September 2021 Moms

Weekly Randoms 2/22


Re: Weekly Randoms 2/22

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    @Aerialmrs I feel this! Although for me I had the hardest time at the very beginning. The minute I felt like I couldn’t even go to the store or to the doctor I FREAKED out and had a 2 month long episode of crippling anxiety and zoom-therapy. In may I finally started feeling better and the “new normal” was horrifying but still better than how I had been feeling. I kind of refuse to let it rule my life now, a year later, although I’ve been feeling it hard this week knowing that Indie turns two next Monday and we cant have a “real” birthday party. It comes in waves I guess. I am so hopeful that by the time these September babies are born things will look different. 
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    edited February 2021
    My random for today: will it ever stop snowing in NJ??? Last year for Indie’s birthday it was 60 and sunny and we had a huge bash at an alpaca farm. This year? I can barely get to Nordstrom to buy (bigger) underwear because every day we seem to get 6 more inches dropped on us IMMEDIATELY At the onset of her nap...... can’t catch a break! Speaking of bigger underwear - I’m 10 weeks today and my leggings are officially starting to roll down on their own. 
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    @runningonindie yesss, I feel this. It’s snowing again in PA today and is winter going to last forever? My SIL wedding shower is outside early April and I’m thinking we’ll still have snow at this rate 😬

    @Aerialmrs Your perspective is interesting! i am really hoping things will be at least a little better by September. This past year was tough, at the beginning of the pandemic I was working full time and ended up changing jobs because my childcare arrangements got so screwed up. If I have any nostalgia it’s for summertime when I thought things were getting a lot better. 

    I called my old OB this morning and was on hold 25 minutes and then it took them 20 more minutes to schedule an appointment. But I’ll have an ultrasound first week in March and then can decide for sure which OB I want to use this time around! 
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    I'm already feeling bleh about this week. I was super close to calling in this morning, but I know I need to suck it up and save my time for appointments or days when I'm really not feeling well. I think knowing that I'm not returning to work after May is making it harder to focus - I feel like I'm already checked out 
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    I am really holding on to hope that when these babies arrive in September, things will be 'somewhat' back to the old normal. I can't imagine being on mat leave with this still going thank you!
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    For me the start of the pandemic was the worst. We were living in NYC, the center of the first peak and it was terrifying. I was obsessively watching Cuomo’s daily press conferences, wiping down our groceries, trying to juggle kids at home full time and do my full time job. I had to fire people and wasn’t sure if our company would survive. There’s still uncertainty in our future but  i don’t live in the same constant overwhelming fear. The isolation has been pretty constant as we haven’t seen friends or family in a year and have moved to the burbs since.
    were mostly making things work but the anniversary of it all is sobering.
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    @Aerialmrs @agea I appreciate hearing the different perspectives! For me my biggest frustration was I really wanted to return to my job as an elementary sub but I know it isn't safe. I work in an overpopulated school district with over 100 different elementary schools I could be randomly sent to - and no one except me would have to wear a mask in my classes (in other words, could be exposed to up to 600 different kids in one month working fulltime). By November 50% of the schools I normally work at had exposures. Currently my district is exploding with the new variant, my area is known for having one of the highest rate of covid in the country, and sadly my province actually has the lowest vaccination rate in my entire country. Despite all this, my government refuses to mask mandate for elementary or high school kids (also, few districts even offer online school). So, looks like I'll be at home for a while longer.
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    Ugh just got the first daycare bill to hold a spot for these babies.  Luckily my current daycare can take both babies and she is only charging one spot and not 2.

