads for the week and it involves brining chicken breast for a day and then baking it and letting it cool...this week I just bought a rotisserie chicken and saved time! And as a bonus I’m making stock out of the bones in the crock pot overnight!

    Questions: none

    GTKY: What was your AIM screen name or MySpace name? My AIM was SnickerPoodles and my birth year, and my MySpace was Jen S. Preston, Esq because I was obsessed with Bill and Ted. I was such a goody two shoes and did not learn until years later that everyone probably thought I smoked pot because of that! 
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 9/8, 16 weeks, 6 days

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: action figure

    Upcoming appointments: I have a virtual midwife appointment next Tuesday

    How are you feeling?: Still feeling super gaggy 

    Rants/Raves: none

    Questions: none

    GTKY: What was your AIM screen name or MySpace name? I didn't have myspace but AIM was Kaydee21 because my name is Katie and I liked the number 21.  So original. :D
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @agea I have definitely felt some movement because they feel more like an intentional poke.  It usually happens at the end of the day when I finally sit down.  And occasionally while driving.  

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 15 + 6

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: dill pickle

    Upcoming appointments: I have to set up another blood test to recheck my thyroid, then possible an appointment with an endocrinologist, still waiting on my OB to set up my first appointment.  If I don't hear from my OB in 2 weeks I have to make another appointment with my family doctor.  Quite the runaround. 

    How are you feeling?: I:m feeling pretty good.  Working and being outside and working has definitely helped with all of the fatigue I was feeling.  

    Rants/Raves: my ride-on spreader broke on Monday and wasn't spreading fertilizer so I ended up walking the 4 acres of grass I had to treat.  I would also like to preface that I my boss didn't make me do it, I didn't even tell them it broke until I got back at the end of the day.  It was fixed that evening and is now up and running again. 

    Questions: 2nd time moms, what are you Easter plans for your little ones as opposed to what you would normally have planned before Covid. 

    GTKY: What was your AIM screen name or MySpace name? I can't remember but it was probably just my name.  I have a relatively uncommon name so it has literally never been taken when I sign up for stuff.

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    ageaagea member
    @deziraywatt well do easter dying, Easter baskets, and a little hunt. Hopefully play time outside.
    sans covid we might participate in a local hunt or other event, harder to say as we moved to the area only 6 months ago.
    we have no family around our region.
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    @deziraywatt we are planning just a little egg hunt outside at my parents house for the kids and their cousins. Usually we’d do a big dinner for everyone. We might do a bbq on Saturday since it’s supposed to be nice out. 
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    @cassafrass123 is it possible to sleep/live on the floor closest to the amenities you need for the first few weeks while someone helps out with the kiddos? Ex: sleep on a mattress in a room off the kitchen with baby in a playpen? I know one family who did that because the mom's tear was so bad from delivery. My suite hasn't been on a ground level for either c section so I just took the stairs pretty slow and stayed home the first week or so.
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    @agea I’ve been feeling crampy on and off and brought it up with my OB at my appointment last night. He was not at all concerned and said it sounds like it’s just growing pains. Which was what I figured, but I liked hearing him say it anyway. 

    @emeraldduchess I’m finding that I get a little bit of nausea if I let myself get too hungry. It’s so annoying but at least very fixable by eating haha

    @williams-jen congratulations on the promotion and good luck!!

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 9/11 (16+4)

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: an avocado (I told this to my MIL and she freaked out about how big it is as if she doesn’t have three children 😂)

    Upcoming appointments: I had an u/s last night, getting some b/w done on Friday, and then my next in-person appointment is the anatomy scan (!!!) at the end of April 

    How are you feeling?: pretty good!! I’m tired all the time and still going to sleep super early. I’ve been feeling some RLP but nothing too too crazy. 

    Rants/Raves: My week has been so crazy but only one more work day before spring break!!! I’m so excited. I have all of next week off. DH and I are going to start doing some registry stuff which should be super fun. 


    GTKY: What was your AIM screen name or MySpace name? I don’t want to share my main one because it had most of my full name in it, but one of my other go-to ones was swimchick with a bunch of numbers after it because I swam haha
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    @deziraywatt My son is three, so we've really only had two non-covid easters (and his first one he was only like a month old, so we didn't do much)

    My book club did a masked egg hunt last week at one of the leader's houses, so that was fun. We might do another one at home saturday with the neighbor kids if it's nice out. My son loves money more than chocolate so i think I'll put coins in the eggs. 

    I went a little overboard with gifts for his basket, but I think I've done that for all holidays this year because...covid. But I feel like a new bubble gun and stomp rocket are just good spring/outdoor toys, so it's either roll it into a holiday or have him get a bunch of stuff randomly and think it's "normal" to constantly get new things. 
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    @sleepydaze thanks! I’m thinking I might end up on the sofa for a while...which isn’t the worst option. DH and I usually do shifts at night during the newborn phase so that we can each get a little bit of REM sleep, but he can be the one to go up and down the stairs for that

    @deziraywatt we normally would dye eggs a day or two before, do a small egg hunt and baskets first thing at home, then go to church and stay for the egg hunt after the service. Then it would be visiting with family all day. Last year we were completely quarantined. We did the dyed eggs, did zoom church and baskets after nap time, and we painted a “stained glass” window on our sliding door. My parents set up lawn chairs on our sidewalk and visited from a distance for a while. This year we have podded with my parents so it’ll be similar but we’ll all eat together.
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 9/4, 17+5

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: pomegranate

    Upcoming appointments: I have my anatomy scan Apr 12 and hopefully find out the sex! So excited..

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good lately, can't complain. Just the headaches, i am popping so much tylenol and really no point cause it does shit all.

    Rants/Raves: We just got put into lockdown #3 and I'm so dooooone. 

    Questions: NATM

    GTKY: What was your AIM screen name or MySpace name? I think I was cheergirl333 LOL
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