October 2021 Moms

Weekly Check In - 3.8

Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 

Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling?:



GTKY: Nursery plans - themes, color schemes, Pintrest boards?

TTC History

Me: 26 DH: 27

TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Re: Weekly Check In - 3.8

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    galentinegalentine member
    edited March 2021
    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Oct 29 // 6w3d

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a rainbow sprinkle

    Upcoming appointments: No. My first appointment is still 2.5 weeks away :| 

    How are you feeling?: So sleepy. A little nauseous but no puking yet **knock on wood!**


    Rant: DD and I are STILL sick with her latest daycare cold. It's been over a week now. Come on, man!

    Rave: the weather has been so nice out! I love when we can be outside.


    GTKY: Nursery plans - themes, color schemes, Pintrest boards? I have some ideas percolating, but nothing concrete until we get NIPT results back telling us all is well, and (maybe) telling us the baby's sex. Monday confession: I'm a hypocrite, because as much as I hate gender stereotypes, the baby's sex will influence what color scheme or theme I want to use for the nursery. 

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 10/24, 7+1

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a blueberry!

    Upcoming appointments: first ultrasound next Monday 3/15

    How are you feeling?: no symptoms other than fatigue. Same as my first pregnancy. It is anxiety inducing because I don’t feel particularly different, just ready for a scan!

    Rants/Raves: My parents are getting their vaccines tomorrow! They are visiting this weekend so we can finally share our news with them. We got a Big Sister shirt for DD.


    GTKY: Nursery plans - themes, color schemes, Pintrest boards? No plans LOL. Baby will be in our room for at least 6 months, so we are planning to transition DD to a big girl bed (and a bigger room) once baby moves into her crib. The nursery is neutral - white furniture and zoo animal decor, so nothing really dependent on the sex. I don’t know what exactly we’ll do with all of baby’s clothes and things while they are in our room since DD will still be using the dresser in the nursery...

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 10/10, 9+1

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Eastern tailed-blue butterfly; all essential muscles and body parts are now present

    Upcoming appointments: not an actual appointment, but I've decided to go in for my NIPT on Friday instead of waiting until next Wednesday. 

    How are you feeling?: eh, tired. I went too long without food last night because I didn't want to ruin my dinner and ended up feeling sick and being unable to eat more than a few bites. I should know better. At least I get to have the leftovers for a super yummy lunch today.

    Rants/Raves: Now DH is freaking out about the NIPT too. He's supposed to be my rock, but instead Ms. Hormonal over here has to be the voice of reason???


    GTKY: Nursery plans - themes, color schemes, Pintrest boards? Since we are moving in with my MIL for a couple of years, Falcon won't really get a nursery. S/he'll room with us for the first 6 months or so, then either move in with DS or... not really sure of our other options. 

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 8 weeks and 6 days, due date 10/12

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: today my baby is the size of a piece of popcorn

    Upcoming appointments: Tomorrow, first thing in the morning! Second U/S and first really OB appointment.  

    How are you feeling?: Last week was rough but I started to feel a bit better yesterday and had a great day with my son.  Food obsessed.  

    Rants/Raves: I am not sleeping well at night.  I remember someone saying they were having bad dreams or weird dreams.  I am definitely having bad dreams, its disturbing, for the past two nights. The dreams are so vivid, I feel like they are mini horror movies. 

    Questions: None right now.

    GTKY: Nursery plans - themes, color schemes, Pinterest boards? No plans, my husband wants to do a video game theme like super mario or something.  While we both like video games I am not onboard. Our son has a dragon theme so I am thinking something in the same wheel house. Also thought about just redecorating my sons room with trains or something he loves.  Then the dragon stuff could be the new babies.  Is that a bad idea?

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: October 27/6 weeks 5 days

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: lady big, jelly bean

    Upcoming appointments: 8 week nurse appointment on 3/16

    How are you feeling?: Nauseous as hell. But, if I eat every 1.5-2 hours, it’s better. So basically, I eat non-stop.

    Rants/Raves: Today was my first full day back to work and I’d like to take a nap now, please. 


    GTKY: Nursery plans - themes, color schemes, Pintrest boards? Gender neutral boho. Example is more feminine but that’s the gist.

    TTC History

    Me: 26 DH: 27

    TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021

    Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 9w5d EDD October 6th 🥳

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a water bottle cap! 

    Upcoming appointments: 3/26 I have my second midwife appt and am hoping to hear the heartbeat! 