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    @whatabout2ndbreakfast awww congrats!!!! Hi Suzie! I love dogs 🥰 We have two! 
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    @sleepydaze I cannot understand the lack of mask mandate. It makes absolutely no sense. It’s actually infuriating.
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    I have been awake since 1:30. I’m pretty sure I have only gotten short 1 hour intervals between all my kids waking me up. My poor baby is sick with a nasty cold. He has a fever and snot just pouring out of him. Plus he is cutting another set of molars. Then my 5yo wet the bed. I decided since DH is out of town we should do slumber parties but one at a time so I get one on one time with each kid. My oldest daughter came into my room to wake me up and ask if we were done yet. 🤦🏻‍♀️ She didn’t do that just once but TWICE. The baby was up and down between all of that. I’m going to be drinking the max caffeine allowance today just to survive. 
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    @emeraldcity1214 oh no! I had a terrible night sleep last night as well. Hope you're able to get some much needed rest tonight! Will your husband be home soon or is he gone for a while?
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    @emeraldcity1214 that's an awful night.  Hope you are able to get some sleep tonight!

    I should be cleaning my house right now.  I invited a few kids over for a birthday playdate for DD on Saturday morning and I need to just decanter and put stuff away but I just have no energy. 

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    @sleepydaze He is gone for 5 days. He gets in Monday morning. My youngest is already looking like he feels much better today so I’m hoping his sleep improves. He is still pouring snot but the fever is gone. 
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    @emeraldcity1214 with you on the nasty cold front. DD has had snot pouring and horrible congestion for 48 hours now. Fever too. I think the fever has finally broken but unfortunately she’s developing MAJOR medical related trauma and won’t let us come near her with a thermometer, tylenol, etc. I’m lucky she lets me wipe her nose. What’s worse is that after 48 hours of prodding at her, now she is even rejecting her twice daily reflux medication that she has been on literally since birth. She would take the syringe from us and drink it herself. Now today she is refusing it. We went one month without it in December and she almost immediately started having feeding problems so I NEED her to trust this medication again. It has been an AWFUL day and to see your kid scared of you is the absolute worst feeling. Ugh. 
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    @runningonindie That sounds awful. My youngest daughter had trauma after getting an antibiotic shot (I can’t remember what they call it) to clear up a stubborn ear infection. Apparently the needles are big and the liquid is thick so it hurts really bad. She wouldn’t let a nurse or doctor come near her for a year after that. 
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    @runningonindie that really sucks. DD has such white coat syndrome any doctor visit is an ordeal.  She was a very healthy child so any interaction with a doctor was her getting shots.  Even me giving her meds I would have basically force her to take them when it was necessary so I feel your pain.  She just turned 5 and is finally better about it now that I can reason with her.  Hoping your daughter starts to trust again and will at least take her meds when needed.

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    @runningoonindie that's so tough - I'm sorry! Are you allowed to mix it with anything? I know when my son would refuse his medicine we sometimes would mix it with greek yogurt or pudding - but I know some medications you're not supposed to mix with anything
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    @grizzlymama86 I’m so sorry. It’s hard to be everything for everybody. I hope you get some decompression time to yourself.
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    @grizzlymama86 I'm so sorry your family is dealing with so many health scares - definitely sounds stressful. Hopefully the weekend will allow time for a mental break
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    @grizzlymama86 I’m so sorry that your parents have had so many health issues this week. That’s so stressful! 
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    @gutsysneakers Wow, that is a lot! I’m glad you have been advocating for yourself. I have had early mammograms because my mom was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at 35. So I have had lots of genetic testing and biopsies from different lumps. They have all been benign and one was found to be a lactating adenoma. It was found after I started nursing my second baby. I highly recommend the genetic testing if they offer it to you. I have been checked for all the markers and they all came back negative. So my actual chances of getting breast cancer are much lower than the average person when you take in consideration the number of years I have been breastfeeding. 
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    @gutsysneakers what an incredibly scary ordeal. I’m glad it appears to be an infection even though that still sucks! 
    Hope you don’t need the biopsy!
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    @emeraldcity1214 - my maternal aunt had the BRCA test done and it was negative. What other tests should I consider? 
    @agea - thanks. I’m choosing to be hopeful! 

     M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
    DD Born @ 40+4

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    @gutsysneakers They have identified several other genes associated with breast cancer. Some they recently added to the screening in the last few years. I can’t remember them all off the top of my head but I got tested in January of 2019 and they had more than the BRCA genes on the list. My mom got tested for those years ago when I was getting several different tests and close monitoring. They wouldn’t test me back then. Then my mom had some other things come up and I wanted to get further testing based on that. 
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    @gutsysneakers and @grizzlymama86 thinking of you both - such scary ordeals!!! I’m so sorry. I hope this weekend you can both relax and decompress. 

    @chewie5990 we tried chewable Tylenol crushed in ice cream and she wouldn’t take it!!! We tried chewable antibiotic crushed in yogurt and she wouldn’t take it!!! It’s a nightmare. Her Prevacid (which is what I’m most concerned about) I think only comes in liquid form but at this point I’ll have to wait and call her GI doctor on Monday to see if there are any other alternatives.
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    @gutsysneakers Wow what a stressful couple of days! I'm so glad it's not anything scary and hope the antibiotic works quickly so you can have even more peace of mind!
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    You guys, good God, this week has been tough on a lot of you, and I’m so sorry to hear it!!! 

    @runningonindie I don’t have any advice, I’m just really sorry you’re going through it with the medicine!

    @gutsysneakers such a relief that it’s not cancer! My emotions would be exhausted from processing that!

    @grizzlymama86 that’s a lot emotionally and logistically on your plate! Happy to hear your dad is no longer in the ICU! How’s your mom doing after the 2nd correction surgery?

    This year has been the most difficult of my life and has transformed and hardened me in ways I do not want. Even physically- I have a pressure injury on the bridge of my nose that never gets a chance to fully heal. We pulled my kids from school. We didn’t see my parents for 4 months when PPE was unfitted and wholly inadequate. Now my kids scream and melt down every time my parents leave- and it’s not like I can say they’re acting ridiculous. Back in June I was at rock bottom. I read a story about a doctor committing suicide after treating covid patients and I thought “yeah, that makes sense.” I was numb to my own and everybody else’s emotions. I had chest pain (anxiety) every night, and I could not sleep. There was barely a tether. Thankfully I have my amazing DH who encouraged me to try online therapy and/or quit. I was able to find some of myself and feel again through therapy and working out, but I was unable to leave my coworkers deeper in short staffed covid hell. So, I’m much better but still wounded. I am not optimistic that this will end by September. Everyone’s celebrating how much better it is now, but it’s still magnitudes worse than in the summer...and celebrating that is how it got this bad. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who can read statistics when I talk to the world about it. It’s a year later and I’m still stripping at the door and doing my whole exhausting decontamination routine before coming inside. The only glimmer of hope I have is in vaccination.
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    @cassafrass123 - oh man. I don’t totally get it, but I get it. My mom was an ER nurse and just retired in November 2020. We didn’t see her from Christmas 2019 until Thanksgiving 2020 because of COVID. It’s a thief of time and joy. I, too, feel like I have this false sense of security. I’m vaccinated but my husband isn’t. I still need to take every precaution and it’s hard to have your guard up 💯 of the time. It’s mentally and emotionally debilitating. 

     M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
    DD Born @ 40+4

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    @cassafrass123 that is so incredibly overwhelming. And I’m sorry you carry so much of the weight of society’s choices. We’ve definitely relaxed as we’ve learned more (IE we no longer wash our groceries and our kids go to school with strict Covid protocols) but we haven’t seen either of our families in over a year, haven’t eaten in a restaurant or been to our office since March, haven’t been social in all that time either.
    Its easy to forget how much our healthcare workers are still doing and no one is banging pots & pans to celebrate them at 7 every night like we were last spring. 
    Thanks for sharing what it’s still like because I don’t feel like we hear it enough anymore. People are fatigued, misinformed, selfish, sometimes all of the above and it’s so unfair it takes a much higher toll on your life and mental health than others.
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