    How are you feeling?: meh. That would be a good word to describe it lol. I’m feeling so zapped of any energy and still am pretty nauseous daily. It’s improved slightly though. Now I’m experiencing a different type of lower back pain so not sure what that’s all about 🤨

    Rants/Raves: I’m starting to ease my mind a bit more I think into the idea of being pregnant. A few weeks ago I was really struggling with high levels of anxiety. Just found out my sister in law is due about a month after me so that’s cool! Hubby is still gone almost all week working so I miss him a lot 🙁

    Questions: anyone more nervous of the “after birth and baby comes home part” over actual birth?? Lol 

    GTKY: Nursery plans - themes, color schemes, Pintrest boards? Definitely feeling sage green, neutrals etc. although I am having an October baby so of course now I have tons of Halloween ideas rushing through my head 🤪

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    @madiirosee Yes-ish. I'm confident in my body's ability to grow a baby. I've successfully kept one baby alive, so I'm sure I can do it again. Labor and delivery don't scare me, but every time I think about the first post-birth poop, I want to cry.
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Oct 9th, 9 weeks 2 days

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: cherry!

    Upcoming appointments: I had one today. The baby has a healthy strong heartbeat!

    How are you feeling?: Right now at this moment I am so happy. But I’m also exhausted from the roller coaster of emotions. My nausea has become milder and milder and is almost nonexistent the last several days. I was convinced I’d lost the baby. And then the appointment got pushed back 4 days. And then this morning, we had to wait 45 minutes in the waiting room. And I was so sure we were going to find out we’d lost the baby. And about 35 minutes into the wait I just started crying in the waiting room. I was so anxious and overwhelmed. I couldn’t stop crying. And I feel so much relief now. I feel scared that the anxiety and stress will start to creep back in as I await the next appointment, but I hope the fear of loss isn’t as bad as it has been this last month. 


    Questions: they asked if we wanted to do 12 week testing called MaterniT 21 plus I think? For a variety of things including Down syndrome. We didn’t do any testing with either of our 2 kids. They said it’s not invasive and there are no risks, it’s just a blood draw. I’m not sure if we should do it though. I guess the first step is calling insurance to figure out the cost and then if it’s something affordable deciding if we want to do it. Is anyone else doing this?

    GTKY: Nursery plans - themes, color schemes, Pintrest boards? no idea! We’ll definitely wait until we know the sex. Right now the nursery has some pink walls from my daughter so if it’s a girl we’ll definitely leave the pink because I don’t need any more work 🤣🤣 but then we’d do different decor and a new theme so it wasn’t the same as my daughters nursery. 

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    @aztecash ahhhh yes. I’ve definitely heard that from a few mamas!! 
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    @aztecash I second the post partum poop. That was TERRIFYING! @madiirosee as a STM, I’m confident in my ability to parent but my recovery the first time was rough, even after only three stitches, so I’m nervous about doing that with a toddler at home, too
    TTC History

    Me: 26 DH: 27

    TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021

    Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Oct. 12 / 9 + 0
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: A sushi roll

    Upcoming appointments: 12 week follow up on 3/29; supposed to get a call to schedule NIPT for the same timeframe, but thinking I'll have to call them soon

    How are you feeling?: Starting to feel more normal, though I've still got a variety of bowel issues. Hopefully that's positive and not a sign of something wrong.

    Rants/Raves: I learned that I apparently need to start looking for daycares now. I don't anticipate needing one until next January, but evidently places are having trouble finding staff. One of the reasons my husband and I waited so long for kids is because we couldn't imagine how the logistics would work. So here we go on that front I guess. 😕

    Questions: When is it considered typical for first trimester symptoms to start subsiding?

    GTKY: Nursery plans - themes, color schemes, Pintrest boards? Lol, no. We're planning on putting baby in the guest bedroom (eventually we'll move the guest room furniture out). I suck at decorating, but my mom is a champ at that sort of thing. I'll probably let her go to town.

    @madiirosee Yes, I am definitely dreading post-birth more than labor and delivery. I had not thought about pooping, more about the sleep deprivation. But I'll add that to the list 😳
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 8w1d

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: dime

    Upcoming appointments: ultrasound and follow up appointment on Friday

    How are you feeling?: Still very nauseous and tired. 

    Rants/Raves: Work had to put salary reductions in place due to covid in the form of shortened work weeks of furloughed weeks for the first quarter. This is my last furlough week and I'm so happy to be home since I don't feel great and we saw family over the weekend. 

    Questions: none right now.

    GTKY: Nursery plans - themes, color schemes, Pintrest boards? I have some ideas but we'll find out the gender so I'll wait to really think about it until then. 

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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 7 weeks today (due date 10/26)

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: baby is the size of a blueberry 🫐 

    Upcoming appointments: Pregnancy confirmation ultrasound this Thursday, so anxious! 

    How are you feeling?: super hungry all the time and if I don’t eat, I get pretty nauseous. Also super sleepy and just want to nap all the time.

    Rants/Raves: We are super short staffed at work and will be administering covid vaccines soon and I am so stressed out!! My team is working so hard and I’m trying to stay strong for them, but there are moments I just want to close up the pharmacy and call it a day. 

    Questions: None right now.

    GTKY: Nursery plans - themes, color schemes, Pintrest boards? Plan to have the baby in our room for the first 6 months then we’ll move my current youngest in with my 6 yo. Haven’t thought much beyond that...maybe Disney theme? 

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 10/15, 9 weeks today

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: an olive

    Upcoming appointments: end of the month

    How are you feeling?: Actually pretty okay! Super tired, but not too nauseated most of the time. I just have to make sure I eat when I feel hungry, otherwise it triggers my nausea.

    Rants/Raves: why won't my toddler sleep at night anymore 😫 Getting a full night of sleep makes such a huge difference! 

    Questions: seriously considering a bedside bassinet. I feel kind of ridiculous because I didn't have one for my daughter and it seems wasteful to only use it for one child, but the benefits (safety!!!) seem to far outweigh my doubts. Did any of you use one? Recommendations?

    GTKY: Nursery plans - themes, color schemes, Pintrest boards? Haha, no! We want to move (for a lot of reasons), but until/unless we do, this baby will be sharing our room, then my daughter's room.

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    @galentine I’m definitely with you on generally not being a fan of gender stereotypes, but like, non-gender-neutral baby stuff is so much cuter than gender-neutral baby stuff! 

    @chindimples04 Your nursery inspo pictures are so pretty. I like the idea of incorporating plants. 

    @kitandcat I also spontaneously cried in the waiting room before my first ultrasound. The receptionist looked very confused, but I was thinking I can’t be the only person to cry before an ultrasound. Regarding MaterniT 21, I did that with my first pregnancy and the results came back quickly and were accurate. It was not covered by insurance as I was not considered high risk at the time and I think we ended up paying ~$350. Overall I was happy with the decision, I just really like having more data. I’m not doing it this time only because we are probably going to have to have CVS anyway, so it would be redundant. 

    @cait32 My vote would be for the hospital. I’m definitely more inclined toward anxiety and I would like knowing there is emergency support there but still getting most of the birth center experience. Then again, I have worked in hospitals for years, so I don’t have any fear or anxiety about being in a hospital and I know a lot of people do. Also, free! (Which is always nice!) 

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Oct 5th, 10+2

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: A petit four, according to Ovia

    Upcoming appointments: One week from today I have a triple appointment for high level US, MFM appointment (to review US and make a plan about CVS vs possible amnio), and regular OB apt

    How are you feeling?: Finally the nausea has calmed down!! It has been replaced by heartburn and I am still crazy tired, but I’m glad to be not feeling nauseous for the last few days. 

    Rants/Raves: Rant- work has been super busy. Averaging 60 hours/week. I’m starting to have to think about how I definitely can’t keep this up with a baby, so I will have to figure out how to modify my schedule. It is just hard when there is a lot of pressure to work even more now because of COVID, and I feel like an ass requesting to see fewer patients. Rave- I’m loving the home Doppler. I have been able to find a heartbeat since 9+3, and it is helping a lot with anxiety, especially with the nausea going away. Now I can just be happy to be feeling better. 

    Questions: anyone else using the home Doppler? 

    GTKY: Nursery plans - themes, color schemes, Pintrest boards? I had made/purchased a bunch of things for a mountains/forest nursery last year, and I would consider that gender neutral so I’m going to stick with it. Maybe some small modifications if this is a boy. 

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    @fitzfizz That's interesting about the Doppler. I'm torn between the idea that it will give me peace of mind and the competing idea that I will scare the crap out of myself over and over again if I can't find the heartbeat. Is there a date when it becomes impossible to screw up?
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    @fitzfizz I have a Sonoline B from my previous pregnancy. My pregnancy with my DD was high-risk because of an isolated SUA so I got it to keep me reassured. I found her HB around 10w. I need to find it in storage and get it out to try. The one I have is good and you can even get it on Groupon. 
    @noprobalo it seems to be the consensus that the HB may not be found by Doppler until out of the 1st trimester. It really helped with my anxiety last time.
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